Microsoft Azure Archives - Automated Visual Testing | Applitools Applitools delivers the next generation of test automation powered by AI assisted computer vision technology known as Visual AI. Fri, 01 Dec 2023 19:05:40 +0000 en-US hourly 1 UI Tests In CICD – Webinar Review Fri, 24 Apr 2020 23:34:46 +0000 What does it take to add UI tests in your CICD pipelines? On March 12, Angie Jones, Senior Developer Advocate at Applitools, sat down with Jessica Deen, Senior Cloud Advocate...

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What does it take to add UI tests in your CICD pipelines?

On March 12, Angie Jones, Senior Developer Advocate at Applitools, sat down with Jessica Deen, Senior Cloud Advocate for Microsoft, held a webinar to discuss their approaches to automated testing and CI. 

Angie loves to share her experiences with test automation. She shares her wealth of knowledge by speaking and teaching at software conferences all over the world, as well as writing tutorials and blog posts on

As a Master Inventor, Angie is known for her innovative and out-of-the-box thinking style which has resulted in more than 25 patented inventions in the US and China. In her spare time, Angie volunteers with Black Girls Code to teach coding workshops to young girls in an effort to attract more women and minorities to tech.

Jessica’s work at Microsoft focuses on Azure, Containers, OSS, and, of course, DevOps. Prior to joining Microsoft, she spent over a decade as an IT Consultant / Systems Administrator for various corporate and enterprise environments, catering to end users and IT professionals in the San Francisco Bay Area.

Jessica holds two Microsoft Certifications (MCP, MSTS), 3 CompTIA certifications (A+, Network+, and Security+), 4 Apple Certifications, and is a former 4-year Microsoft Most Valuable Professional for Windows and Devices for IT.

The Talk

Angie and Jessica broke the talk into three parts. First, Angie would discuss factors anyone should consider in creating automated tests. Second, Angie and Jessica would demonstrate writing UI tests for a test application.  Finally, they would work on adding UI tests to a CI/CD pipeline.

Let’s get into the meat of it.

Four Factors to Consider in Automated Tests

Angie first introduced the four factors you need to consider when creating test automation:

  • Speed
  • Reliability
  • Quantity
  • Maintenance

She went through each in turn.


Angie started off by making this point:

“When your team checks in code, they want to know if the check-in is good as quickly as possible. Meaning, not overnight, not hours from now.”

Angie points out that the talk covers UI tests primarily because lots of engineers struggle with  UI testing. However, most of your check-in tests should not be UI tests because they run relatively slowly.  From this she referred to the testing pyramid idea

  • Most of your tests are unit tests – they run the fastest and should pass (especially if written by the same team that wrote the code)
  • The next largest group is either system-level or business-layer tests. These tests don’t require a user interface and show the functionality of units working together
  • UI tests have the smallest number of total tests and should provide sufficient coverage to give you confidence in the user-level behavior.

While UI tests take time, Angie points out that they are the only tests showing user experience of your application. So, don’t skimp on UI tests.

Having said that, when UI tests become part of your build, you need to make sure that your build time doesn’t become bogged down with your UI tests. If all your conditions run over 15 minutes, that’s way too long. 

To keep your testing to a minimum, Angie suggests running UI tests in parallel. To determine whether or not  you need to split up one test into several parallel tests, give yourself a time limit. Let’s say your build needs to complete in five minutes. Once you have a time limit, you can figure out how many parallel tests to set up. Like – with the 15 minute example, you might need to divide into three or more parallel tests.


Next, you need reliable tests. Dependable. Consistent. 

Unreliable tests interfere with CI processes. False negatives, said Angie, plague your team by making them waste time tracking down errors that don’t exist. False positives, she continues, corrupt your product by permitting the check-in of defective code. And, false positives corrupt your team because bugs found later in the process interfere with team cohesion and team trust. 

For every successful CICD team, check-in success serves as the standard for writing quality code. You need reliable tests.

How do you make your tests reliable?

Angie has a suggestion that you make sure your app includes testability – which involves you leaning on your team. If you develop code, grab one of your test counterparts. If you test, sit down with your development team. Take the opportunity to discuss app testability.

What makes an app testable? Identifiers. Any test runner uses identifiers to control the application. And, you can also use identifiers to validate outputs. So, a consistent regime to create identifiers helps you deliver consistency. 

If you lack identifiers, you get stuck with CSS Selectors or Xpath selectors. Those can get messy – especially over time.

Another way to make your app testable, Angie says, requires code that lets your test set initial conditions. If your UI tests depend on certain data values, then you need code to set those values prior to running those tests. Your developers need to create that code – via API or stored procedure – to ensure that the tests always begin with the proper conditions. This setup code can help you create the parallel tests that help your tests run more quickly.

You can also use code to restore conditions after your tests run – leaving the app in the proper state for another test.


Next, Angie said, you need to consider the number of tests you run.

There is a common misconception that you need to automate every possible test condition you can think about, she said. People get into trouble trying to do this in practice.

First, lots of tests increase your test time. And, as Angie said already, you don’t want longer test times.

Second, you end up with low value as well as high-value UI tests.  Angie asks a question to help triage her tests:

“Which test would I want to stop an integration or deployment? If I don’t want this test to stop a deployment, it doesn’t get automated. Or maybe it’s automated, but it’s run like once a day on some other cycle, not on my CICD.”

Angie also asks about the value of the functionality:

“Which test exercises critical, core functionality? Those are the ones you want in there. Which tests cover areas of my application that have a history of failing? You’re nervous anytime you have to touch that code. You want some tests around that area, too.”

Lastly, Angie asks, which tests provide information already covered by other tests in the pipeline? So many people forget to think about total coverage. They create repetitive tests and leave them in the pipeline. And, as many developers know, a single check-in that triggers multiple failures can do so because it was a single code error that had been tested, and failed, multiple times. 

