Getting Started Archives - Automated Visual Testing | Applitools Applitools delivers the next generation of test automation powered by AI assisted computer vision technology known as Visual AI. Fri, 01 Dec 2023 18:15:16 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Resources to Help You Stay on Top of Testing Trends and Techniques Sat, 29 Apr 2023 04:39:00 +0000 We’ve partnered with SelectorsHub to bring more automated visual testing tips to your daily testing feed. In this article, we’ll talk about some tools to help you test efficiently and...

The post Resources to Help You Stay on Top of Testing Trends and Techniques appeared first on Automated Visual Testing | Applitools.


We’ve partnered with SelectorsHub to bring more automated visual testing tips to your daily testing feed. In this article, we’ll talk about some tools to help you test efficiently and stay on top of testing trends and techniques.

TestingDaily is a web extension that serves as a hub for software testers and quality assurance professionals. It provides a wide range of resources, including news, articles, interviews, and tools related to software testing and QA.

TestingDaily aims to provide a comprehensive platform for testers to learn, connect, and stay up-to-date with the latest trends and best practices in the field. TestingDaily also features a job board where testers can search for new career opportunities in the industry. Overall, it’s a valuable resource for anyone looking to improve their testing skills and stay informed about the latest developments in software testing.

Test Automation University (TAU) offers community-curated test automation resources and free courses to improve the skills of testers everywhere. Powered by Applitools, TAU is an online learning platform that offers dozens of courses on testing, automation, and programming from some of the world’s best instructors. Whether you take a single course, follow one of the pre-defined learning paths, or build your own curriculum, you will grow your skills and boost your career.

Not sure where to start? Here are 7 Awesome Test Automation University Courses Not To Miss.

SelectorsHub offers a web scraping tool that helps users generate accurate and efficient CSS, XPath, and regex selectors for web elements. It is an open-source, browser extension that can be used with Chrome, Firefox, and Edge.

With SelectorsHub, users can quickly create selectors without needing to inspect the source code, allowing them to speed up their web scraping process. The tool also provides features such as selector validation, highlighting, and grouping to make the selector creation process more convenient and efficient. SelectorsHub can be particularly helpful for those who work with web data extraction, web automation, or web testing.

Learn how the SelectorsHub tool can increase efficiency without compromising learning skills in this on-demand session with creator Sanjay Kumar.

Finally, Applitools Automation Cookbook offers free bite-sized video tutorials on common test automation tasks in Cypress, Playwright, and Selenium. Created by automation experts Angie Jones and Colby Fayock, each of the more than 25 “recipes” include video demonstrations, sample code, and transcripts. You can learn how to execute tests in headless mode, work with iFrames, sort and verify tables, and much more.

The post Resources to Help You Stay on Top of Testing Trends and Techniques appeared first on Automated Visual Testing | Applitools.

Let the Engineers Speak: Selectors in Cypress Fri, 07 Apr 2023 23:11:34 +0000 Earlier this month, Applitools hosted a webinar, Let the Engineers Speak: Selectors, where testing experts discussed one of the most common pain points that pretty much anyone who’s ever done web...

The post Let the Engineers Speak: Selectors in Cypress appeared first on Automated Visual Testing | Applitools.

Filip Hric from Cypress

Earlier this month, Applitools hosted a webinar, Let the Engineers Speak: Selectors, where testing experts discussed one of the most common pain points that pretty much anyone who’s ever done web UI testing has felt. The first article in our two-part series defined our terms and challenges of locating web elements using selectors, as well as recapped Christian’s WebDriverIO selectors tutorial and WebdriverIO Q&A. Be sure to read that article first to help set context.

Introducing our experts

I’m Pandy Knight, the Automation Panda. I moderated our two testing experts in our discussion of selectors:

Locating web elements with Cypress

Filip walked us through selectors in Cypress, starting with the basics and using Trello as an example app.

Note: All the following text in this section is based on Filip’s part of the webinar. Filip’s repository is available on GitHub.

When talking about selectors in web applications, we are trying to target an HTML element. Cypress has two basic commands that can help with selecting these elements: cy.get and cy.contains. In Filip’s example demo, he has VS Code on the left side of his screen and Cypress running in graphic user interface mode (open mode) on the right side.

The example test uses different kinds of selector strategies, with each approach using either the get command or the contains command.

Locating elements by class, ID, or attribute

The first first approach calls cy.get(‘h2’) using the H2 tag. In the Cypress window, if you hover over the get h2 command, it will highlight the selector that has been selected.

If you’re struggling to find the right selector in Cypress, there’s this really nice tool that basically works like the inspect element tool, but you don’t have to open the dev tools if you don’t want to.

In our other three approaches with the get command, we are using the class, the ID, and the attribute, respectively:

  cy.get('.board') // class
  cy.get('#board-1') // id
  cy.get('[data-cy=board-item]') // attribute

The syntax for the get commands is basically just CSS selectors. If you are selecting an element with a class of board, you need to prefix the class with a dot. You can even write more complex selectors, like adding an h2 tag inside the element that has the class board like cy.get(‘.board > h2’). The options are endless. If you have ever worked with CSS, you know that you can pretty much target any element you like.

Locating elements by text

Another strategy that we have in Cypress is selecting elements by text. This approach may not always work, but in cases like a login, sign up, sent, or okay button, these usually need to have specific text. To select an element using text, we use the contains command. The contains command will only select one element, and it’s actually going to look for elements within some context.

The example uses two different texts to search: cy.contains(‘My Shopping’) and cy.contains(‘My’). On the Trello board page, ‘My Shopping’ appears once and ‘My’ appears twice. The contains call using ‘My’ will return with the first element that has the text ‘My’ on the page, which is ‘My Board’ in the example. So that’s something to watch out for. If you want to be more specific with the kind of element you want to select, you can actually combine these two approaches, selecting a CSS element and specifying the text which you want to find. For example, cy.contains(‘.board’, ‘My’) would return the correct element.

  cy.contains('My Shopping') // text
  cy.contains('My') // find the first one
  cy.contains('.board', 'My') // specify element to find

Locating elements using XPath

There are other selector strategies like using XPath. Cypress has an official plugin for XPath. If you install that, you will get the ability to select elements using XPath. You can use XPaths, but they may be harder to read. For example, cy.xpath(‘(//div[contains(@class, “board”)])[1]’) does the same thing as cy.get(‘board’).eq(0).

// Filter an element by index
cy.xpath('(//div(contains(@class, "board") ]) [1]')

// Select an element containing a specific child element
cy.xpath('//div [contains(@class, "list")] [.//div[contains(@class, "card")]]')

// Select an element by text
cy.xpath('//*[text()[contains(., "My Boards")]]')

// Select an element after a specific element
cy.xpath('//div[contains(@class, "card")][preceding::div[contains(., "milk")]]')
//Filter an element by index

// Select an element containing a specific child element

// Select an element by text
cy.contains('My Boards')

// Select an element after a specific element
cy.contains('.card', 'milk').next('.card')

Filip’s recommendation is that you don’t really need XPaths. XPaths can be really powerful in traversing the DOM structure and selecting different elements, but there are other options in Cypress.

Traversing elements in Cypress

For our example, we have a Trello app and two lists with item cards. The first list has two cards, and the second has one card. We want to select each of the cards from a list. We can find the last card by doing a pair of commands cy.get(‘[data-cy=card]’).last(). First, we’re using the get command to target the cards, which will return all three cards. When you hover over your get command, you’ll see that all three cards are selected.

When you use the last command, it’s going to filter to the last card, on which you can then do some action like click or make an assertion.

You can also traverse up or down using Cypress. The next example cy.contains(‘[data-cy=card]’, ‘Soap’).parents(‘[data-cy-list]’) tries to target a parent element using text to select the card and then looks for a parent element using a CSS selector. This example is going to select our whole list.

Alternatively, if you want to traverse between the next element or a previous element, that can be done easily with cy.contains(‘[data-cy=card]’, Milk’).next() or cy.contains(‘[data-cy=card]’, Milk’).prev().

it.only('Find an element on page', () => {


  // find last card

  // find parent element
  cy.contains('[data-cy=card]', 'Soap')

  // find next element
  cy.contains('[data-cy=card]', 'Milk')

  // find next element
  cy.contains('[data-cy=card]', 'Bread')


You may sometimes deal with tricky situations like elements loading in at different times. The DOM is going to be flaky, because DOM is pretty much always flaky, right? Things get loaded, things get re-rendered, and so on. There was a Cypress 12 update that makes sure that when we are selecting an element and we have an assertion about that element, if the assertion does not pass, we are going to re-query our DOM. So in the background, these should command this assertion and our querying is interconnected.

it('Dealing with flaky situations', () => {



    .should('contain.text', 'Soap')


Locating elements in a shadow DOM

Dealing with shadows DOM can be tricky. By default, Cypress is not going to look for shadow DOM elements, only DOM elements. If we want to include the shadow DOM elements, we have a few options in Cypress.

it('closes side panel that is in shadow DOM', () => {


  cy.get('litdev-drawer', { includeShadowDom: true })
    .find('#openCloseButton', { includeShadowDom: true })


If we don’t have too many of these shadow DOM elements on the page, we can use either of two commands that do essentially the same thing:

  • cy.get(‘litdev-drawer’, { includeShadowDom: true }). find(‘#openCloseButton’, { includeShadowDom: true })
  • cy.get(‘litdev-drawer’).shadow().find(‘#openCloseButton’)

Alternatively, if we have a lot of shadow elements in our application, we can use the approach of changing the option in the config file includeShadowDom from false to true. By default it is set to false, but if you set it to true and save your configuration, Cypress will look for shadow DOM elements automatically.

Locating elements within an iframe

Cypress does not have an iframe command. Whenever we traverse, we interact with this timeline that we have in Cypress to see the state of our application as it was during the execution of that command. In order to support the iframes, Cypress would have to do the snapshot of the iframe as well. Essentially, if you want to access an iframe using Cypress, you write a Cypress promise that will resolve the contents of the iframe.

You can add a custom command to your code base to retry the iframe. So if the iframe takes a little bit of time to appear, it’ll resolve when it appears or when the timeout eventually times out. Another way of dealing with that is installing a plugin.

it('dealing with iframes', () => {


    .should('contain.text', 'The Kitchen')


Cypress selector recommendations

Cypress works best when you have your test code along with the source code in the same repository. These are the recommendations that Cypress gives in the documentation:

Generic HTML tags, elements, or classes like:
Never recommended.
Lack content or are often paired with styling and therefore highly subject to change.
IDs, HTML name attributes, or title attributes like:
Sparingly recommended.
Still coupled to style or JS event listeners, or coupled to the name attribute, which has HTML semantics.
Text attributes like:
Recommendation depends.
This is only suggested for elements where text is not expected to change.
Custom IDs or data test attributes like:
Always recommended.
Isolated from all changes.

The best recommendation is to create custom IDs for elements. As you create your test, you will create those IDs as well. So if you need a test, create an attribute, and that will do a single job, be available for end-to-end test.

Filip recommends two blog posts about selector strategies:

Adding visual testing

We can go beyond accessibility and functional tests and we can add visual tests into our test suite. We can do this with Applitools. Create a free Applitools account to access your API key, and follow our tutorial for testing web apps in JavaScript using Cypress.

