Applitools helps you continuously test and monitor the UI of your app as part of your CI-CD process.

Monitor all the critical functional and visual aspects of your digital business to be more confident and frequent with your releases.

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Cross Browser

Applitools supports all major browsers/versions on a variety of devices, like smartphones, tablets, laptops and desktops. Continuously test and monitor your app in these environments.

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Business Transaction

Applitools monitors thousands of different web pages and transactions in minutes. Find issues that impact your critical business workflows and provide a flawless digital experience 24/7.

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Dynamic Environment

Applitools monitors failures in your digital business process that occur due to changes to dynamic components such as browsers, micro-services, dynamic content, load, etc.

Seamless integrations with your existing testing and monitoring tools, deployment tools, and workflows allow you to add functional and visual testing and monitoring in minutes. Applitools works on top of your favorite DevOps toolchain: open source or commercial tools, cloud-based testing platforms, CI Server, and collaboration software.

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With features built for the entire engineering group in your organization such as collaboration and reporting that lets you share test and monitoring results across teams within your organization, you can release as frequently as needed without wasting precious time.

Rapid and easy monitoring setup

Object-based testing and monitoring generally requires many lines of code to validate that your app responds accurately. With Applitools, one script line is all that is needed to validating the functional and visual aspects of your app. After you’ve installed and run our SDKs, you’ll immediately have what you need to add functional and visual checkpoints to your existing suite of tests. Screenshots will be captured automatically and as you run multiple tests, you’ll have a baseline image to compare with. This allows you to easily confirm that new code performs as expected without extra maintenance or headaches.

Visual test management and analytics

No more cryptic and complex text-based failure logs! Your functional test reports consist of screenshots and visual differences that everyone in your team can understand at a glance. Easily zoom-in on changes and automatically group similar differences to only see unique ones. Build your own reports by obtaining screenshots, baseline images, differences and test details with the same APIs used by your test manager.

Visual collaboration

Use visual collaboration to share issues fast and reliably with developers, test engineers, and managers. Use our Jenkins or JIRA plug-ins to share the visual logs of your tests and the monitoring results with everyone in your organization who is involved in the app design, development and deployment. Screenshots are captured automatically while you app runs and can be analyzed in detailed reports that can be shared with various teams at your company.

Ready for the next generation of testing?

Get started today Schedule a demo