“Don’t be afraid to delete tests,” Angie said. If it’s redundant, get rid of it, and reduce your overall test code maintenance. She talked about how long it took her to become comfortable with deleting tests, but she appreciates the exercise now. 


“Test code is code,” Angie said. “You need to write it with the same rules, the same guidelines, the same care that you would any production code.”

Angie continued, saying that people ask, “‘Well, Angie, why do I need to be so rigorous with my test code?’”

Angie made the point that test code monitors production code. In your CICD development, the state of the build depends on test acceptance. If you build sloppy test code, you run the risk of false positives and false negatives.

As your production code changes, your test code must change as well. The sloppier your test code, the more difficult time you will have in test maintenance. 

Writing test code with the same care as you write production gives you the best chance to keep your CICD pipeline in fast, consistent delivery. Alternatively, Angie said, if your test code stays a mess, you will have a tendency to avoid code maintenance. Avoiding maintenance will lead to untrustworthy builds. 

Writing UI Tests – Introduction

Next, Angie introduced the application she and Jessica were using for their coding demonstration. The app – a chat app, looks like this:

The welcome screen asks you to enter your username and click “Start Chatting” – the red button. Once you have done so, you’re in the app. Going forward, you enter text and click the “Send” button and it shows up on a chat screen along with your username. Other users can do the same thing.

With this as a starting point, Angie and Jessica began the process of test writing. 

Writing UI Tests – Coding Tests

Angie and Jessica were on a LiveShare of code, which looked like this:

From here, Angie started building her UI tests for the sign-in functionality. And, because she likes to code in Java, she coded in Java. 

All the objects she used were identified in the BaseTests class she inherited.

Her full code to sign-in looked like this:

public class ChattyBotTests extends BaseTests {
  private ChatPage chatPage:

  public void newSession(){
     chatPage = homePage.clickStartChatting();

The test code gest the URL previously defined in the BaseTests class, fills in the username box with “angie”, and clicks the “Start Chatting” button. Finally, Angie added the validateWindow() method inherited from BaseTests, which uses Applitools visual testing to validate the new screen after the Start Chatting button has been clicked.

Next, Angie wrote the code to enter a message, click send message, and validate that the message was on the screen.

  public void enterMessage(){
     chatPage.sendMessage("hello world");

The inherited chatPage.sendMessage method both enters the text and clicks the Send Message button. validateWindow() again checks the screen using Applitools.

Are these usable as-is for CICD? Nope.

Coding Pre-Test Setup

If we want to run tests in parallel, these tests, as written, block parallel operation, since the enterMessage() depends on the newSession() being run previously.

So solve this, Angie creates a pre-test startSession() that runs before all tests. It includes the first three lines of newSession() which go to the app URL, enter “angie” as the username, and click the “Start Chatting” button. Next, Angie modifies her newSession() test so all it does is the validation.

  public void startSession(){
     chatPage = homePage.clickStartChatting();

  public void newSession(){

With this @Before setup, Angie can create independent tests.

Adding Multi-User Test

Finally, Angie added a multi-user test. In this test, she assumed the @Before gest run, and her new test looked like this:

  public void multiPersonChat(){

     //Angie sends a message
     chatPage.sendMessage(“hello world”);

     //Jessica sends a message
     WindowUtils.openNewTab(driver, appUrl);
     chatPage = homePage.clickStartChatting();
     chatPage.sendMessage("goodbye world");
     WindowUtils.switchToTab(driver, 1);

Here, user “angie” sends the message “hello world”. Then, Angie codes the browser to:

  • open a new tab for the app URL, 
  • create a new chat session for “jessica”
  • has “jessica” send the message “goodbye world”
  • Switch back to the original tab
  • Validate the window

Integrating UI Tests Into CICD

Now, it was Jessica’s turn to control the code. 

Before she got started coding, Jessica shared her screen from Visual Studio Code, to demonstrate the LiveShare feature of VS Code:

Angie and Jessica were working on the same file using LiveShare. LiveShare highlights Angie’s cursor on Jessica’s screen. 

When Angie selects a block of text, the text gets highlighted on Jessica’s screen.

This extension to Visual Studio Code makes it easy to collaborate on coding projects remotely. It’s available for download on the Visual Studio Code Marketplace. It’s great for pair programming when compared with remote screen share.

To begin the discussion of using these tests in CICD, Jessica started describing the environment for running the tests from a developer perspective versus a CICD perspective. A developer might imagine running locally, with IntelliJ or command line opening up browser windows. In contrast, CICD needs to run unattended.  So, we need to consider headless.

Jessica showed how she coded for different environments in which she might run her tests.

Her code explains that the environment gets defined by a variable called runWhere, which can equal one of three values:

  • local – uses a ChromeDriver
  • pipeline – uses a dedicated build server and sets the options –headless and –no-sandbox for ChromeDriver (note: for Windows you add the option “–disable-gui”)
  • container – instructs the driver to be a remote web driver based on the selenium hub remote URL and passes the –headless and –no-sandbox chromeOptions

Testing Locally

First, Jessica needed to verify that the testa ran using the local settings.

Jessica set the RUNWHERE variable to ‘local’ using the command

export RUNWHERE=local

She had already exported other settings, such as her Applitools API Key, so she can use Applitools.

Since Jessica was already in her visual test folder, she run her standard maven command:

mvn -f visual_tests/pom.xml clean test

The tests ran as expected with no errors. The test opened up a local browser window and she showed the tests running.

Testing Pipeline

Next, Jessica set up to test her pipeline environment settings. 