Note: Do not share your API key with others. For this demo, Filip rotated his API key, so it’s no longer valid.

The visual testing will have three basic parts:

  1. Open your “eyes”.
  2. Check the window.
  3. Close your “eyes”.

Applitools Eyes will then validate the snapshot it takes against the current baseline. But sometimes we don’t want to test certain areas of the page like dynamic data. Applitools is really intelligent about that and has options in the Test Manager to add ignore regions, but we can help it with our own ignore regions by using selectors.

it('check home screen', () => {

    appName: 'Trello',



    ignore: {
      selector: 'hide-in-applitools'



In the example, we are showing the ignore region and telling which selector it should ignore. You can create a custom hide-in-applitools class to add to all your elements you want to hide, and Applitools will automatically ignore them.

Cypress selectors Q&A

After Filip shared his Cypress demonstration, we turned it over to our Q&A, where Filip responded to questions from the audience.

Using Cypress commands

Question: I was recently working on XPaths and Cypress. I understand cypress-xpath is deprecated and I was suggested to use @cypress/xpath. Is that the case?
Filip’s response: I don’t know. I know this was the situation for the Cypress grab package, which can grab your test so you can just run a subset of your Cypress test. It was a standalone plugin and then they sort of moved it inside a Cypress repository. So now it’s @cypress/grab. I believe the situation with Xpath might be similar.

Using the React testing library

Question: What are your thoughts about using the React testing library plugin for locating elements in Cypress using their accessibility roles and names – findByRole, findByLabel?
Filip’s response: [To clarify the specific library mentioned] there’s this testing library, which is a huge project and has different subprojects. One is the React testing library and their Cypress testing library, and they basically have those commands inside this (findByRole, findByPlaceholder, etc.). So I think the Cypress testing library is just an implementation of the thing you are mentioning. So what’s my opinion on that? I’m a fan. Like I said, I’m not using it right now, but it does two things at once. You can check your functionality as well as accessibility. So if your test fails, it might be annoying, but it also might mean you need to work on the accessibility of the app. So I recommend it.

Using div.board or .board

Question: Do you have a stance/opinion on div.board versus .board for CSS selectors?
Filip’s response: Not really. As I mentioned, I prefer adding my own custom selectors, so I don’t think I would have this dilemma too often.

Tracking API call execution

Question: How can we find out if an API call has executed when we click on an element?
Filip’s response: In Cypress, it’s really easy. There’s this cy.intercept command in which you can define the URL or the method or any kind of details about the API call. And you need to make sure that you put the cy.intercept command before the click happens. So if the click triggers that API call you can then use cy.wait and basically refer through alias to that API call. I suggest you take a look into the intercept command in Cypress docs.

Working with iframes

Question: Is it possible to select elements from an iframe and work with an iframe like normal?

Filip’s response: Well, I don’t see why not. It is a little bit tricky. Iframe is just another location, so it’ll always have a source pointing to a URL. So, alternatively, if you are going to do a lot of testing within that iframe, maybe you just want to open that and test the page that is being iframed. It would be a good thing to consult with developers to see if there’s a communication between the iframe and the parent frame and if there’s anything specific that needs to be covered. But if you do like a lot of heavy testing, I would maybe suggest to open the URL that the iframe opens and test that.

Learn more

So that covers our expert’s takeaways on locating web elements using Cypress. If you want to watch the demos, you can access the on-demand webinar recording.

If you want to learn more about any of these tools, frameworks like Cypress, WebDriverIO, or specifically web element locator strategies, be sure to check out Test Automation University. All the courses and content are free.
Be sure to register for the upcoming Let the Engineers Speak webinar series installment on Test Maintainability coming in May. Engineers Maaret Pyhäjärvi from Selenium and Ed Manlove from Robot Framework will be discussing test maintenance and test maintainability with a live Q&A.

The post Let the Engineers Speak: Selectors in Cypress appeared first on Automated Visual Testing | Applitools.

Let the Engineers Speak: Selectors in WebdriverIO Thu, 30 Mar 2023 15:59:26 +0000 Earlier this month, Applitools hosted a webinar, Let the Engineers Speak: Selectors, where testing experts discussed one of the most common pain points that pretty much anyone who’s ever done...

The post Let the Engineers Speak: Selectors in WebdriverIO appeared first on Automated Visual Testing | Applitools.

Christian Bromann

Earlier this month, Applitools hosted a webinar, Let the Engineers Speak: Selectors, where testing experts discussed one of the most common pain points that pretty much anyone who’s ever done web UI testing has felt. In this two-part blog series, I will recap what our experts had to say about locating their web elements using their respective testing frameworks: WebDriverIO and Cypress.

Introducing our experts

I’m Pandy Knight, the Automation Panda. I moderated our two testing experts in our discussion of selectors:

In each article, we’re going to compare and contrast the approaches between these two frameworks. This comparison is meant to be collaborative, not competitive. This series is meant to showcase and highlight the awesomeness that we have with modern frameworks and tools available.

This first article in our two-part series will define our terms and challenges, as well as recap Christian’s WebDriverIO selectors tutorial and WebdriverIO Q&A. The upcoming second article will recap Filip’s Cypress selectors tutorial and Cypress Q&A.

Defining our terms

Let’s define the words that will be used in this series to frame the discussion and so that we have the same understanding as we discuss selectors, locators, and elements:

  • Selectors: A selector is a text-based query used for locating elements. Selectors could be things like CSS selectors, XPaths, or even things like an ID or a class name. In modern frameworks, you can even use things like text selectors to query by the text inside of a button.
  • Locators: A locator is an object in the tool or framework you use that uses the selector for finding the element on the active page.
  • Elements: The element itself is the entity on the page that exists. An element could be a button, it could be a label, an input field, or a text area. Pretty much anything in HTML that you put on a page is an element.

In one sentence, locators use selectors to find elements. We may sometimes use the terms “selector” and “locator” interchangeably, especially in more modern frameworks.

Challenges of locating web elements

We’re going to talk about selectors, locators, and the pain of trying to get elements the right way. In the simple cases, there may be a button on a page with an ID, and you can just use the ID to get it. But what happens if that element is stuck in a shadow DOM? What if it’s in an iframe? We have to do special things to be able to find these elements.

Locating web elements with WebdriverIO

Christian Bromann demonstrated effective web element locator strategies with WebDriverIO. In this series, we used Trello as the example web app to compare the frameworks. For the purposes of the demo, the app is wrapped over a component test, allowing Christian to work with web on the console to easier show you how to find certain elements on the page.

Note: All the following text in this section is based on Christian’s part of the webinar. Christian’s repository is available on GitHub.

Creating a board

First, we want to start creating a new board. We want to write a test to inspect the input element that the end user sees. From the dev tools, the input element can be found.

There are various ways to query for that input element:

  • We could fetch the element with WebdriverIO using $ or $$ commands, depending if you want to fetch one element, the first element on the page, or all elements. Using an input as a selector is not advised, as there could be more inputs and then the wrong input could be fetched.
  • We could also use a CSS class called px-2. Using CSS classes is also not advised, as oftentimes these classes are meant to style an element, not necessarily locate it.
  • We could use a property, such as the name of the input using the data attribute. This is the suggested way to locate a web element in WebdriverIO – using the accessibility properties of an element.

WebdriverIO has a more simplified way to use accessibility properties. This approach is a much better selector, because it’s actually what the user is seeing and interacting with. To make things easier, Chrome helps with finding the accessibility selector for every element under the accessibility tab.

Note: WebdriverIO doesn’t use the accessibility API of the browser and instead uses a complex XPath to compute the accessibility name.

After you’ve located the input element, press enter using the keys API.

  it('can create an initial board', async () => {
    await $('aria/Name of your first board').setValue('Let the Engineers Speak')
    await browser.keys(Key.Enter)
    await expect(browser).toHaveUrlContaining('/board/1')
    await browser.eyesCheck('Empty board')

Creating a list

Now that our board is created, we want to start a list. First, we inspect the “Add list” web element for the accessibility name, and then use that to click the element.

Set the title of the list, and then press enter using the keys API.

  it('can add a list on the board', async () => {
    await $('aria/Enter list title...').setValue('Talking Points')
    await $('aria/Add list').click()

     * Select element by JS function as it is much more perfomant this way
     * (1 roundtrip vs nth roundtrips)
    await expect($(() => (
        .find((input) => input.value === 'Talking Points')

Adding list items

To add to the list we created, the button is a different element that’s not accessible, as the accessibility name is empty. Another way to approach this is to use a WebdriverIO function that allows me to add a locator search applicator strategy.

The example applicator strategy basically queries all this on the page to find all divs that have no children and that text of a selector that you provide, and now you should be able to query that custom element. After getting the custom elements located, you can assert that three cards have been created as expected. You can inject your JavaScript script to be run in the browser if you don’t have accessibility selectors to work with.

  it('can add a card to the list', async () => {
    await $('aria/Add another card').click()
    await $('aria/Enter a title for this card...').addValue('Selectors')
    await browser.keys(Key.Enter)
    await expect($$('div[data-cy="card"]')).toBeElementsArrayOfSize(1)
    await $('aria/Enter a title for this card...').addValue('Shadow DOM')
    await browser.keys(Key.Enter)
    await $('aria/Enter a title for this card...').addValue('Visual Testing')
    await browser.keys(Key.Enter)
    await expect($$('div[data-cy="card"]')).toBeElementsArrayOfSize(3)

    await browser.eyesCheck('board with items')

Starring a board

Next, we’ll “star” our board by traversing the DOM using WebdriverIO commands. We need to first locate the element that has the name of the board title using the attribute selector and going to the parent element.

From that parent element, to get to the star button, we chain the next command and call the next element. Now we can click the star and see it change to an enabled state. So with WebdriverIO, you can chain all these element queries and then add your action at the end. WebdriverIO uses a proxy in the background to transform everything and execute the promises after each other so that they’re available. One last thing you can also do is query elements by finding links with certain text.

Summarizing Christian’s suggestions for using selectors in WebdriverIO, always try to use the accessibility name of an element. You have the dev tools that give you the name of it. If you don’t have the accessibility name available, improve the accessibility of your application if possible. And if that’s not an option, there are other tricks like finding an element using JavaScript through propertis that the DOM has.

  it('can star the board', async () => {
    const startBtn = $('aria/Let the Engineers Speak').parentElement().nextElement()
    await expect(startBtn).toHaveStyle({ color: 'rgba(253,224,71,1)' })

Accessing a shadow root

Using a basic web HTML timer component as an example, Christian discussed shadow roots. The example has multiple elements and a nested shadow root. Trying to access a button within the shadow root results in an error that you don’t have access from the main page to the shadow root. WebdriverIO has two things to deal with this challenge. The first method is the deep shadow root selector. This allows you to access all of the shadow root elements or filter by defined attributes of the elements in the shadow root.

