Gaurav Singh, Author at Automated Visual Testing | Applitools Applitools delivers the next generation of test automation powered by AI assisted computer vision technology known as Visual AI. Wed, 08 Feb 2023 03:36:55 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Writing Your First Appium Test For iOS Devices Wed, 13 Apr 2022 01:47:33 +0000 Learn how to create your first Appium test for iOS. Set up and run your first test in this easy-to-follow guide.

The post Writing Your First Appium Test For iOS Devices appeared first on Automated Visual Testing | Applitools.


This is the third and final post in our Hello World introduction series to Appium, and we’ll discuss how to create your first Appium test for iOS. You can read the first post for an introduction to Appium, or the second to learn how to create your first Appium test for Android.

Congratulations on having made it so far. I hope you are slowly becoming more comfortable with Appium and realizing just how powerful a tool it really is for mobile automation, and that it’s not that difficult to get started with it.

This is the final post in this short series on helping you start with Appium and write your first tests. If you need a refresher on what Appium is and writing your first Android test with it, you can read the earlier parts here:

Say Hello to iOS! ?

In this post, we’ll learn how to set up your dev environment and write your first Appium based iOS test.

Setup Dependencies

We’ll need some dependencies to be preinstalled on your dev machine.

Let’s go over them one by one.

Also, remember it’s completely okay if you don’t understand all the details of these in the beginning since Appium pretty much abstracts those details away and you can always dig deeper later on if you need some very specific capabilities of these libraries.

Step 1: Install XCode Select

To run iOS tests, we need a machine running macOS with Xcode installed.

The below command would setup Command-line scripts that are needed for us to be able to run our first test:

xcode-select --install

Step 2: Install Carthage

You can think of Carthage as a tool to allow adding frameworks to your Cocoa applications and to build required dependencies:

brew install carthage

Step 3: Install libimobiledevice

libimobiledevice library allows Appium to talk to iOS devices using native protocols:

brew install libimobiledevice

Step 4: Install ios-deploy

ios-deploy helps to install and debug iOS apps from the command line:

brew install ios-deploy

Step 5: Install ios-webkit-debug-proxy

  • ios_webkit_debug_proxy (aka iwdp) proxies requests from usbmuxd daemon over a web socket connection
  • Allows developers to send commands to MobileSafari and UIWebViews on real and simulated iOS devices.
brew install ios-webkit-debug-proxy

Step 6: Optional Dependencies

IDB (iOS Device bridge) is a node JS wrapper over IDB that are a set of utilities made by Facebook:

brew tap facebook/fb
brew install idb-companion
pip3.6 install fb-idb

If you are curious, you could read the below reference blogs below that helped me come up with this shortlist of dependencies and are good reads for more context:

Your First Appium iOS Test

For our first iOS test, we’ll use a sample demo app provided by Appium.

You can download the zip file from here, unzip it and ensure you copy it under src/test/resources dir in the project, such that we have a file under the test resources folder.

If you are following these tests along by checking out the GitHub repo appium-fast-boilerplate, you’ll see the iOS app path is mentioned under a file ios-caps.json under src/main/resources/.

This file represents Appium capabilities in JSON format and you can change them based on which iOS device you want to run them on.

When we run the test DriverManager will pick these up and help create the Appium session. You can read part 2 of this blog series to know more about this flow.

  "platformName": "iOS",
  "automationName": "XCUITest",
  "deviceName": "iPhone 13",
  "app": "src/test/resources/"

Which Steps Would We Automate?

Our app has a set of UI controls with one section representing a calculator wherein we could enter two numbers and get their sum (see below snapshot):

TestApp from appium showing two text buttons, a compute sum button and a result textbox

We would automate the below flow:

  1. Open AUT (Application under test)
  2. Enter first no in Textbox
  3. Enter second no in Textbox
  4. Tap on Compute sum button
  5. Verify the total is indeed correct

Pretty basic right?