She changed the RUNWHERE variable using the command:

export RUNWHERE=pipeline

Again, she executed the same maven tests

mvn -f visual_tests/pom.xml clean test

With the expectation that the tests would run as expected using her pipeline server, meaning that the tests run without opening a browser window on her local machine.

This is important because whatever CICD pipeline you use – Azure DevOps, Github Actions, Travis CI, or any traditional non-container-based CICD system – will want to use this headless interaction with the browser that keeps the GUI from opening up and possibly throwing an error.

Once these passed, Jessica moved on to testing with containers.

Testing Containers

Looking back, the container-based tests used a call to RemoteWebDriver, which in turns called selenium_hub:

Selenium_hub let Jessica spin up whatever browser she wanted.  To specify what she wanted, she used a docker-compose file, docker-compose.yaml:

These container-based approaches align with the current use of cloud-native pipelines for CICD. Jessica noted you can use Jenkins, Jenkins X for Kubernetes native, and CodeFresh, among others. Jessica decided to show CodeFresh. It’s a CICD pipeline dedicated to Kubernetes and microservices.  Every task runs in a container.

Selenium_Hub let Jessica choose to run tests on both a chorme_node and a firefox_node in her container setup.  

She simply needed to modify her RUNWHERE variable

export RUNWHERE=container

However, before running her tests, she needed to spin up her docker-compose on her local system. And, because selenium_hub wasn’t something that her system could identify by DNS at that moment (it was running on her local system), she ensured that the selenium_hub running locally would port forward onto her local system’s connection. Once she made these changes, and changed the container definition to use, she was ready to run her maven pom.xml file.

When the tests ran successfully, her local validation confirmed that her tests should run in her pipeline of choice.

Jessica pointed out that CICD really comes down to a collection of tasks you would run manually.

After that, Jessica said, we need to automate those tasks in a definition file. Typically, that’s Yaml, unless you really like pain and choose Groovy in Jenkins… (no judgement, she said).

Looking at Azure DevOps

Next, Jessica did a quick look into Azure DevOps.

Inside Azure DevOps, Jessica showed that she had a number of pipelines already written, and she chose the one she had set aside for the project. This pipeline already had three separate stages: 

  • Build Stage
  • Deploy to Dev
  • Deploy to Prod

Opening up the build stage shows all the steps contained just within that stage in its 74 seconds of runtime:

Jessica pointed out that this little ChattyBot application is running on a large cluster in Azure. It’s running in Kubernetes, and it’s deployed with Helm.  The whole build stage includes:

  • using JFrog to package up all the maven dependencies and run the maven build
  • jfrog xray to make sure that the dependencies don’t result in security errors, 
  • Creating a helm chart and packaging that,
  • Sending Slack notifications

This is a pretty extensive pipeline. Jessica wondered how hard it would be to integrate Angie’s tests into an existing environment.

But, because of the work Jessica had done to make Angie’s tests ready for CICD, it was really easy to add those tests into the deploy workflow.

First, Jessica reviewed the Deploy to Dev stage.

Adding UI Tests in Your CICD Pipeline

Now, Jessica started doing the work to add Angie’s tests into her existing CICD pipeline. 

After the RUNWHERE=container tests finished successfully, Jessica went back into VS Code, where she started inspecting her azure-pipelines.yml file.

Jessica made it clear that she wanted to add the tests everywhere that it made sense prior to promoting code to production:

  • Dev
  • Test
  • QA
  • Canary

Jessica reinforced Angie’s earlier points – these UI tests were critical and needed to pass. So, in order to include them in her pipeline, she needed to add them in an order that makes sense.

In her Deploy to Dev pipeline, she added the following:

   - bash:
     # run check to see when $(hostname) is available
     until $(curl --output /dev/null --silent --head --fail https://”$(hostname)”/); do
       if [ ${attempt_counter} -eq ${max_attempts} ]; then
         echo “Max attempts reached”
         exit 1

       printf “.”
       sleep 20
   displayName: HTTP Check

This script checks to see if the url $hostname is available and gives up if not available after five tries after sleeping 20 seconds. Each try it displays a “.” to show it is working. And, the name “HTTP Check” shows what it is doing. 

Now, to add the tests, Jessica needed to capture the environment variable declarations and then run the maven commands.  And, as Jessica pointed out, this is where things can become challenging, especially when writing the tests from scratch, because people may not know the syntax.   

Editing the azure-pipelines.yml in Azure DevOps

Now, Jessica moved back from Visual Studio Code to Azure DevOps, where she could also edit an azure-pipelines.yml file directly in the browser.

And, here, on the right side of her screen (I captured it separately) are tasks she can add to her pipeline. The ability to add tasks makes this process really, really simple and eliminates a lot of the errors that can happen when you code by hand.

One of those tasks is an Applitools Build Task that she was able to add by installing an extension.

Just clicking on this Applitools Build Task adds it to the azure_pipelines.yml file.  

And, now Jessica wanted to add her maven build task – but instead of doing a bash script, she wanted to use the maven task in Azure DevOps. Finding the task and clicking on it shows all the options for the task.

The values are all defaults. Jessica changed the address for her pom.xml file to visual_tests/pom.xml (the file location for the test file), set her goal as ‘test’ and options as ‘clean test’. She checked everything else, and since it looked okay, she clicked the “Add” button.  The following code got added to her azure-pipelines.yml file.

  - task: Maven
       mavenPomFile: ‘visual_tests/pom.xml’
       goals: 'test'
       options: 'clean test'
       publishJUnitResults: true
       testResultsFiles: '**/surefire-report/TEST-*.xml'
       javaHomeOption: 'JDKVersion'
       mavenVersionOption: 'Default'
       mavenAuthenticationFeed: false
       effectivePomSkip: false
       sonarQubeRunAnalysis: false

Going Back To The Test Code

Jessica copied the Applitools Built Task and Maven task code file back into the azure-pipelines.yml file she was already editing in Visual Studio Code.