A different way to access elements in the shadow is using the browser shadow command, which basically allows you to switch to the search within the shadow root.

    describe('using deep shadow selector (>>>)', () => {
        beforeEach(async () => {
            await browser.url('')

            const iframe = await $('>>> iframe[title="Project preview"]')
            await browser.waitUntil(async () => (
                (await iframe.getAttribute('src')) !== ''))
            await browser.switchToFrame(iframe)
            await browser.waitUntil(async () => (await $('my-timer').getText()) !== '')

        it('should check the timer components to work', async () => {
            for (const customElem of await $$('my-timer')) {
                const originalValue = await customElem.getText()
                await customElem.$('>>> footer').$('span:first-child').click()
                await sleep()
                await customElem.$('>>> footer').$('span:first-child').click()
                await expect(customElem).not.toHaveTextContaining(originalValue)

                await customElem.$('>>> footer').$('span:last-child').click()
                await expect(customElem).toHaveTextContaining(originalValue)

Integrating with Applitools

Lastly, Christian shared using Applitools with WebdriverIO. The Applitools Eyes SDK for WebdriverIO is imported to take snapshots of the app as the test suite runs and upload them to the Applitools Eyes server.

if (process.argv.find((arg) => arg.includes('applitools.e2e.ts'))) {[EyesService, {
        viewportSize: {width: 1200, height: 800},
        batch: {name: 'WebdriverIO Test'},
        useVisualGrid: true,
        browsersInfo: [
            {width: 1200, height: 800, name: 'chrome'},
            {width: 1200, height: 800, name: 'firefox'}

With this imported, our tests can be simplified to remove some of the functional assertions, because Applitools does this for you. From the Applitools Eyes Test Manager, you can see the tests have been compared against Firefox and Chrome at the same time, even though only one test was run.

WebdriverIO selectors Q&A

After Christian shared his WebdriverIO demonstration, we turned it over to our Q&A, where Christian responded to questions from the audience.

Using Chrome DevTools

Audience question: Is there documentation on how to run WebdriverIO in DevTools like this to be able to use the browser and $ and $$ commands? This would be very helpful for us for day-to-day test implementation.
Christian’s response: [The demo] is actually not using DevTools at all. It uses ChromeDriver in the background, which is automatically spun up by the test runner using the ChromeDriver service. So there’s no DevTools involved. You can also use the DevTools protocol to automate the browser. The functionality is the same. WebdriverIO executes the same XPath. There’s a compliant DevTools implementation to the WebdriverIO protocol so that the WebdriverIO APIs works on both. But you really don’t need DevTools to use all these accessibility selectors to test your application.

Integrating with Chrome Console

Question: How is WebdriverIO integrated with Chrome Console to type await browser.getHtml() etc.?
Christian’s response: With component tests, it’s similar to what other frameworks do. You actually run a website that is generated by WebdriverIO. WebdriverIO injects a couple of JavaScript scripts and it loads web within that page as well. And then it basically sends commands back to the Node.js world where it’s then executed by ChromeDriver and then the responses are being sent back to the browser. So basically WebdriverIO as a framework is being injected into the browser to give you all the access into the APIs. The actual commands are, however, run by Chrome Driver.

Testing in other local languages

Question: If we’re also testing in other languages (like English, Spanish, French, etc.), wouldn’t using the accessibility text fail? Would the ID not be faster in finding the element as well?
Christian’s response: If you have a website that has multiple languages and you have a system to inject those or to maintain the languages, you can use this tool to fetch the accessibility name of that particular language you test the website in. Otherwise, you can say I only tested one language, because I would assume it would not be different in other languages. Or you create a library or a JSON file that contains the same selectors for different languages but the same accessibility name for different languages. And then you import that JSON to your test and just reference the label to have the right language. So there are ways to go around it. It would make it more difficult in different languages, obviously, but still from the way to maintain end-to-end tests and maintain tests in general, I would always recommend accessibility names and accessibility labels.

Using div.board or .board

Question: Do you have a stance/opinion on div.board versus .board for CSS selectors?
Christian’s response: I would always prefer the first one, just more specific. You know, anyone could add another board class name to an input element or what not. And so being very specific is usually the best way to go in my recommendation.

Tracking API call execution

Question: How can we find out if an API call has executed when we click on an element?
Christian’s response: WebdriverIO has mocking capabilities, so you can look into when a certain URL pattern has been called by the browser. Unfortunately, that’s fairly based on DevTools because WebdriverIO, the first protocol, doesn’t support it. We are working with the browser vendors and the new WebdriverIO binary protocol to get mocking of URLs and stubbing and all that stuff to land in the new browsers. And so it’ll be available across not only Chrome, but also Firefox, Safari, and so on.

Working with iframes

Question: Is it possible to select elements from an iframe and work with an iframe like normal?

Christian’s response: An iframe is almost similar to a shadow DOM – just that an iframe has much more browser context than just a shadow DOM. WebdriverIO has an issue currently. To implement the deep shadow selector for iframes as well, you could do three characters and then name any CSS path and it would make finding an iframe very easy. But you can always switch to an iframe and then query it. So it’s a little bit more difficult with iframes, but it’s doable.

Learn more

So that covers our expert’s takeaways on locating web elements using WebdriverIO. In the next article in our two-part series, I’ll recap Filip’s tutorial using Cypress, as well as the Cypress Q&A with the audience.

If you want to learn more about any of these tools, frameworks like Cypress, WebDriverIO, or specifically web element locator strategies, be sure to check out Test Automation University. All the courses and content are free. You can also learn more about visual testing with Applitools in the Visual Testing learning path.
Be sure to register for the upcoming Let the Engineers Speak webinar series installment on Test Maintainability coming in May. Engineers Maaret Pyhäjärvi from Selenium and Ed Manlove from Robot Framework will be discussing test maintenance and test maintainability with a live Q&A.

The post Let the Engineers Speak: Selectors in WebdriverIO appeared first on Automated Visual Testing | Applitools.

Preparing for a Technical QA Engineer Job Interview Tue, 28 Mar 2023 19:19:48 +0000 When you see technical assessment as one of the stages of an interview, what do you do? Does the panic set in? In order to gain confidence in technical tasks,...

The post Preparing for a Technical QA Engineer Job Interview appeared first on Automated Visual Testing | Applitools.

laptop with notepad and coffee

When you see technical assessment as one of the stages of an interview, what do you do? Does the panic set in? In order to gain confidence in technical tasks, the best way is to practice and tackle them head on.

In this blog, I will walk through:

  • My experience as a candidate, having previously had job titles including QA Engineer, SDET, and QA Automation Lead.
  • Encountering different types of technical tasks, from the classic whiteboard FizzBuzz programming task to a take-home task building a test framework from scratch.
  • Advice as a hiring manager from my experience as QA Lead at a healthcare startup in the UK, where I will touch on not only the technical aspects of the interview but also the behavioral and situational based questions we ask candidates, providing tips on how to prepare as well.

All tips and advice are based on my experience as a hiring manager, hiring for a QA Engineer.

laptop with notepad and coffee

My experience as a candidate

I’ve never been the most technical person. I graduated university with a psychology degree and managed to land a graduate scheme job which taught me the skills on the job, alongside working as a Test Analyst. Therefore, whenever I see a technical part of the job interview process, my anxiety definitely sets in. However, having been through quite a few of these during my career I’ve come up with a few different tactics.

My approach is to refresh my skills either in the programming language or automation test framework and practice! This may mean accepting multiple job interviews in order to use some companies’ technical assignments just as a form of rehearsal. If that’s not possible, Test Automation University (TAU) provides code samples and assignments to refresh your skills.

Of course, every job has its own spin on the technical task but generally follows a similar pattern. Interviews for QA Engineer and Test Automation roles often focus on end-to-end testing with frameworks based on Selenium, Puppeteer, Cypress, or Playwright. While doing these tasks, I always spent too long on them and would focus on using the latest language features or making sure to abstract any duplicate code to helper functions.

Some of the tasks I encountered as a candidate, I definitely thought I had failed as I completed them, especially when they were whiteboard technical tasks. The first one was FizzBuzz and another was sorting and filtering a list. It’s very difficult for me to perform these tasks on a whiteboard using pseudocode without having a keyboard in front of me and without Stack Overflow. Often the person interviewing uses these types of tasks to understand your thought process and how you communicate throughout the activity.

Advice from my candidate experience

These tasks often don’t relate to the daily activities an automation tester or SDET will be performing. In my opinion, the interviewer shouldn’t be assessing the completion of the task or the actual solution. From my experience, my advice for these type of programming tasks: 

  • Don’t overthink it: Get a solution down and rewrite it later.
  • Ask questions: It can buy some time for thinking.
  • Become comfortable with silence: The interviewer won’t be comfortable with the silence either.
whiteboard coding exercise

The technical assessment

As a hiring manager, I have seen some bad and some bizarre submissions as part of the technical test. Some red flags, I have witnessed while reviewing our technical tasks:

  • One of the tasks was missing from the submission
  • No assertions in automated checks
  • Assertion within test wrapped in try / catch
  • “Negative” scenario provided is actually a positive scenario

Getting the basics right is so important. TAU has many courses to help refresh and upskill in preparation for technical jobs.

How I evaluate technical assessments

I will walk through the process of how I evaluate a technical task, which will help how to approach the task effectively:

  • Firstly, once I have received the technical task back from the candidate, I open up the file and try to run the project. If the instructions are clear and easy to understand, this gives a great first impression. Making the hiring manager’s job easier by describing how to run the tests is a really good start.
  • Secondly, by running the tests (hopefully, they are green), I read the names given to the tests. This defines what is actually being tested, demonstrating understanding of the task itself.
  • Thirdly, looking at the new code, have the assertions answered the right question? Especially around the negative scenario, does it handle unwelcome behavior? Too often, negative testing is misunderstood.
  • Fourthly, when the test is focused on UI test automation, what element locators have been used? Following the hierarchy of best practices in Cypress documentation is a good reference. Obviously, the best locators are not always available to the candidate, but commenting what should be used will not go unnoticed. This is where comments in the code are allowed and should definitely be used to assist with helping the hiring manager understand your thoughts.
  • Fifthly, has the code been structured to facilitate maintenance and stability? For example, moving setup steps to beforeEach proves you know how to make tests independent. Also, refactoring code to be easier to read and understand helps in proving your experience of working with unfriendly code.

These are some key areas which I focus on during the review process, but overall, I’m looking for simplicity, clarity, and following best practices. I always request candidates don’t take too long on a task. Comments with future improvements are enough in this scenario.

The behavioral assessment

Often the interview will be split into multiple sections, one of those could be behavioral or situational style questions. For example, “How do you deal with a situation when a developer says a bug is actually a feature?” The role as an automation tester involves working as part of a team, therefore it’s important to prepare for these questions. As before with the coding exercises, practice can help prepare for this style of interview questions. By rehearsing examples from your experience, the answers are often articulated more fluently.

How I evaluate behavioral assessments

If we take the example of dealing with challenging developers, questioning bugs. Some things I look for:

  • Firstly, how closely a tester works with developers and what kind of relationship they have. Working at a startup, it is very important that the QA Engineers and developers work together to solve problems.
  • Secondly, persuading and influencing peers. Whether they involve other stakeholders and how much information is gathered before presenting the argument. Again, within a startup environment, we are looking for people who solve their own problems. Involving managers and other stakeholders is still appropriate in certain circumstances, but trying to resolve on your own first shows proactivity and independence.
  • Thirdly, attention to detail when it comes to acceptance criteria and what stage this conversation happens within the software development lifecycle (SLDC). Particularly what I am looking for is someone who promotes “3 Amigos” (ideally all 3 but 2 is good enough). These 3 Amigos conversations help eradicate requirements being misunderstood before development starts.

