Visual AI makes automated Accessibility Testing a breeze

Quickly make sure your website or application works for each and every user.

Automate Accessibility Testing

Applitools Eyes enables teams to automate the visual scanning of web and mobile interfaces for accessibility bugs like contrasting colors and text.

Run Tests On Every Release

Build these accessibility tests right into your CI/CD process with Applitools wide range of development workflow integrations.

Build Better User Experiences

Quickly design, test, and build amazing User Experiences with accessibility testing automated early in the design process.

Bank of America
TD Bank

Accessibility testing has never been easier

Replicate The Human Eye

See your app exactly as your customers do to compare your baseline images with incredible speed and accuracy.

Automatic Locator Tracking

DOM locators are difficult to find and flaky over time. Automate functional testing with visual navigation for more reliable testing.

Root Cause Analysis

When a test fails, see exactly what was changed in the DOM at the code level, to make fixes fast and simple.

Localization Testing

Quickly test different location and geo-specific language translations without writing tons of repeat assertions

Spot Real Differences

Easily mark areas in your application UI that you want to ignore from testing to reduce false positives

Integrate Into Your CI/CD

Applitools integrates with your entire development workflow from your functional test framework itself to Git to CI/CD.

Thanks to Applitools Visual AI & Ultrafast Grid, we are able to quickly catch browser specific defects that our functional tests cannot. Applitools has proven to be essential in validating that our application is production ready and that our customers’ experience is unrivaled.
Joe Emison Branch Insurance
Co-founder & CTO
We use Applitools with great success. Integrates really nicely with a lot of frameworks, in our case Protractor.
Antonio Jovanovic Capital One
Software Engineering Manager
At Pushpay, our success stems from a technology-forward culture which drives our behaviour, how we solve problems, and what tools we use to solve them. Since partnering with Applitools over 5 years ago, we have been able to improve quality, gain productivity and thus save time and money. We could not be more pleased with the efficiency boost our team has experienced since adopting Applitools and more recently, the Ultrafast Grid.
David Corbett
David Corbett Pushpay
Director of Engineering

Ready for the next generation of testing?

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