Then, she added the environment variables needed to run the tests.  This included the Applitools API Key, which is a secret value from Applitools. In this case, Jessica defined this variable in Azure DevOps and could call it by the variable name.

Beyond the Applitools API Key, Jessica also set the RUNWHERE environment variable to ‘pipeline’ and the TEST_START_PAGE environment variable to the $hostname – same as used elsewhere in her code. All this made her tests dynamic.  

The added code reads:

       RUNWHERE: pipeline
       TEST_START_PAGE: https://($hostname)/

So, now, the tests are ready to commit.

One thing Jessica noted is that LiveShare automatically adds the co-author’s id to the commit whenever two people have jointly worked on code. It’s a cool feature of LiveShare.

Verifying That UI Tests Work In CICD

So, now that the pipeline code had been added, Jessica wanted to demonstrate that the visual validation with Applitools worked as expected and found visual differences.   

Jessica modified the ChattyBot application so that, instead of reading:

“Hello, DevOps Days Madrid 2020!!!”

it read:

“Hello, awesome webinar attendees!”

She saved the change, double-checked the test code, saw that everything looked right, and pushed the commit.

This kicked off a new build in Azure DevOps. Jessica showed the build underway. She said that, with the visual difference, we expect the Deploy to Dev pipeline to fail. 

Since we had time to wait, she showed what happened on an earlier build that she had done just before the webinar. During that build, the Deploy to Dev passed. She was able to show how Azure DevOps seamlessly linked the Applitools dashboard – and, assuming you were logged in, you would see the dashboard screen just by clicking on the Applitools tab.

Here, the green boxes on the Status column show that the tests passed.

Jessica drilled into the enterMessage test to show how the baseline and the new checkpoint compared (even though the comparison passed), just to show the Applitools UI.  

As Jessica said, were any part of this test to be visually different due to color, sizing, text, or any other visual artifact, she could select the region and give it a thumbs-up to approve it as a change (and cause the test to pass), or give it a thumbs-down and inform the dev team of the unexpected difference.

And, she has all this information from within her Azure DevOps build.

What If I Don’t Use Azure DevOps?

Jessica said she gets this question all the time, because not everyone uses AzureDevOps.  

You could be using Azure DevOps, TeamCity CI, Octopus Deploy, Jenkins – it doesn’t matter. You’re still going to be organizing tasks that make sense.  You will need to run an HTTP check to make sure your site is up and running.  You will need to make sure you have access to your environment variables. And, then, finally, you will need to run your maven command-line test.  

Jessica jumped into Github Actions, where she had an existing pipeline, and she showed that her deploy step looked identical.

It had an http check, an Applitools Build Task, and a call for Visual Testing. The only difference was that the Applitools Build Task included several lines of bash to export Applitools environment variables.

The one extra step she added, just as a sanity check, was to set the JDK version.

And, while she was in Github Actions, she referred back to the container scenario. She noted the challenges with spinning up Docker Compose and services.  For this reason, when looking at container tests, she pointed to CodeFresh, which is Kubernetes-native.

Inside her CodeFresh pipelines, everything runs in a container.

As she pointed out, by running on CodeFresh, she didn’t need a huge server to handle everything. Each container handled just what it needed to handle. Spinning up Docker Compose just requires docker. She needed just jFrog for her Artifactory image. Helm lint – again, just what she needed.

The image above shows the pipelines before adding the visual tests. The below image shows the Deploy Dev pipeline with the same three additions.

There’s the HTTP check, the Applitools Build Task, and Running Visual Tests.

The only difference really is that the visual tests ran alongside services that were spinning up alongside the test.

This is really easy to do in your codefresh.yml file, and the syntax looks a lot like Docker Compose.

Seeing the Visual Failure

Back in Azure DevOps, Jessica checked in on her Deploy to Dev step.  She already knew there was a problem from her Slack notifications.  

The error report showed that the visual tests all failed.

Clicking on the Applitools tab, she saw the following.

All three tests showed as unresolved.  Clicking in to the multiPersonChat test, Jessica saw this:

Sure enough, the text change from “Hello, DevOps Days Madrid 2020!!!” to “Hello, awesome webinar attendees!” caused a difference. We totally expected this difference, and we would find that this difference had also shown up in the other tests.

The change may not have been a behavioral change expected in your tests, so you may or may not have thought to test for the “Hello…” text or check for its modification. Applitools makes it easy to capture any visual difference.

Jessica didn’t go through this, but one feature in Applitools is the ability to use Auto Maintenance. With Auto Maintenance, if Jessica had approved the change on this first page, she could automatically approve identical changes on other pages. So, if this was an intended change, it would go from “Unresolved” to “Passed” on all the pages where the change had been observed.

Summing Up

Jessica handed back presentation to Angie, who shared Jessica’s link for code from the webinar:

All the code from Angie and Jessica’s demo can be downloaded from:

Happy Testing!

For More Information

The post UI Tests In CICD – Webinar Review appeared first on Automated Visual Testing | Applitools.

DevOps Plus Visual Testing: Abel Wang of Microsoft Thu, 23 May 2019 18:11:50 +0000 Abel Wang, Principal Cloud Advocate for Microsoft Azure DevOps, spoke in an Applitools webinar recently. He called his webinar: DevOps and Quality in the Era of CI-CD: An Inside Look...

The post DevOps Plus Visual Testing: Abel Wang of Microsoft appeared first on Automated Visual Testing | Applitools.