These behavioral or situational questions relate to daily activities for a tester, how someone works within a team, and especially their communication skills. Obviously as a hiring manager, I want to hear about real experiences candidates have had. However, including your opinion on how the team or process could be improved is also valued. Describing the kind of environment the candidate would like to work in helps differentiate between previous and desired experience.

tester pointing at laptop

Tips from a hiring manager

Having interviewed many candidates and reviewed lots of technical assessments, these are a few of my tips to think about when interviewing:

  1. Don’t be afraid to ask questions. A core attribute of a good tester is asking good questions. Therefore this is encouraged within my interviews, the more questions or clarifications the better.
  2. Show your workings. Just like when you are doing a math exam at school. It’s important how you got to the answer, whether that is as comments within code or verbally when explaining your solution.
  3. Admit what you don’t know. It’s better to state what you are unsure about, whereas trying to guess, the interviewer can only interpret what you say. An honest person is very well received from my perspective. As I can teach a skill to a prospective candidate, the other attributes are more difficult to coach.

To conclude

As a hiring manager, I am not looking for the finished article. Everyone has had different experiences and opportunities. This should always be taken into consideration. What’s important to demonstrate within the interview process is how you communicate, work as part of a team, and your technical skills. In order to do that, explain your thought process, provide your opinion, and be clear what you still need to learn.

ICYMI: Get connected, be inspired, and sharpen your skills with on-demand expert session recordings from Test Automation University Conference 2023.

The post Preparing for a Technical QA Engineer Job Interview appeared first on Automated Visual Testing | Applitools.

What is Autonomous Testing All About? Thu, 02 Mar 2023 17:00:12 +0000 Autonomous testing – where automated tools figure out what to test for us – is going to be the next great wave in software quality. In this article, we’ll dive...

The post What is Autonomous Testing All About? appeared first on Automated Visual Testing | Applitools.

Autonomous testing vs traditional testing

Autonomous testing – where automated tools figure out what to test for us – is going to be the next great wave in software quality. In this article, we’ll dive deeply into what autonomous testing is, how it will work, and what our workflow as a tester will look like with autonomous tools. Although we don’t have truly autonomous testing tools available yet, like self-driving cars, they’re coming soon. Let’s get ready for them!

What is autonomous testing?

So, what exactly is autonomous testing? It’s the next evolutionary step in efficiency.

A brief step back in time

Let’s take a step back in time. Historically, all testing was done manually. Humans needed to poke and prod software products themselves to check if they worked properly. Teams of testers would fill repositories with test case procedures and then grind through them en masse during release cycles. Testing moved at the speed of humans: it got done when it got done.

Then, as an industry, we began to automate our tests. Many of the tests we ran were rote and repetitive, so we decided to make machines run them for us. We scripted our tests in languages like Java, JavaScript, and Python. We developed a plethora of tools to interact with products, like Selenium for web browsers and Postman for APIs. Eventually, we executed tests as part of Continuous Integration systems so that we could get fast feedback perpetually.

With automation, things were great… mostly. We still needed to take time to develop the tests, but we could run them whenever we wanted. We could also run them in parallel to speed up turnaround time. Suites that took days to complete manually could be completed in hours, if not minutes, with automation.

Unfortunately, test automation is hard. Test automation is full-blown software development. Testers needed to become developers to do it right. Flakiness became a huge pain point. Sometimes, tests missed obvious problems that humans would easily catch, like missing buttons or poor styling. Many teams tried to automate their tests and simply failed because the bar was too high.

What we want is the speed and helpfulness of automation without the challenges in developing it. It would be great if a tool could look at an app, figure out its behaviors, and just go test it. That’s essentially what autonomous testing will do.

Ironically, traditional test automation isn’t fully automated. It still needs human testers to write the steps. Autonomous testing tools will truly be automated because the tool will figure out the test steps for us.

The car analogy

Cars are a great analogy for understanding the differences between manual, automated, and autonomous testing.
Manual testing is like a car with a manual transmission. As the driver, you need to mash the clutch and shift through gears to make the car move. You essentially become one with the vehicle.

Many classic cars, like this vintage Volkswagen Beetle, relied on manual transmissions. Beetle gear shifters were four-on-the-floor with a push-down lockout for reverse.

Automated testing is like a car with an automatic transmission. The car still needs to shift gears, but the transmission does it automatically for you based on how fast the car is going. As the driver, you still need to pay attention to the road, but driving is easier because you have one less concern. You could even put the car on cruise control!
Autonomous testing is like a self-driving car. Now, all you need to do is plug in the destination and let the car take you there. It’s a big step forward, and it enables you, now as a passenger, to focus on other things. Like with self-driving cars, we haven’t quite achieved full autonomous testing yet. It’s still a technology we hope to build in the very near future.

How will it work?

This probably goes without saying, but autonomous testing tools will need to leverage artificial intelligence and machine learning in order to learn an app’s context well enough to test it. For example, if we want to test a mobile app, then at the bare minimum, a tool needs to learn how phones work. It needs to know how to recognize different kinds of elements on a screen. It needs to know that buttons require tapping while input fields require text. Those kinds of things are universal for all mobile apps. At a higher level, it needs to figure out workflows for the app, like how humans would use it. Certain things like search bars and shopping carts may be the same in different apps, but domain specific workflows will be unique. Each business has its own special sauce.

This means that autonomous testing tools won’t be ready to use “out of the box.” Their learning models will come with general training on how apps typically work, but then they’ll need to do more training and learning on the apps they are targeted to test. For example, if I want my tool to test the Uber app, then the tool should already know how to check fields and navigate maps, but it will need to spend time learning how ridesharing works. Autonomous tools will, in a sense, need to learn how to learn. And there are three ways this kind of learning could happen.

Random trial and error

The first way is random trial and error. This is machine learning’s brute force approach. The tool could literally just hammer the app, trying to find all possible paths – whether or not they make sense. This approach would take the most time and yield the poorest quality of results, but it could get the job done. It’s like a Roomba, bonking around your bedroom until it vacuums the whole carpet.

Coaching from a user

The second way for the tool to learn an app is coaching from a user. Instead of attempting to be completely self-reliant, a tool could watch a user do a few basic workflows. Then, it could use what it learned to extend those workflows and find new behaviors. Another way this could work would be for the tool to provide a recommendation system. The tool could try to find behaviors worth testing, suggest those behaviors to the human tester, and the human tester could accept or reject those suggestions. The tool could then learn from that feedback: accepted tests signal good directions, while rejected tests could be avoided in the future.
Essentially, the tool would become a centaur: humans and AI working together and learning from each other. The human lends expertise to the AI to guide its learning, while the AI provides suggestions that go deeper than the human can see at a glance. Both become stronger through symbiosis.

Learning from observability data

A third way for an autonomous testing tool to learn app context acts like a centaur on steroids: learning from observability data. Observability refers to all the data gathered about an app’s real-time operations. It includes aspects like logging, system performance, and events. Essentially, if done right, observability can capture all the behaviors that users exercise in the app. An autonomous testing tool could learn all those behaviors very quickly by plunging the data – probably much faster than watching users one at a time.

What will a workflow look like?

So, let’s say we have an autonomous testing tool that has successfully learned our app. How do we, as developers and testers, use this tool as part of our jobs? What would our day-to-day workflows look like? How would things be different? Here’s what I predict.

Setting baseline behaviors

When a team adopts an autonomous testing tool for their app, the tool will go through that learning phase for the app. It will spend some time playing with the app and learning from users to figure out how it works. Then, it can report these behaviors to the team as suggestions for testing, and the team can pick which of those tests to keep and which to skip. That set then becomes a rough “baseline” for test coverage. The tool will then set itself to run those tests as appropriate, such as part of CI. If it knows what steps to take to exercise the target behaviors, then it can put together scripts for those interactions. Under the hood, it could use tools like Selenium or Appium.

Detecting changes in behaviors

Meanwhile, developers keep on developing. Whenever developers make a code change, the tool can do a few things. First, it can run the automated tests it has. Second, it can go exploring for new behaviors. If it finds any differences, it can report them to the humans, who can decide if they are good or bad. For example, if a developer intentionally added a new page, then the change is probably good, and the team would want the testing tool to figure out its behaviors and add them to the suite. However, if one of the new behaviors yields an ugly error, then that change is probably bad, and the team could flag that as a failure. The tool could then automatically add a test checking against that error, and the developers could start working on a fix.

Defining new roles

In this sense, the autonomous testing tool automates the test automation. It fundamentally changes how we think of test automation. With traditional automation, humans own the responsibility of figuring out interactions, while machines own the responsibility of making verifications. Humans need to develop the tests and code them. The machines then grind out PASS or FAIL. With autonomous testing, those roles switch. The machines figure out interactions by learning app behaviors and exercising them, while humans review those results to determine if they were desirable (PASS) or undesirable (FAIL). Automation is no longer a collection of rote procedures but a sophisticated change detection tool.

What can we do today?

Although full-blown autonomous testing is not yet possible, we can achieve semi-autonomous testing today with readily-available testing tools and a little bit of ingenuity. In the next article, we’ll learn how to build a test project using Playwright and Applitools Eyes that autonomously performs visual and some functional assertions on every page in a website’s sitemap file using Visual AI.

Applitools is working on a fully autonomous testing solution that will be available soon. Reach out to our team to see a demo and learn more!

The post What is Autonomous Testing All About? appeared first on Automated Visual Testing | Applitools.

Acceptance Test-Driven Development for Front End Mon, 13 Feb 2023 16:33:40 +0000 I first was introduced to Acceptance Test-Driven Development (ATDD) at a meetup run by ASOS technology. I loved the theory and ended up joining ASOS where I was able to...

The post Acceptance Test-Driven Development for Front End appeared first on Automated Visual Testing | Applitools.

ATDD flow chart

I first was introduced to Acceptance Test-Driven Development (ATDD) at a meetup run by ASOS technology. I loved the theory and ended up joining ASOS where I was able to see it in practice. Working within a cross-functional development team, through pair programming or working at the same time on feature code and test code. This was an amazing environment to work in where I learnt a lot, especially the whole team owning the quality of their software. ATDD encourages QA engineers and developers to work together on implementing the behavioural tests. Meaning edge cases and testers mindset is applied right from the beginning of the development cycle. Behaviour is documented as part of the feature development as well meaning you have live documentation about what was actually implemented.

Gojko Adzic defines ATDD as:

“Write a single acceptance test and then just enough production functionality/code to fulfill that test”

Introduction to TDD
diagram of atdd flow
Flow chart of ATDD

In this article I will aim to distinguish between ATDD and Test-Driven Development (TDD) and also explain the differences between ATDD and Behavioural-Driven Development (BDD). As well, I will:

  • Explain how ATDD fits into your agile testing strategy.
  • Detail the flow of ATDD using a simple example using frontend technologies and how it can be applied for backend.
  • Share the importance of not forgetting about visual changes when it comes to test coverage.

Finally, if you want to learn more about this then you can take my course on test automation university: Acceptance Test Driven Development for the Front End.