Below is how a sample test would look like (see the code here):

import constants.TestGroups;
import org.testng.Assert;
import org.testng.annotations.Test;
import pages.testapp.home.HomePage;

public class IOSTest extends BaseTest {

   @Test(groups = {TestGroups.IOS})
   public void addNumbers() {
       String actualSum = new HomePage(this.driver)
               .enterTwoNumbersAndCompute("5", "5")

       Assert.assertEquals(actualSum, "10");

Here, we follow the same good patterns that have served us well (like using Fluent, page objects, a base test, and driver manager) in our tests just as we did in our Android test.

You can read about these in detail in this earlier blog.

Your First iOS Page Object

The beauty of the page object pattern is that it looks very similar regardless of the platform.

Below is the complete page object for the above test that implements the desired behavior for this test.

package pages.testapp.home;

import io.appium.java_client.AppiumDriver;
import org.openqa.selenium.By;
import org.openqa.selenium.WebElement;

public class HomePage extends BasePage {
   private final By firstNumber ="IntegerA");
   private final By secondNumber ="IntegerB");
   private final By computeSumButton ="ComputeSumButton");
   private final By answer ="Answer");

   public HomePage(AppiumDriver driver) {

   public HomePage enterTwoNumbersAndCompute(String first, String second) {
       return this;

   public HomePage typeFirstNumber(String number) {
       WebElement firstNoElement = getElement(firstNumber);
       type(firstNoElement, number);
       return this;

   public HomePage typeSecondNumber(String number) {
       WebElement secondNoElement = getElement(secondNumber);
       type(secondNoElement, number);
       return this;

   public HomePage compute() {
       WebElement computeBtn = getElement(computeSumButton);
       return this;

   public String getSum() {
       return getText(getElement(answer));

Let’s unpack this and understand its components.

We create a HomePage class that inherits from BasePage that has wrappers over Appium API methods.

public class HomePage extends BasePage

We define our selectors of type By, using the Appium inspector to discover that name is the unique selector for these elements, in your projects trying to depend on ID is probably a safer bet.

private final By firstNumber ="IntegerA");
private final By secondNumber ="IntegerB");
private final By computeSumButton ="ComputeSumButton");
private final By answer ="Answer");

Next, we initialize this class with a driver instance that’s passed the test and also its parent class to ensure we have the appropriate driver instance set:

public HomePage(AppiumDriver driver) {

We then create a wrapper function that takes two numbers as strings, types numbers in the two text boxes, and taps on the button.

public HomePage enterTwoNumbersAndCompute(String first, String second) {
   return this;

We implement these methods by reusing methods from BasePage while ensuring the correct page object is returned.

Since there is no redirection happening in these tests and it’s a single screen we just return this (i.e. the current page object in Java syntax). This enables writing tests in the Fluent style that you saw earlier.

public HomePage typeFirstNumber(String number) {
   WebElement firstNoElement = getElement(firstNumber);
   type(firstNoElement, number);
   return this;

public HomePage typeSecondNumber(String number) {
   WebElement secondNoElement = getElement(secondNumber);
   type(secondNoElement, number);
   return this;

public HomePage compute() {
   WebElement computeBtn = getElement(computeSumButton);
   return this;

Finally, we return the string that has the sum of two numbers in the getSum() method and let the test perform desired assertions:

public String getSum() {
   return getText(getElement(answer));

Running the Test

Before running the test, ensure that the Appium server is running in another terminal and that your appium 2.0 server has the XCUITest driver installed by following the below steps

# Ensure driver is installed
appium driver install xcuitest

# Start the appium server before running your test

Within the project, you could run the test using the below command or use IntelliJ or equivalent editors test runner to run the desired test.

gradle wrapper clean build runTests -Dtag="IOS" -Dtarget="IOS"


With this, we come to an end to this short three-part series on getting started with Appium, from a general introduction to Appium to working with Android to this post on iOS. Hopefully, this series makes it a little bit easier for you or your friends to get set up with Appium.

Exploring the remainder of Appium’s API, capabilities and tooling is left as an exercise to you, my brave and curious reader. I’m sure pretty soon you’ll also be sharing similar posts and hopefully, I’ll learn a thing or two from you as well. Remember Appium docs, the community, and Appium Conf are great sources to go deeper into Appium ?.

So, what are you waiting for? Go for it!

