Disrupting the Economics of Testing Through AI

Report by Enterprise Management Associates (EMA)

An AI-driven approach to software testing disrupts the traditionally linear relationship between the number of software releases and the associated testing overhead. AI-based test automation technologies can deliver real ROI today and come with the potential of addressing many of today’s critical automation bottlenecks that stifle modern software delivery.

“Ultimately, AI-driven testing eliminates the vicious rectangle that forces organizations into a trade-off between releasing faster, optimizing spend, improving the customer value of the product (quality), and reserving time for innovation.” – Torsten Volk, Enterprise Management Associates (EMA), Managing Research Director.

This latest research from Enterprise Management Associates (EMA) focuses on:

  • Why is the cost of quality control out of control?
  • The critical pain points faced by modern software development teams
  • 5 ways Artificial Intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) can help today

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