My introduction to ATDD

We would create pull requests which included the feature alongside unit, component, and acceptance tests. I was fortunate to be on-boarded onto the team by a brilliant engineer, who walked me through the process step by step. One of those steps was using Gherkin syntax (Given, When, Then) to create the acceptance test scenarios, right at the start of development of a feature. This would allow the QA Engineer to share the Gherkin scenarios with the whole team including the Business Analyst, Solutions Architect, and Developers. Everyone understood and “accepted” the test cases before they were implemented, saving any wasted time and energy.

How ATDD differs from other strategies

The focus of ATDD is on behaviour of the user. Acceptance criteria are always written from the user’s perspective and aim to explain the requirements of the user to be able to be translated into software (this is harder than it is described). The difficulty with writing code is that you can lose sight of the user requirements during the development process. Thinking about design patterns, writing clean functions and classes, and engineering for future scaling considerations. It’s only human to think like this and get lost in the details. Hence, the addition of acceptance tests can help align the code implementation with the acceptance criteria.


TDD focuses on the implementation of units of code or isolated functions. TDD is used within ATDD as the inner circle (refer to ATDD diagram). For example, where you have a username field on the registration page, the username input tracks changes when the user types into the text box. This may be abstracted within the code to a function which could be tested in isolation. This is an implementation detail which would not concern the user; they just expect to be able to use the input field without concerning themselves with the implementation detail. ATDD focuses on the overarching behaviour from the perspective of the user.

source code editor with 2 windows


BDD can be used as part of the ATDD cycle to describe the acceptance criteria. BDD describes the process of how business requirements are documented or designed and is often referenced when using Gherkin syntax. The Gherkin requirements can be translated to acceptance tests. The difference being BDD relates to the business phase and ATDD relates to the development phase.

Agile testing vs ATDD

Agile testing is the strategy or practice at which ATDD could be part of. Agile Testing involves testing throughout the software development lifecycle. For example, within a scrum agile environment, you would think about testing requirements through to testing in production. When analysing the test strategy for an agile team I would think about including ATDD as part of the continuous testing as this would enable teams to deliver quickly and with quality.

Example of ATDD in action

As previously mentioned, we are using a registration page as an example. We want to build the username field using ATDD starting with the Minimal Viable Product (MVP), which is the username input which accepts any value – no validation or username duplication checks.

  1. Write the acceptance test for the input box.
  2. Run the acceptance test – which fails.
  3. Write the unit test for the input box.
  4. Run the unit test – which fails.
  5. Implement the MVP username field.
  6. Run both acceptance and unit tests.
  7. Refactor code if required.
  8. Add visual tests for CSS / Responsive design.

At this point, you continue with the loop, adding additional features to the username field such as validation using the ATDD cycle.

mobile phone registration input box
Registration example

Writing your acceptance tests

You can write your acceptance tests using whichever framework or style you wish: Using native programming constructs with plain English test names and wrapping test scenarios in well described statements. Or with the use of a BDD framework which offers gherkin syntax abstraction. I would recommend only using the abstraction if you are communicating the scenarios with business users or, even better, collaborating with them on the scenarios. However, sometimes your test report with clearly described tests can be just as easy to read without the complexities and maintenance costs of using a BDD abstraction.

Using data test ids

As mentioned in the example (1a), a way to make acceptance tests easier when writing the tests before the code is implemented is to default to using data-testids. Primarily decide on a standard for your test ids within your team (e.g. feature_name-{element_type}-{unique identifier}, curly brackets text if required and to make them unique). Then whenever you want to reference an element, you can work out what the data-testid will be based on the standards. Even if you don’t do this upfront, you can easily substitute the id quickly after the component is implemented. The other way to achieve this is to make sure code that is implemented follows HTML Semantics. Therefore, you will be able to reference the appropriate html tag or attribute.

Benefits of ATDD

As described in the example, ATDD means you can make changes to the component in development without risk of breaking other parts of the feature. Additional benefits include:

  • Collaboration of test cases through plain english acceptance test scenarios
  • Acceptance tests part of the definition of done
  • Code coverage doesn’t get added to the backlog after the sprint
  • Developers and Testers working on acceptance tests

Code coverage !== test coverage

As mentioned in the benefits, ATDD helps achieve code coverage at the time of development. However, this does not mean all cases are covered, especially when it comes to considerations like responsiveness and visual elements. This is where visual testing really helps cover those cases not achievable by automated checks. Using Applitools, we can easily configure our automated checks to run against multiple browsers and devices to see how the feature looks. The flexibility to be able to use your testing framework of choice and run the tests in the Ultrafast Grid means you can capture a wide range of issues not covered within functional tests. Again, building in visual testing into the ATDD cycle means that it’s not an afterthought and the backlog doesn’t contain lots of bugs related to responsive design.

different devices


I hope you have takeaways from this blog of how you can engineer this within your team. Hopefully, I have articulated that you can be flexible in how you want to deliver it and it is an approach rather than a defined set of rigid steps. ATDD does require discipline and collaboration to follow the process for every feature. If you want to learn more and walk through the steps using React, Testing Library, and Cypress then head over to my course on Test Automation University, Acceptance Test Driven Development for the Front End.

The post Acceptance Test-Driven Development for Front End appeared first on Automated Visual Testing | Applitools.

Using TypeScript for Test Automation Wed, 18 Jan 2023 21:25:08 +0000 TypeScript is not only for developers anymore. If you are working as a tester in a web development team, chances are that you have heard about TypeScript. It’s been getting...

The post Using TypeScript for Test Automation appeared first on Automated Visual Testing | Applitools.

TypeScript logo

TypeScript is not only for developers anymore. If you are working as a tester in a web development team, chances are that you have heard about TypeScript. It’s been getting more and more attention over the past couple of years and has even surpassed JavaScript as the dominant language in a recent survey on state of software delivery made by CircleCI.

In my very un-scientific poll on LinkedIn, I asked fellow web application testers about the programming language of their choice. It seems that JavaScript is the most popular choice, winning over TypeScript and Java. But, in my opinion, testers should pay attention to the rising popularity of TypeScript and ideally start using it. In this article, I would like to take a closer look at many of TypeScript’s benefits for testing and automation.

What is TypeScript?

TypeScript is a programming language that is a superset of JavaScript. It adds many extra capabilities to JavaScript, improving the overall developer experience. As Basarat Ali Syed aptly puts it, TypeScript gives you the ability to use future JavaScript today. Besides that, TypeScript adds a type system into JavaScript, helping you write more stable and maintainable code. Let me give you an example of what that means.

Look at this plain JavaScript function:

const addition = (a, b) => {
 return a + b

This function takes two parameters and adds them up. It’s helpful if we need to sum two numbers. But what if we use this function in a way it was not intended? Or worse – what if we misunderstood how this function works?

addition(1, 2) // returns 3
addition('1', '2') // returns '12'

In the example above, our function will yield different results based on the type of input we provide it with. On the first line, we are passing two numbers, and our function will correctly add them up. On the second line, we are passing two strings, and since the input values are wrapped in quotation marks, the function will concatenate them instead of adding the numbers.

The function works as designed, but even if that’s the case, we may get into unexpected results. After all, this is why software testing is a thing.

But as developers work on more complex projects, on more complex problems, and with more complex data, risks increase. This is where TypeScript can become very helpful, since it can specify what kind of input the function expects. Let’s see how a similar function definition and function call would look like in TypeScript:

const addition = (a: number, b: number) => {
 return a + b

addition(1, 2) // returns 3
addition('1', '2') // shows an error

In the function definition, we specify the types for the parameters that this function expects. If we try to use our add() function incorrectly, the TypeScript compiler will complain about this and throw an error. So what is TypeScript compiler, you ask?

How TypeScript works

TypeScript cannot be read by the browser. In order to run TypeScript code, it needs to be compiled. In other words, everything you create using TypeScript will be converted to JavaScript at some point.

To run the compiler, we can open the terminal and run the following command:

tsc addition.ts

This command will point TypeScript compiler (tsc) to our addition.ts file. It will create a JavaScript file alongside the original TypeScript file. If there are any “type errors” in the file, we’ll get an error into our terminal.

But you don’t have to do this manually every time. There’s a good chance your code editor has a TypeScript compiler running in the background as you type your code. With VS Code, this functionality comes out of the box, which makes sense since both TypeScript and VS Code are developed and maintained by Microsoft. Having the compiler running in the background is incredibly useful, mostly because this allows us to immediately see errors such as the one shown in the last example. Whenever there is such an error, we get feedback and an explanation:

In this case, we are passing a string into a function that requires us to pass numbers. This information comes from a compiler that runs inside the editor (VS code in my case).

Additionally, some modern testing tools such as Playwright and Cypress run the compiler on the fly and convert your TypeScript code into browser-readable JavaScript for you.

How to use TypeScript as a tester

Now that you know what TypeScript is and how it works, it is time to answer the most important question: why? Is TypeScript even useful for someone who focuses on test automation?

My answer is yes, and I would like to demonstrate this in a few examples. I’ll also give you a couple of reasons why I think test automation engineers should start getting familiar with TypeScript.

Typed libraries

As test automation engineers, we often implement many different libraries for our work. There’s no tool that fits all the needs, and many times we deal with plugins, integrations, toolsets, extensions, and libraries. When you start, you need to get yourself familiar with the API of that tool, dig into the documentation, try it out, and understand different commands. It’s a process. And it can be exhausting to get through that first mile.

TypeScript can be helpful in speeding up that process. Libraries that contain type definitions can really get you up to speed with using them. When a library or a plugin contains type definitions, it means that functions in that library will have the same type of checking implemented as in the example I have given earlier.

This means that whenever you e.g. pass a wrong argument to a function, you will see an error in your editor. In the following example, I am passing a number into a cy.type() function that will only accept text:

Code autocompletion

Besides checking for correct arguments, TypeScript can help with giving autocomplete suggestions. This can act as a quick search tool, when you are looking for the right command or argument.

I have recently made a plugin for testing API with Cypress, and TypeScript autocompletion helps with passing different attributes such as url, method, or request body:

Handling imported data

Working with data can often get complicated. Especially when working with complex datasets in which you have to navigate through multiple levels of data structure. One mistake can make the whole test fail and cause a headache when trying to debug that problem.

When data is imported to a test, for example from a JSON file, the structure of that JSON file is imported to the test as well. This is something that the TypeScript compiler inside the editor does for us. Let’s take a look at a simple JSON file that will seed data into our test:

While creating our test, the editor will guide us through the fixture file and suggest possible keys that can be inferred from that file:

Notice how we not only get the key names, but also the type of the key. We can use this type inference for both seeding the data into our tests, as well as making assertions. The best part about this? The fixture file and test are now interconnected. Whenever we change our fixture file, the test file will be affected as well. If e.g. we decide to change the name property in our JSON file to title, TypeScript compiler will notice this error even before we decide to run our test.

Tightening source code with test code

Probably my strongest argument for using TypeScript is the connection between test code and source code. Being able to tie things together is a game changer. Whenever the source code changes, it can have a direct effect on tests, and with TypeScript, there’s a high chance it will show even before you run your tests on a pipeline.

Let’s say you have an API test. If your developers use TypeScript, chances are they have a TypeScript definition of the API structure. As a tester, you can import that structure into your test and use it e.g. for testing the API response:

import Board from "trelloapp/src/typings/board";

it('Returns proper response when creating new board', () => {
 cy.request<Board>('POST', '/api/boards', { name })
   .then(({ body }) => {

Similarly to the previous example with fixture files, whenever something changes in our typings file, we will notice the change in the test file as well.