Abel Wang

Abel Wang, Principal Cloud Advocate for Microsoft Azure DevOps, spoke in an Applitools webinar recently. He called his webinar: DevOps and Quality in the Era of CI-CD: An Inside Look at How Microsoft Does It. Because he knows the workings of the team, Abel knows what it takes to operate Azure DevOps. In this webinar, Abel described why the build-test-release model was too slow, and he explained what drove changes in their development team enabled them to deliver software with both speed and quality. He explained that the combination of Azure DevOps plus visual testing results in better developer productivity, higher quality, even with frequent releases on a rapid cadence. And, Abel described how he came across Applitools as a way to provide visual testing for the Microsoft Azure DevOps development team, and why he likes Applitools so much.

I get sweaty palms thinking about some things that just freak me out. For example, my hands sweated profusely when I watched Free Solo, about climber Alex Hornnold who climbed El Capitan in Yosemite National Park without the benefit of a rope. I also get sweaty palms considering a change from a build-test-release model to a continuous integration – continuous deployment (CI-CD) model. So I appreciate hearing from someone who has done something successfully and is willing to share lessons they learned along the way.

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Requirements Conflict With Conventional Wisdom

Conventional wisdom says that, for any project, you can have targets for scope, quality, and resources. Two targets remain to be fixed, but one must give way. When applied to build-test-release, this conventional wisdom means you’re either going to miss your scope, your date, or your quality target.

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Companies that consider a shift to CI-CD are doing so hoping to break this conventional wisdom. Abel described the following as key issues that the Azure DevOps at Microsoft needed to address:

  • Rapid Change – Customers demand new capabilities, and Azure DevOps wants to respond. The platform changes every three weeks, with bug fixes released in the interim.
  • Quality – Customers expect existing features to continue to behave properly, and they expect new features not to impact existing behavior.
  • Customer Choice – In today’s Microsoft, the company cannot dictate which tools customers can or should use. Customers want to choose their own tools and interface with other tools using standards.
  • Reliability – All with no downtime

So, anyone in any CI-CD solution requires flexibility, quality, speed, and reliability. That clearly violates conventional wisdom. Microsoft maps out all the potential capabilities needed, and software tools to use, in a map like this:

Image courtesy Abel Wang, Microsoft

Clearly, Microsoft Azure DevOps expects customers to use any kind of tool for any purpose and have it work in their flow.

Why Waterfall Won’t Work

Next, Abel explained the old way of doing things at Microsoft, and why it just wouldn’t work for Azure DevOps.

Abel related his stories of development at Microsoft – specifically his motivations when he was a developer. His job, he recalled, was to develop code. Once it was done, checked in, and validated, he was done – and hopefully onto another project that was interesting and exciting. Testing was QA’s responsibility. Developers didn’t know much about the quality of any unit tests they wrote.

QA spent the bulk of their time writing and running functional tests. Small products could take months. Large products like a Windows release could take as long as a year. During the testing time, bugs were discovered and fixed, and the bug list burned down. Eventually, the release date would arrive, and the big issue for the product team was whether they thought customers could live with the remaining bugs.

The time scales

Development (Months) > QA (Months) > Release

cannot work for services like Agile DevOps. Microsoft needed a different workflow for developing software that brought speed and quality into the development process.

Microsoft’s Solution: Shift Left

Abel then relayed the five strategic changes that Microsoft employed to deliver speed and quality to their software development. They were:


  • Make developers responsible for software quality
  • Make developers feel the pain of their bad code
  • Employ heavy use of Code Reviews / Pull Requests
  • Move away from functional testing toward unit testing
  • Feature Flags

This approach, commonly called “Shift Left” among developers, places the responsibility for software quality squarely on the developers.  Compared with the way things used to happen at Microsoft, the new approach for CI-CD required a radical shift for developers. And, as Abel said, most people were freaked out by their responsibilities.

Responsible for Quality

Making developers responsible for software quality meant that they had to think beyond their piece. Developers were required to consider how their code would be used in the real world. As a result, they started having to measure code coverage in their unit tests. Most of them had never considered coverage seriously. At first, they were frustrated by the extra work this entailed. Until they experienced the real pain of the code they had written.

Feel The Pain

What pain? Microsoft required each team to assign a single developer to be responsible for the team’s code during off hours, and the assignment rotated from person to person. If a production bug were found, the responsible engineer received a notification and had to join a bridge call – with all the executives for the business on the call.  And, while the executives were pushing for outcomes, it was up to the software engineer to fix the problem push the fix into production, and ensure that the root cause was identified and resolved the problem never, ever happened again.

Abel related from experience that, when you knew that the top people of the cloud business at Microsoft were on the call and demanding outcomes, that was both stressful and painful. The engineer who resolved that bug never wanted to be on a call like that again. And that pain made its way back to the team.

Use Code Reviews/Pull Requests

Once engineers had first-hand experience of the pain of an executive-level bridge call due to bad code, they all understood the need for quality. This drove the next behavior – code reviews and pull requests. Teams agreed that individuals could not simply push code into a build. Quality depended on the team doing reviews to ensure that the code would work across all the cases to which the team was developing.

Move To Better Unit Tests

The pain from bridge calls also drove another quality behavior in development – better unit tests. While the initial response to being responsible for the quality of their own code was frustration, developers changed their behavior. They started understanding the value of comprehensive test code to validate their work. And they began writing code with more comprehensive coverage. As a result, team code improved, and the unit tests could be run during code check-in.

These better unit tests also dropped the need for large functional test suites. These tests, which could take hours to run and even longer for root cause identification of failures, were needed for fewer and fewer test cases. In most situations, the unit tests validated functional behavior sufficiently so feature tests were unnecessary. Functional testing for behavior accounted for a huge chunk of the QA time in the build-test-release model. The increased coverage of unit testing decreased the amount of functional testing that was required.

Use Feature Flags

The last Shift Left process change involved feature flags. New features could be released to production flagged, so only certain users could see how they were behaving. As a result, new features could be tested in production! If the feature behaved, the flag could be changed and anyone might be able to use this feature. If errors were discovered, the feature could be removed or fixed in the next build without impacting paying customers.