Checking errors on CLI

A really powerful feature of TypeScript is the ability to check all errors in the project. We can do this by typing following command in the terminal:

tsc --noEmit

The –noEmit flag means that the TypeScript compiler will not create JavaScript files, but it will check for any errors on our files. We can check all our files in the project, which means that even if we have worked on a single file, all the files will be checked for errors.

We can check the health of our tests even before they are run. Whenever we change files in our project, we can check if type checks are still passing. Even without opening any files.

This is sometimes referred to as “static testing”. It enables us to add an additional layer of checks that will help us make less mistakes in our code.

A great advantage of this is that it runs super fast, making it a good candidate for a pre-commit check.

In fact, setting up such a check is very easy and can be done in three simple steps:

First, install pre-commit package via npm using following command:

npm install pre-commit --save-dev

Then, create a lint script in package.json:

"scripts": {
 "lint": "tsc --noEmit"

As a final step, define lint as one of the pre-commit checks in package.json:

"pre-commit": [ "lint" ]

From now on, whenever we try to commit, our tsc –noEmit script will run. If it throws any errors, we will not be able to commit staged files.


TypeScript offers a variety of advantages. Static typing can improve the reliability and maintainability of the test code. It can help catch errors and issues earlier in the development process, saving time and effort spent on debugging. And there are many more that didn’t make it to this post.

Since TypeScript is built on top of JavaScript, test automation engineers who are familiar with JavaScript will be able to easily pick up TypeScript. The knowledge and skills they have developed in JavaScript will transfer over. If you need the initial push, you can check out my new course on TypeScript in Cypress, where I explain the basics of TypeScript within Cypress, but most of the knowledge can be transferred to other tools as well. The best part? It’s absolutely free on Test Automation University.

The post Using TypeScript for Test Automation appeared first on Automated Visual Testing | Applitools.

Test Automation Video Winter Roundup: September – December 2022 Mon, 09 Jan 2023 18:35:00 +0000 Get all the latest test automation videos you need right here. All feature test automation experts sharing their knowledge and their stories.

The post Test Automation Video Winter Roundup: September – December 2022 appeared first on Automated Visual Testing | Applitools.

Applitools minions in winter

Check out the latest test automation videos from Applitools.

We hope you got to take time to rest, unplug, and spend time with your loved ones to finish out 2022 with gratitude. I have been incredibly appreciative of the learning opportunities and personal growth that 2022 offered. In reflection of our past quarter here at Applitools, we’ve curated our latest videos from some amazing speakers. If you missed any videos while away on holiday or finishing off tasks for the year, we’ve gathered the highlights for you in one spot.

ICYMI: Back in November, Andrew Knight (a.k.a. the Automation Panda) shared the top ten Test Automation University courses.

Cypress vs. Playwright: The Rematch

One of our most popular series is Let the Code Speak, where we compare testing frameworks in real examples. In our rematch of Let the Code Speak: Cypress vs. Playwright, Andrew Knight and Filip Hric dive deeper to how Cypress and Playwright work in practical projects. Quality Engineer Beth Marshall moderates this battle of testing frameworks while Andy and Filip explore comparisons of their respective testing frameworks in the areas of developer experience, finding selectors, reporting, and more.

Video preview of Cypress vs Playwright: The Rematch webinar

Automating Testing in a Component Library

Visual testing components allows teams to find bugs earlier, across a variety of browsers and viewports, by testing reused components in isolation. Software Engineering Manager David Lindley and Senior Software Engineer Ben Hudson joined us last year to detail how Vodafone introduced Applitools into its workflow to automate visual component testing. They also share the challenges and improvements they saw when automating their component testing.

Video preview of Automating Testing in a Component Library webinar

When to Shift Left, Move to Centre, and Go Right in Testing

Quality isn’t limited to the end of the development process, so testing should be kept in mind long before your app is built. Quality Advocate Millan Kaul offers actionable strategies and answers to questions about how to approach testing during different development phases and when you should or shouldn’t automate. Millan also shares real examples of how to do performance and security testing.

Video preview of When to Shift Left, Move Centre, and Go Right in Testing webinar

You, Me, and Accessibility: Empathy and Human-Centered Design Thinking

Inclusive design makes it easier for your customers with your varying needs and devices are able to use your product. Accessibility Advocate and Crema Test Engineer Erin Hess talks about the principles of accessible design, how empathy empowers teams and end users, and how to make accessibility more approachable to teams that are newer to it. This webinar is helpful all team members, whether you’re a designer, developer, tester, product owner, or customer advocate.

Video preview of You, Me, and Accessibility webinar

Erin also shared a recap along with the audience poll results in a follow-up blog post.

Future of Testing October 2022

Our October Future of Testing event was full of experts from SenseIT, Studylog, Meta, This Dot, EVERSANA, EVERFI, LAB Group, and our own speakers from Applitools. We covered test automation topics across ROI measurement, accessibility, testing at scale, and more. Andrew Knight, Director of Test Automation University, concludes the event with eight testing convictions inspired by Ukiyo-e Japanese woodblock prints. Check out the full Future of Testing October 2022 event library for all of the sessions.

Video preview of Future of Testing keynote

Skills and Strategies for New Test Managers

Being a good Test Manager is about more than just choosing the right tools for your team. EasyJet Test Manager Laveena Ramchandani shares what she has learned in her experience on how to succeed in QA leadership. Some of Laveena’s strategies include how to create a culture that values feedback and communication. This webinar is great for anyone looking to become a Test Manager or for anyone who has newly started the role.

Video preview of Skills and Strategies for New Test Managers

Ensuring a Reliable Digital Experience This Black Friday

With so much data and so many combinations of state, digital shopping experiences can be challenging to test. Senior Director of Product Marketing Dan Giordano talks about how to test your eCommerce application to prioritize coverage on the most important parts of your application. He also shares some common shopper personas to help you start putting together your own user scenarios. The live demo shows how AI-powered automated visual testing can help retail businesses in the areas of visual regression testing, accessibility testing, and multi-baseline testing for A/B experiments.

Video preview of Ensuring a Reliable Digital Experience webinar

Dan gave a recap and went a little deeper into eCommerce testing in a follow-up blog post.

Cypress, Playwright, Selenium, or WebdriverIO? Let the Engineers Speak!

Our popular Let the Code Speak webinar series focused primarily on differences in syntax and features, but it doesn’t really cover how these frameworks hold up in the long term. In our new Let the Engineers Speak webinar, we spoke with a panel of engineers from Mercari US, YOOBIC, Hilton, Q2, and Domino’s about how they use Cypress, Playwright, Selenium, and WebdriverIO in their day-to-day operations. Andrew Knight moderated as our panelists discussed what challenges they faced and if they ever switched from one framework to another. The webinar gives a great view into the factors that go into deciding what tool is right for the project.

Video preview of Let the Engineers Speak webinar

More on the way in 2023!

We’ve got even more great test automation content coming this year. Be sure to visit our upcoming events page to see what we have lined up.

Check out our on-demand video library for all of our past videos. If you have any favorite videos from this list or from 2022, you can let us know @Applitools. Happy testing!

The post Test Automation Video Winter Roundup: September – December 2022 appeared first on Automated Visual Testing | Applitools.

Component testing in Cypress: What is it and why it’s important Thu, 15 Dec 2022 00:01:53 +0000 Cypress released the first alpha version of component testing back in version 4.5.0. It caught the attention of many, but if you are like me, you didn’t understand the buzz....

The post Component testing in Cypress: What is it and why it’s important appeared first on Automated Visual Testing | Applitools.

Cypress welcome page

Cypress released the first alpha version of component testing back in version 4.5.0. It caught the attention of many, but if you are like me, you didn’t understand the buzz. It’s completely okay, as component testing was always more of a domain of developers than testers. But testers can take an interest in component testing, too. Now that Cypress’ component testing features have reached General Availability (GA) in version 11, I decided to dive into this topic and find out why component testing is important. The more I played with it, the more I understood the appeal. In this blog post, I’d like to share my perspective with you.

What is a component?

Components are like Lego blocks. In the same way as toy castles, cars, and other creations can be built from Lego blocks, Web applications are built from components. Like Lego blocks, components come in different shapes and sizes and can serve different purposes. Some are used just once, some are reused all the time.

Each component has certain visual and functional properties. Like a Lego block, a component can be a common one that is used all the time and changed just slightly, or it can be a unique one that serves a specific function.

I want to show you how this works on a simple Vue.js application. Let‘s take a look at a simple Vue component that might look something like this:

 <button class=".green-button">{{ buttonText }}</button>
<script setup lang="ts">
 buttonText: {
   type: String,
   default: "Hello world"

This component consists of two parts. One is the <template> part that contains a dynamic HTML markup. The second part is the <script> part that contains a TypeScript function that defines the properties that we want to render in the <template>. There is a buttonText string property that will be rendered inside the <button> element.

This is an example of a reusable component. I can use the button element all across my application, but I might want to render different texts for the button. Whenever I want to use this component, I call it like this:

<MyButton buttonText="Click me!" />

The button will render differently based on what property is passed into it. Here are some examples:

Buttons displayed with emojis and different text

Why test a component?

If you need to make sure that this button looks good with an emoji, special character, or normal text, what do you do? You could choose an end-to-end approach by clicking through the app to find and validate all the buttons, but this is not going to be very effective. It will be slow and cumbersome.

Enter component testing.

Instead of opening the whole application, with component testing, you can just mount the component in isolation. This means that you can save time loading just the parts you are interested in and test much faster. Or you test different properties of the same component and see how they render. This can be really helpful for situations where small changes affect a big portion of the app.

Imagine you are a developer who wants to refactor a component. While you are doing so, you can get immediate feedback on anything that might be broken. In other words, it’s easier to simply render a component with an emoji than to hunt through your app looking for it.This is why component testing is growing in popularity and why it is becoming one of the major trends in front-end testing. We can already see different implementations of component testing in tools like Jest, Storybook, WebdriverIO, Playwright, and Cypress.

Buttons don’t seem like much, though…

You are right. This example is way too simple to show the value of component testing.

Instead of a button, imagine a login form that validates a multitude of different inputs. How do you test that the form throws correct errors?

You could write an end-to-end test that will load the login screen, enter valid (or invalid) credentials, validate error messages, log in, log out, etc.

Or, instead, you could open the login form component only and try different inputs without the need of logging in or loading the rest of the login page. Loading a single component is way faster than loading the whole application. Testing a component in isolation can provide a lot of value, especially in cases like these.

What makes component testing with Cypress great

The main difference between Cypress and other tools is that it runs its component tests in a real browser. Besides that, you have all the power of the Cypress API at hand for your component tests as well. You can click, type, make assertions, and intercept network calls. You can spy on functions or stub them. This enables you to get to some really hard-to-reach places in your app and test them. You can mock your data or the component state, avoiding difficult data management or app setup.

Setting up component testing in Cypress

Starting with Cypress v10, setting up component testing is very straightforward.Once you open Cypress GUI using the npx cypress open command, you will be welcomed by this screen:

Cypress welcome page

The component testing option will take you through a simple setup wizard that will help you set up everything according to your application’s needs. As opposed to end-to-end testing, component testing is actually framework-specific. While the principles are pretty much the same for all frameworks, the loaders differ slightly – each one of them needs a separate set of tools. The setup wizard will take you through the steps to set up everything.