Test for Real Eyeballs: Applitools

While the developer process changes with Shift Left resulted in faster delivery of features with quality, one big change was missing: visual errors. A small CSS change could have a big impact on the visual behavior of the application, and neither unit testing nor functional testing alone could spot this kind of error consistently.

In the past, Microsoft needed to run the functional tests in front of a group of manual testers. They could see the behavior of the application on-screen and determine whether or not the application behaved as expected. An army of manual testers had to run the tests and do comparisons to see how individual pages responded on individual browser/operating system combinations.

Abel relates that, in this quest for tools, Microsoft came across Applitools. As Abel said:

“There is a really cool technology from Applitools, it’s not even a Microsoft product, that really helps with this. It uses artificial intelligence to do visual testing. Basically, you write your automated UI test, (I write my test using Selenium). You can use Applitools to take pictures of your screen for you. Then they can do comparisons between what your baseline image should be and. what the images for your latest code check-in, and they can flag those differences for you.”

“Or if you want to keep those differences you can say you know what this is correct. The changes correct. Well let’s go ahead and set that as my new baseline moving forward. So you have the power to do that. And now what is so incredibly cool about this is you’re shifting even left. Even your testing is being shifted left – your manual or your automated UI testing has shifted left – where instead of needing human eyeballs all the time you can use Applitools to act as your human eyeballs. And only if there is a difference it will let you know and then you can now decide, ‘Is this a change you want or did somebody mess up my CSS file and now things look wonky? So it is super powerful and super useful.

Demonstrating Azure DevOps Plus Visual Testing with Applitools

Abel then went into a demo of his own environment.

“So what I want to do is show you just how easy it is to use Applitools and to integrate that into our Azure DevOps pipelines.”

Using Page Objects in Selenium

“I’m using Selenium to write my test. And when I write my automated UI test, I use a page object type of pattern where I create an object for every single page that my application has. In this page object, it’s just a simple object but it has all the actions that you can do on that particular screen. And it also has all the verifications that you can do on that screen. So for instance actions would be like, oh, well, you can click click on the exercise link or maybe I can enter in text into this specific text box. Those are all the actions that you can do on that screen.”

View the code on Gist.

“I also include the verification that you can do. So maybe I can enter this text, click on next, and then there should be a text box that pops up, or whatever. I need to verify that that text box shows up. I write tests that can actually show me that as well.

“When you write your test in this page object pattern, maintaining your code incredibly easily. You separate the test code from the page object. If your page changes, you just need to modify your page object.”

Reading Selenium Tests

“The other benefit is that my automated UI tests become incredibly easy to read as well. For instance, here’s my sample Healthy Food web app, and I’m going to go ahead and launch it. I pass in the browser, which is going to be Chrome, and then…

“Let’s go ahead and browse to the home page of the application. I pass in the URL. Then I verify my home page will be reached. I click on the Nutrition in the app link I remove all the donuts from the fields. Next, I create a new link. Now, I verify the page then read I had a donut in there I verify that the donut shows up on the table. So even if you’re not a coder you can look at this and be like: ‘Oh I know exactly what this test is doing.’ It just makes for a very very clean way to write your automated UI test.

“If we go ahead and jump into my launch code you can see this is where I actually do my selenium. So the first thing that I do is I check the browser and if I pass in the correct browser and Chrome I create a chrome driver. Then I launch the browser I set the size of the window and then the next thing that I do is I browse to my homepage. So if I go to browse to my homepage I pass into your URL and I just say “driver.navigate”. Go to the URL and I return to my home page and I pass in the driver.”

Adding Applitools

“Now I have these tests I want to add Applitools the ability to take pictures of my screens as I’m running through my tests so that I can compare our future tests with my base images to make sure nothing has changed or things haven’t turned wonky or weird with my UI from a visual perspective. It’s actually super easy to add Applitools into your tests.”

View the code on Gist.

“If you look at my test now, there’s a couple of things that I need to gather before I even run. Number one is I need to have a specific Applitools key. So I need to have that key if I want to run my Applitools type stuff in my build and release pipeline in Azure DevOps. I also grab a batch name and batch ID that automatically populates my environmental variables as well. Let me add that little chunk of code.

“Now let’s go into my test. Let’s go into this. I launch my web app. Next, I created chrome driver but now I grab the batch name in the batch ID. Then, I create an Eyes object which is part of the Applitools API which you can just get. This is the important code. I create my eyes object I call eyes.Open. I set Firefox to my window size. And here I set Chrome to the same window size as well. So the next thing I do is browse to my home page verify that the home page has been reached. Then I had this method called take a visual picture.”

View the code on Gist.

“When I take a visual picture it’s literally one line of code that I do I set eyes.CheckWindows and of course I pass in a tag that will show me all the data. Just helping organize stuff a little bit easier. So now what that does is on this particular page. Applitools will snap a screenshot and it can set it as my baseline. Or I can set it as manually set it as a baseline and then future tests, it will compare the pictures that it takes with the baseline to say has anything changed and if it has, is this a mistake or do you want to set your new changes as your new baseline. So super super super simple to do so once I add this check.

“If something looks wonky even though I’m on the right page like for instance the CSS got changed. Not a big deal because guess what Applitools will flag you and let you know. Super powerful super easy to use. The code changes that you make its almost nothing. So what does this look like? How do you set this up so it’s automated in your build and released pipelines? Well, let me go ahead and jump and show you what that looks like.”