Framework and bundler

On the very next screen, Cypress asks you to choose a framework and a bundler. It even tries to detect the ones used in your app automatically. If you are building web applications for living, you are probably familiar with the different choices.

Cypress project setup page

As a tester, I needed to become familiar with these terms, especially with the “bundler”. The bundler is an essential part in building a modern web application. It converts the code you write into something a browser can read. As mentioned earlier, components split our application into small “Lego blocks”. These are often .vue files, .jsx files, or something similar. But these will not work in browsers by themselves. The bundler makes them into a bunch of .html, .js, and .css files that browsers can read.

When running a component test, Cypress will use the bundler to convert your component file into something a browser can read using the same bundler as your application does.

Cypress component testing project

Based on the inputs, the installation wizard will set up our project. Looking at the cypress.config.ts file, you can see that the configuration is actually pretty concise:

export default defineConfig({
 component: {
   devServer: {
     framework: "vue",
     bundler: "vite",

By default, Cypress will take options set in vite.config.ts file in our project, so anything we have set up for our app will instantly become available to Cypress tests as well.


Besides resolving our configuration, Cypress will create a couple of helper files, one of the most important being component.ts located in the cypress/support folder.

import { mount } from 'cypress/vue'
// Augment the Cypress namespace to include type definitions for
// your custom command.
// Alternatively, can be defined in cypress/support/component.d.ts
// with a <reference path="./component" /> at the top of your spec.
declare global {
 namespace Cypress {
   interface Chainable {
     mount: typeof mount
Cypress.Commands.add('mount', mount)
// Example use:
// cy.mount(MyComponent)

This file will contain the mounting function for the framework you use. Cypress supports React, Angular, Svelte, Vue, and even frameworks like Next.js and Nuxt. As of Cypress version 11, most of these are out of beta.

How Cypress is built

Cypress’ architecture is unique when compared to other testing tools. With Playwright or Selenium, the goal is to automate a browser in order to perform some actions. With Cypress, you are essentially building an app to test your app.

When you are developing an application, your files get bundled and opened inside a browser. Imagine your standard npm run dev mode.

With Cypress, pretty much the same principle is applied. Your test files get bundled and opened in a browser. With component testing, instead of opening the app for your end-to-end test, you’ll mount your component. Pretty cool, if you ask me.

Creating a first component test

Once you set up your component testing configuration and your cy.mount() command, you are ready to start testing! So, let’s take a look at how this can be done.

With end-to-end testing, we usually have a dedicated folder where all our tests are. But with component testing, it is better to place your tests right next to your components.

Component testing folder in Cypress

When you create your first test, put a standard naming convention in place. In fact, Cypress will encourage you to do so with its default configuration, as it will look for any .cy.js or .cy.ts files. Basically, the .cy addition identifies the file as a Cypress test

You can, however, change this to .spec.ts in your configuration file:

component: {
 devServer: {
   framework: 'vue',
   bundler: 'vite',
 setupNodeEvents(on, config) { },
 specPattern: 'src/**/*.spec.ts',

Mounting the component

Let’s now try to test our button component from before. Component testing in Cypress feels very familiar with end-to-end testing. It uses the same it() and describe() blocks from Mocha, but instead of calling cy.visit(), you will use cy.mount() to mount your component into the browser.

import SaveButton from './SaveButton.vue'
it('display save button', () => {

Notice that whenever we want to mount a component, we need to import it into our test file. When we run this test in Cypress, it will successfully mount our component.

A Cypress test on the Hello world button

You’d be right to raise your eyebrows, as this is not exactly what you would expect. Our component is missing CSS styles! In many cases, components rely on some other resource. It can be a module, package, state manager, or CSS as in this case. This means that in order to make our component test work, it is often the case that we need to import a bunch of stuff.

CSS is something that probably all your components will need, so you might want to import that to your component.ts configuration file. This is a place to set a global configuration for mounting all of our components.

import { mount } from 'cypress/vue'
import '@/index.css';
declare global {
 namespace Cypress {
   interface Chainable {
     mount: typeof mount
Cypress.Commands.add('mount', mount)

Passing properties

Let’s now try something else with our component. You may remember that we were defining a buttonText property that would then render text in our button. We can pass our own properties to the button right within the test by giving our cy.mount() function a props object with given properties:

import SaveButton from './SaveButton.vue'
it('SaveButton component', () => {
 cy.mount(SaveButton, {
   props: {
     buttonText: 'Hello world'

Easy, right? We are now ready to test different versions of the button that may appear in our application. And since we are in a Cypress test, we can use Cypress commands, too. For example, we can check that the buttonText property is actually rendered in our button:

import SaveButton from './SaveButton.vue'
it('SaveButton component', () => {
 const buttonText = 'Hello world'
 cy.mount(SaveButton, {
   props: {
 cy.get('button').should('have.text', buttonText)

Component testing and its importance

Component testing enables you to look at the individual components of your application and ensures that they are working as expected. It helps testers and developers identify and fix issues with individual components before they become bigger problems affecting the whole application.

While component testing still falls mainly in the developers’ area of expertise, understanding this type of testing is beneficial for testers as well. Most notably, learning how web applications are built improves intuition for finding serious bugs.

To learn more about component testing in Cypress, check out the Getting Started with Component Testing in Cypress on-demand webinar. Head over to the Applitools design team solution page to learn how Applitools speeds up component testing with AI.

The post Component testing in Cypress: What is it and why it’s important appeared first on Automated Visual Testing | Applitools.

7 Awesome Test Automation University Courses Not To Miss Tue, 06 Dec 2022 20:10:19 +0000 Almost everyone in software testing knows about Test Automation University (TAU). Powered by Applitools, TAU is one of the best resources for building up your testing and automation skills. It...

The post 7 Awesome Test Automation University Courses Not To Miss appeared first on Automated Visual Testing | Applitools.

Test Automation University, powered by Applitools

Almost everyone in software testing knows about Test Automation University (TAU). Powered by Applitools, TAU is one of the best resources for building up your testing and automation skills. It offers dozens of courses from the world’s leading instructors all available for free. It’s awesome!

Last month, I wrote an article listing the 10 most popular TAU courses ranked by completions over the past year. However, there are several other excellent courses in our catalog that also deserve attention. In this article, I want to highlight a small selection of those courses that I think are fantastic. These courses are listed in no particular order, and of course, all our other courses are excellent as well. Let’s dive in!

#1: Playwright with JavaScript

Playwright with Javascript course badge
Ixchel Meza

First on this list is Playwright with JavaScript by Ixchel Meza. Playwright is a hot, new web testing framework from Microsoft. It’s a modern framework with automatic waiting, built-in tracing, and cross-browser support. Plus, it’s fast – really, really fast for UI testing! It’s quickly gaining industry traction. In this course, Ixchel teaches you how to get a Playwright project up and running in JavaScript. The distinction of saying “in JavaScript” is important because Playwright also supports Java, C#, and Python.

#2: Intro to Testing Machine Learning Models

Intro to Testing Machine Learning Models course badge
Carlos Kidman

Next up is one of my personal favorites: Intro to Testing Machine Learning Models by Carlos Kidman. Machine learning (ML), artificial intelligence (AI), “algorithms” – whatever you call it – is indispensable to software products today. Just like every business plan in 1999 needed a website, every new app these days seems to have an ML component. But how do we test ML models when they seem so opaque and, at times, questionable? In this course, Carlos breaks down where testers fit in this brave new world of ML and all the techniques for properly testing models.

#3: UI Automation with WebdriverIO v7

UI Automation with WebdriverIO v7 course badge
Julia Pottinger

UI Automation with WebdriverIO v7 by Julia Pottinger is actually a special course: it’s the first course that we “refreshed” for TAU. Julia’s original course covered a now-older version of WebdriverIO, so she developed a new edition to keep up with the project. WebdriverIO is a Node.js-based browser automation tool that can use either the WebDriver Protocol or the Chrome DevTools protocol. Alongside Selenium WebDriver, Cypress, and Playwright, it’s one of the most popular web testing tools available! Julia covers all the ins and outs of WebDriverIO v7 in this course.

#4: The Basics of Visual Testing

Basics of Visual Testing course badge
Matt Jasaitis

Visual testing is indispensable for testing any app with a user interface (UI) these days – which is basically every app. In The Basics of Visual Testing, Matt Jasaitis teaches how to incorporate visual testing techniques as part of a well-balanced test automation strategy. You’ll build a Selenium Java project together with Applitools Eyes chapter by chapter, learning the best practices for visual testing along the way. Visual testing will help you catch all sorts of bugs like overlapping text, missing elements, and skewed layouts that traditional automation struggles to find.

#5: Introduction to Observability for Test Automation

Introduction to Observability for Test Automation course badge
Abby Bangser

“Observability” means the ability to understand what is happening in a software system based on telemetry being reported in real time. Just like any other software system, test automation and build pipelines have telemetry worth analyzing for improvements. In her course Introduction to Observability for Test Automation, Abby Bangser teaches how to expose metrics, logs, traces, and events of an automated test suite written in Java running through GitHub Actions. She provides excellent guidance on what is worth capturing and how to capture it.

#6: Introduction to Blockchain Testing

Introduction to Blockchain Testing course badge
Rafaela Azevedo

A blockchain is a distributed ledger that links records or “blocks” together in sequence using cryptographic signatures. One of the most popular blockchain applications is cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum. Blockchains also serve as a cornerstone for web3 and web5. Although blockchain technologies are controversial due to environmental concerns from high energy consumption and due to perceived scams around cryptocurrencies and non-fungible tokens (NFTs), they are nevertheless ingrained in our tech landscape. In Introduction to Blockchain Testing, Rafaela Azevedo shows you how to get your hands dirty with blockchains by setting up an Ethereum blockchain on your local machine, writing your first contract with Solidity, and finally testing your contract.

#7: Testing from the Inside: Unit Testing Edition

Unit Testing course badge
Tariq King

The final course to round off this list is Testing from the Inside: Unit Testing Edition by Tariq King. Unit testing is such a vital part of software development. It’s one of the first lines of defense in catching bugs in code. In this course, Tariq takes a unique approach to unit testing: thinking “inside the box” of the software product under test to explore the actual code and its data. Tariq covers foundational principles as well as practical techniques like parameterizing, mocking, and spying.

What other courses are available?

Like I said before, Test Automation University offers dozens of courses from the world’s best instructors, and we add new courses all the time! These are just seven out of many excellent courses. Be sure to peruse our catalog and try some courses that interest you!

The post 7 Awesome Test Automation University Courses Not To Miss appeared first on Automated Visual Testing | Applitools.

The Top 10 Test Automation University Courses Thu, 10 Nov 2022 16:34:00 +0000 Test Automation University (also called “TAU”) is one of the best online platforms for learning testing and automation skills. TAU offers dozens of courses from the world’s leading instructors, and...

The post The Top 10 Test Automation University Courses appeared first on Automated Visual Testing | Applitools.

Test Automation University, powered by Applitools

Test Automation University (also called “TAU”) is one of the best online platforms for learning testing and automation skills. TAU offers dozens of courses from the world’s leading instructors, and everything is available for free. The platform is proudly powered by Applitools. As of November 2022, nearly 140,000 students have signed up! TAU has become an invaluable part of the testing community at large. Personally, I know many software teams who use TAU courses as part of their internal onboarding and mentorship programs.

So, which TAU courses are currently the most popular? In this list, we’ll count down the top 10 most popular courses, ranked by the total number of course completions over the past year. Let’s go!

#10: Selenium WebDriver with Java

Selenium WebDriver with Java course badge
Angie Jones

Starting off the list at #10 is Selenium WebDriver with Java by none other than Angie Jones. Even with the rise of alternatives like Cypress and Playwright, Selenium WebDriver continues to be one of the most popular tools for browser automation, and Java continues to be one of its most popular programming languages. Selenium WebDriver with Java could almost be considered the “default” choice for Web UI test automation.

In this course, Angie digs deep into the WebDriver API, teaching everything from the basics to advanced techniques. It’s a great course for building a firm foundation in automation with Selenium WebDriver.

#9: Python Programming

Python Programming course badge
Jess Ingrassellino

#9 on our list is one of our programming courses: Python Programming by Jess Ingrassellino. Python is hot right now. On whatever ranking, index, or article you find these days for the “most popular programming languages,” Python is right at the top of the list – often vying for the top spot with JavaScript. Python is also quite a popular language for test automation, with excellent frameworks like pytest, libraries like requests, and bindings for browser automation tools like Selenium WebDriver and Playwright.

In this course, Dr. Jess teaches programming in Python. This isn’t a test automation course – it’s a coding course that anyone could take. She covers both structured programming and object-oriented principles from the ground up. After two hours, you’ll be ready to start coding your own projects!

#8: API Test Automation with Postman

API Test Automation with Postman course badge
Beth Marshall

The #8 spot belongs to API Test Automation with Postman by Beth Marshall. In recent years, Postman has become the go-to tool for building and testing APIs. You could almost think of it as an IDE for APIs. Many test teams use Postman to automate their API test suites.

Beth walks through everything you need to know about automating API tests with Postman in this course. She covers basic features, mocks, monitors, workspaces, and more. Definitely take this course if you want to take your API testing skills to the next level!

#7: Introduction to Cypress

Intro to Cypress course badge
Gil Tayar

Lucky #7 is Introduction to Cypress by Gil Tayar. Cypress is one of the most popular web testing frameworks these days, even rivaling Selenium WebDriver. With its concise syntax, rich debugging features, and JavaScript-native approach, it’s become the darling end-to-end test framework for frontend developers.

It’s no surprise that Gil’s Cypress course would be in the top ten. In this course, Gil teaches how to set up and run tests in Cypress from scratch. He covers both the Cypress app and the CLI, and he even covers how to do visual testing with Cypress.

#6: Exploring Service APIs through Test Automation

Exploring Services APIs through Test Automation course badge
Amber Race

The sixth most popular TAU course is Exploring Service APIs through Test Automation by Amber Race. API testing is just as important as UI testing, and this course is a great way to start learning what it’s all about. In fact, this is a great course to take before API Test Automation with Postman.

This course was actually the second course we launched on TAU. It’s almost as old as TAU itself! In it, Amber shows how to explore APIs first and then test them using the POISED strategy.

#5: IntelliJ for Test Automation Engineers

IntelliJ for Test Automation Engineers course badge
Corina Pip

Coming in at #5 is IntelliJ for Test Automation Engineers by Corina Pip. Java is one of the most popular languages for test automation, and IntelliJ is arguably the best and most popular Java IDE on the market today. Whether you build frontend apps, backend services, or test automation, you need proper development tools to get the job done.

Corina is a Java pro. In this course, she teaches how to maximize the value you get out of IntelliJ – and specifically for test automation. She walks through all those complicated menus and options you may have ignored otherwise to help you become a highly efficient engineer.

#4: Java Programming

Java Programming course badge
Angie Jones

Our list is winding down! At #4, we have Java Programming by Angie Jones. For the third time, a Java-based course appears on this list. That’s no surprise, as we’ve said before that Java remains a dominant programming language for test automation.

Like the Python Programming course at spot #9, Angie’s course is a programming course: it teaches the fundamentals of the Java language. Angie covers everything from “Hello World” to exceptions, polymorphism, and the Collections Framework. Clocking in at just under six hours, this is also one of the most comprehensive courses in the TAU catalog. Angie is also an official Java Champion, so you know this course is top-notch.

#3: Introduction to JavaScript

Introduction to Cypress course badge
Mark Thompson

It’s time for the top three! The bronze medal goes to Introduction to JavaScript by Mark Thompson. JavaScript is the language of the Web, so it should be no surprise that it is also a top language for test automation. Popular test frameworks like Cypress, Playwright, and Jest all use JavaScript.

This is the third programming course TAU offers, and also the top one in this ranking! In this course, Mark provides a very accessible onramp to start programming in JavaScript. He covers the rock-solid basics: variables, conditionals, loops, functions, and classes. These concepts apply to all other programming languages, too, so it’s a great course for anyone who is new to coding.

#2: Web Element Locator Strategies

Web Element Locator Strategies course badge
Andrew Knight

I’m partial to the course in second place – Web Element Locator Strategies by me, Andrew Knight! This was the first course I developed for TAU, long before I ever joined Applitools.

In whatever test framework or language you use for UI-based test automation, you need to use locators to find elements on the page. Locators can use IDs, CSS selectors, or XPaths to uniquely identify elements. This course teaches all the tips and tricks to write locators for any page, including the tricky stuff!

#1: Setting a Foundation for Successful Test Automation

Setting a Foundation for Successful Test Automation course badge
Angie Jones

It should come as no surprise that the #1 course on TAU in terms of course completions is Setting a Foundation for Successful Test Automation by Angie Jones. This course was the very first course published to TAU, and it is the first course in almost all the Learning Paths.

Before starting any test automation project, you must set clear goals with a robust strategy that meets your business objectives. Testing strategies must be comprehensive – they include culture, tooling, scaling, and longevity. While test tools and frameworks will come and go, common-sense planning will always be needed. Angie’s course is a timeless classic for teams striving for success with test automation.

What can we learn from these trends?

A few things are apparent from this list of the most popular TAU courses:

  1. Test automation is clearly software development. All three of TAU’s programming language courses – Java, JavaScript, and Python – are in the top ten for course completions. A course on using IntelliJ, a Java IDE, also made the top ten. They prove how vital good development skills are needed for successful test automation.
  2. API testing is just as important as UI testing. Two of the courses in the top ten focused on API testing.
  3. Principles are more important than tools or frameworks. Courses on strategy, technique, and programming rank higher than courses on specific tools and frameworks.

What other courses are popular?

The post The Top 10 Test Automation University Courses appeared first on Automated Visual Testing | Applitools.

iOS 16 – What’s New for Test Engineers Fri, 16 Sep 2022 17:07:38 +0000 Learn about what's new in iOS 16, including some new updates Test Engineers should be looking out for.

The post iOS 16 – What’s New for Test Engineers appeared first on Automated Visual Testing | Applitools.


Learn about what’s new in iOS 16, including some new updates test engineers should be looking out for.

It’s an exciting time of the year for anyone who uses Apple devices – and that includes QA engineers charged with mobile testing. Apple has just unveiled iOS 16, and as usual it is filled with new features for iOS users to enjoy.

Many of these new features, of course, affect the look and feel and usability of any application running on iOS. If you’re in QA, that means you’ve now got a lot of new testing to do to make sure your application works as perfectly on iOS 16 as it did on previous versions of the operating system.

For example, Apple has just upgraded their iconic “notch” into a “Dynamic Island.” This is significant redesign of a small but highly visual component that your users will see every time they look at their phone. If your app doesn’t function appropriately with this new UI change, your users will notice.

If you’re using Native Mobile Grid for your mobile testing, no need to worry, as Native Mobile Grid already supports automated testing of iOS 16 on Apple devices.

With this in mind, let’s take a look through some of the most exciting new features of iOS 16, with a focus on how they can affect your life as a test engineer.

Customizable Lock Screen

The lockscreen on iOS 16 devices can now be customized far more than before, going beyond changing the background image – you can now alter the appearance of the time as well as add new widgets. Another notable change here is that notifications now pop up from the bottom instead of the top.

As a QA engineer, there are a few things to consider here. First, if your app will have a new lockscreen widget, you certainly need to test it carefully. Performing visual regression testing and getting contrast right will be especially important on an uncertain background.

Even if you don’t develop a widget, it’s worth thinking about (and then verifying) whether the user experience could be affected by your notifications moving from the top of the user’s screen to the bottom. Be sure and take a look at how they will appear when stacked as well to make sure the right information is always visible.

Stacked bottom notifications in iOS 16 – Image via Apple

Notch –> Dynamic Island

As we mentioned above, the notch is getting redesigned into a “Dynamic Island.” This new version of the cutout required for the front-facing camera can now present contextual information about the app you’re using. It will expand and contract based on the info it’s displaying, so it’s not a fixed size.

That means your app may now be resizing around the new “Dynamic Island” in ways it never did with the old notch. Similarly, your contextual notifications may not look quite the same either. This is definitely something worth testing to make sure the user experience is still exactly the way you meant it to be.

dynamic island transitioning from smaller to bigger
Dynamic Island – Image via Apple

Other New iOS 16 Features

There are a lot of other new features, of course. Some of these may not have as direct an impact on the UI or functionality of you own applications, but it’s worth being familiar with them all. Here are a few of the other biggest changes – check them carefully against your own app and be sure to test accordingly.

  • Send, Edit and Unsend Messages: You can now send, edit and unsend content in the Messages app, and you can now send/unsend (as well as schedule delivery) in the Mail app as well
  • Notifications and Live Activities: As mentioned, notifications now come up from the bottom. They can also “update” so that you don’t need to get repeated new notifications from the same app (eg: sports games scores, rideshare ETAs)
  • Live Text and Visual Lookup: iOS users can now extract live text from both photos and videos, as well as copy the subject of an image out of its background and paste it elsewhere
  • Focus Mode and Focus Filters: Focus mode (to limit distractions) can now be attached to custom lockscreens, and applied not just to an app but within an app (eg: restricting specific tabs in a browser)
  • Private Access Tokens: For some apps and websites, Apple will use these tokens to verify that users are human and bypass traditional CAPTCHA checks
  • Other improvements: The Fitness app, Health app, Maps app, iCloud, Wallet and more all got various improvements as well. Siri did too (you can now “speak” emojis ?). See the full list of iOS 16 updates.

Make Your Mobile Testing Easier

Mobile testing is a challenge for many organizations. The number of devices, browsers and screens in play make achieving full coverage extremely time-consuming using traditional mobile testing solutions. At Applitools, we’re focused on making software testing easier and more effective – that’s why we pioneered our industry-leading Visual AI. With the new Native Mobile Grid, you can significantly reduce the time you spend testing mobile apps while ensuring full coverage in a native environment.

Learn more about how you can scale your mobile automation testing with Native Mobile Grid, and sign up for access to get started with Native Mobile Grid today.

The post iOS 16 – What’s New for Test Engineers appeared first on Automated Visual Testing | Applitools.