 Azure DevOps Plus Visual Testing with Applitools

“Here’s my build pipeline and here’s my Applitools build and I’ll go ahead and edit it to show you guys what that looks like now. This build should look incredibly similar to the previous build because it’s literally the same thing but I added a couple of things. I added the Applitools build task and you can get this build task from the marketplace. You can add it to your marketplace and I’ve already installed it so I can now describe and drop it where I need to. Add it right before you compile your application. Then I run my unit test and then if everything looks good I go ahead and deploy my application into a C.I. environment. And now I run my automated UI test using selenium and that is literally all I have to do.”

“So we can come in here we can look to build summary. We see that 100 percent of our test is passed (hooray for that). That looks good. And if we look at the Applitools tab (you get a brand new Applitools tab now), it will actually show you all the pages that that were done. Everything looked good. Everything is passed. If you notice if I click on these you’ll be able to see screenshots of every time I took a picture.”

Resolving Visual Testing Differences with Applitools

“We’ll go ahead and jump into my summary and you’ll notice here 90.9% percent of my tests have passed. Two of them are in the “Other” category. Well, that’s weird. You’ll notice two of my automated UI tests are returning back “inconclusive”. If I look at Applitools (because that’s what my automated UI tests are running) I’ll notice that things are starting to look weird and Applitools flagged it for me. And if I jump in here and actually take a look at this you’ll notice that the table is no longer nicely formatted. Somebody must’ve messed up the CSS. Logically everything still works but visually it doesn’t look good. But I didn’t need a human to tell me that Applitools actually told me. So now I can either say, ‘This is the way I want it.’ or not. Thumbs up, it’s ok. Thumbs down, nope.”

Let’s go ahead and thumbs down. Right now. It will mark this as failed. Just like that. Now, future builds will be able to figure out what’s going on.

“This makes me so incredibly happy because it’s really powerful. It shifts automated UI testing to the left. And it makes our pipelines go faster and smoother. Super cool. Super, super useful. I am not an Applitools expert. Not even close to it. I’m just a code slinger. I ran into this toolset.  It was freaking amazing how easy it was to use and how useful.”


See The Full Webinar

The webinar is also covered in this blog post link.

Abel’s full code examples on GitHub.

The original slide deck on

Find out more about Applitools

Setup a live demo with us, or if you’re the do-it-yourself type, sign up for a free Applitools account and follow one of our tutorials.

If you liked reading this, here are some more Applitools posts and webinars for you.

  1. Visual UI Testing as an Aid to Functional Testing by Gil Tayar
  2. How to Do Visual Regression Testing with Selenium by Dave Haeffner
  3. Why Visual UI Testing and Agile are a Perfect Fit
  4. The ROI of Visual Testing by Justin Rohrman


The post DevOps Plus Visual Testing: Abel Wang of Microsoft appeared first on Automated Visual Testing | Applitools.

DevOps & Quality in The Era Of CI-CD: An Inside Look At How Microsoft Does It Tue, 16 Apr 2019 00:06:33 +0000 Watch this on-demand session for an inside look at how Microsoft navigates DevOps in the era of CI-CD. Abel Wang — Sr. DevOps expert @ Microsoft — discussed what DevOps...

The post DevOps & Quality in The Era Of CI-CD: An Inside Look At How Microsoft Does It appeared first on Automated Visual Testing | Applitools.

Abel Wang — Principal Cloud Advocate, Azure DevOps @ Microsoft

Watch this on-demand session for an inside look at how Microsoft navigates DevOps in the era of CI-CD.

Abel WangSr. DevOps expert @ Microsoft — discussed what DevOps is, why it’s important, and what products help MSFT solve DevOps challenges.
Abel also showed how Microsoft copes with, and solves, a major DevOps challenge: maintaining quality across its Dev/Test pipeline.

With 70% of companies citing CI-CD as a top strategic initiative, we no longer question the need for DevOps — but implementing a successful DevOps practice and maintaining app quality remain challenging for companies of all sizes.

At Microsoft, DevOps means something specific: DevOps is the union of people, processes and products enabling the continuous delivery of value to end users.
This union isn’t easy.
Aligning these three pillars takes careful planning. Making sure the right culture, the right software development processes, and the right products and tools are in place enables this comprehensive DevOps mindset.

Among the topics covered: 

  • 3 Pillars of DevOps — as defined by Microsoft
  • How MSFT organized its team for DevOps success
  • DevOps best practices — recommended by the experts @ MSFT
  • How to maintain quality while continuously delivering apps
Abel’s Slide Deck:


Abel’s Code Examples on GitHub


Full webinar recording:

Additional Resources and Recommended Reading:
  1. Putting Quality First: Evolution of Dev/Test and DevOps in the Era of Continuous Delivery — webinar with Joe Colantonio and Adam Auerbach
  2. How to Update Jenkins Build Status in GitHub Pull Requests — Step-by-Step Tutorial by Sophie Tagar
  3. How to Test Your GitHub Pull Requests so You Don’t Break Your UI – post by Al Sargent
  4. Integrate Applitools Eyes Test Results Into Slack — Step-by-Step Tutorial by Eran Barlev
  5. How to Improve Customer Experience with Visual AI — interview with James Lamberti, Applitools CMO
  6. Applitools for DevOps – Learn how Applitools can help you continuously test and monitor the UI of your app as part of your CI-CD process: monitor all the critical visual aspects of your digital business to be more confident, and frequent with your releases.
  7. GitHub and Visual Studio Team Services Integrations – now in Applitools Eyes
  8. Release Apps with Flawless UI: Open your Free Applitools Account, and start visual testing today.
  9. Test Automation U — the most-talked-about test automation initiative of the year: online education platform led by Angie Jones, offering free test automation courses by industry leaders. Sign up and start showing off your test automation certificates and badges!


The post DevOps & Quality in The Era Of CI-CD: An Inside Look At How Microsoft Does It appeared first on Automated Visual Testing | Applitools.

GitHub and Visual Studio Team Services Integrations now in Applitools Eyes Tue, 10 Apr 2018 14:30:44 +0000 Applitools 10.2 is now generally available, and we’d like to let you know about the support we’ve added for GitHub and Microsoft Visual Studio Team Services (VSTS). These enhancements let you incorporate...

The post GitHub and Visual Studio Team Services Integrations now in Applitools Eyes appeared first on Automated Visual Testing | Applitools.

GitHub integration to speed your commits; VSTS to streamline your continuous integration.

Applitools 10.2 is now generally available, and we’d like to let you know about the support we’ve added for GitHub and Microsoft Visual Studio Team Services (VSTS). These enhancements let you incorporate visual testing earlier in your release process.

GitHub integration to speed your commits; VSTS to streamline your continuous integration.
GitHub integration to speed your commits; VSTS to streamline your continuous integration.

GitHub Integration

Our new GitHub integration prevents visual issues from merging into your production software pipeline. Features include:

  • Integration of Applitools visual tests with GitHub pull & push request workflow.
    • See visual tests results & merge status as part of the GitHub pull request panel (see screenshot below).
    • Resolve any merge conflicts between branches.
    • Ensure that only code with resolved issues merges in GitHub code.  

Eyes and GitHub Integration
Eyes and GitHub Integration

  • Applitools baseline branching mapped to GitHub codebase branching
    • Applitools tests use and save baselines in branches using a name derived from Git branches.
    • Applitools batches together all visual tests in a specific CI build with a batch name that includes Git commit information. This provides more insight on issues detected.
  • Compare baseline Applitools visual test results across branches as part of the GitHub merge process.
    • Merges driven by a pull request trigger an Applitools branch merge to keep alignment between Applitools visual test baselines and your codebase in GitHub.

TM merge with conflict
Merge with conflict

Getting started with GitHub is very simple, with our integration available right from the GitHub store.

To be clear, our GitHub integration is only available for Applitools Public Cloud. We’re working to bring GitHub integration to our Private Cloud and On-Premise customers soon.

Visual Studio Team Services Integration

We also released a plugin for integrating with Microsoft Visual Studio Team Services (VSTS) build processes. Our Applitools plugin for Microsoft VSTS expands our enterprise CI/ CD integration beyond our existing Jenkins and JetBrains TeamCity integrations. Here’s a view of the plugin installed into VSTS:

Eyes Results in VSTS
Eyes Results in VSTS

Next Steps

Learn more in the documentation for our GitHub Integration and our VSTS Integration, request a demo, or sign up for a free Applitools account.

The post GitHub and Visual Studio Team Services Integrations now in Applitools Eyes appeared first on Automated Visual Testing | Applitools.

Applitools Announces Being a Microsoft Visual Studio 2013 Partner Wed, 11 Dec 2013 10:27:00 +0000 “Applitools helps Visual Studio developers solve real, challenging problems for testing with a unique and innovative solution,” said Mitra Azizirad, General Manager, Developer Tools Marketing and Sales, Microsoft. “Applitools Eyes,...

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Applitools helps Visual Studio developers solve real, challenging problems for testing with a unique and innovative solution,said Mitra Azizirad, General Manager, Developer Tools Marketing and Sales, Microsoft.

Applitools Eyes, integrated with Visual Studio 2013, enhances Coded UI and adds automated visual testing for mobile and web apps, while also tying into our application lifecycle management tools.”

Tel Aviv, Israel, December 10th, 2013 – Applitools, innovators in Automated Visual Testing, announces being a Microsoft Visual Studio 2013 partner with Applitools Eyes, the first Cloud Service for Automated Visual Testing of Web, Mobile and Desktop applications, based on proprietary Cognitive Vision technology. 

In today’s world, UI is the face of any application and a key to successful user experience (UX)” says Gil Sever, Co-Founder and CEO of Applitools. “The tremendous evolution in modern app environments such as multi-device, Agile, Continuous Deployment and more, is posing new challenges to developers and testers which are not being answered by any of the existing functional test automation tools. Applitools Eyes enables app developers and testers to bridge that gap and automate this process. We’ve presented Applitools Eyes to testers, developers and industry experts and received great feedback.

Applitools Eyes can add value to Visual Studio users in three ways: First, it easily integrates with CodedUI and immediately enhances it with a unique and unprecedented Automated Visual Testing capability.

Second, once integrated with Coded UI, Applitools Eyes can be run and managed by Microsoft Test Manager (MTM) along with all the other functional tests.

Third, when Applitools Eyes detects visual and UI problems in the Application under Test (AUT), it returns an error notification to Microsoft TFS and a link to the visual log of the failure, which provides the user an immediate, exact and easy-to-understand description of the root cause of the problem. Since Applitools is a cloud service, it can easily integrate with the Cloud version of Microsoft TFS (Microsoft Team Foundation Service).

Applitools Eyes includes SDKs for CodedUI and Selenium .NET, which allows developers and testers that use Visual Studio, to use Applitools Eyes very easily. Applitools Eyes is compatible with Microsoft Visual Studio 2013 and easily integrates with MTM and TFS.

Applitools helps Visual Studio developers solve real, challenging problems for testing with a unique and innovative solution,” said Mitra Azizirad, General Manager, Developer Tools Marketing and Sales, Microsoft. “Applitools Eyes, integrated with Visual Studio 2013, enhances Coded UI and adds automated visual testing for mobile and web apps, while also tying into our application lifecycle management tools.”

To read more about Applitools’ visual UI testing and Application Visual Management (AVM) solutions, check out the resources section on the Applitools website. To get started with Applitools, request a demo or sign up for a free Applitools account.


The post Applitools Announces Being a Microsoft Visual Studio 2013 Partner appeared first on Automated Visual Testing | Applitools.