Remember, you can see the entire project on Github at appium-fast-boilerplate, clone or fork it, and play around with it. Hopefully, this post helps you a little bit in starting on iOS automation using Appium. If you found it valuable, do leave a star on the repo and in case there is any feedback, don’t hesitate to create an issue.

You could also check out for other posts that I’ve written about Software engineering and Testing and this page for a talk that I gave on the same topic.

As always, please do share this with your friends or colleagues and if you have thoughts or feedback, I’d be more than happy to chat over on Twitter or in the comments. Until next time. Happy testing and coding.

The post Writing Your First Appium Test For iOS Devices appeared first on Automated Visual Testing | Applitools.

Writing Your First Appium Test For Android Mobile Devices Fri, 11 Mar 2022 20:51:39 +0000 Learn how to create your first Appium test for Android in this comprehensive, step-by-step walkthrough.

The post Writing Your First Appium Test For Android Mobile Devices appeared first on Automated Visual Testing | Applitools.


This is the second post in our Hello World introduction series to Appium, and we’ll discuss how to create your first Appium test for Android. You can read the first post where we discussed what Appium is, including its core concepts and how to set up the Appium server. You can also read the next post on setting up your first Appium iOS test.

Key Takeaways

In this post, we’ll build on top of earlier basics and focus on the below areas:

  • Setup Android SDK
  • Setup Android emulator/real devices
  • Setup Appium Inspector
  • Setup our first Android project with framework components

We have lots to cover but don’t worry, by the end of this post, you will have run your first Appium-based Android test. Excited? ✊? Let’s go.

Setup Android SDK

To run Android tests, we need to set up an Android SDK, ADB (Android debug bridge), and some other utilities. 

  • Android SDK will set up Android on your machine and provide you with all the tools required to do the development or in this case automation.
  • Android Debug Bridge (ADB) is a CMD line tool that lets you communicate with the Android device (either emulator or physical device).

The easiest way to set these up is to go to the Android site and download Android Studio (An IDE to develop Android apps), which will install all the desired libraries and also give us everything we need to run our first Android test.

Setup SDK Platforms and Tools

Once downloaded and installed, open Android Studio, click on Configure, and then SDK Manager. Using this you can download any android API version from SDK Platforms.

Shows Android studio home page and how someone can open SDK Manager by tapping on Configure button

Also, You can install any desired SDK Tools from here. 

We’ll go with the defaults for now. This tool can also install any required updates for these tools which is quite a convenient way of upgrading.

Shows SDK Tools in android studio

Add Android Home to Environment Variables

The Appium server needs to know where the Android SDK and other tools like Emulator, Platform Tools are present to help us run the tests. 

We can do so by adding the below variables in the system environment.

On Mac/Linux:

  • Add the below environment variables in the shell of your choice (.bash_profile for bash or .zshrc for zsh). These are usually the paths where Android studio installs these.
  • Run source <shell_profile_file_name> for e.g. source.zshrc
export ANDROID_HOME=$HOME/Library/Android/sdk
export PATH=$ANDROID_HOME/emulator:$PATH
export PATH=$ANDROID_HOME/tools/bin:$PATH
export PATH=$ANDROID_HOME/platform-tools:$PATH

If you are on Windows, you’ll need to add the path to Android SDK in the ANDROID_HOME variable under System environment variables.

Once done, run the adb command on the terminal to verify ADB is set up:

➜  appium-fast-boilerplate git:(main) adb
Android Debug Bridge version 1.0.41
Version 30.0.5-6877874
Installed as /Users/gauravsingh/Library/Android/sdk/platform-tools/adb

These are a lot of tedious steps and in case you want to set these up quickly, you can execute this excellent script written by Anand Bagmar.

Set up an Android Emulator or Real Device

Our Android tests will run either on an emulator or a real Android device plugged in. Let’s see how to create an Android emulator image.

  • Open Android Studio
  • Click configure
  • Click on AVD Manager

Shows Android studio home page and how someone can open AVD Manager by tapping on Configure button

You’ll be greeted with a blank screen with no virtual devices listed. Tap on Create a virtual device to launch the Virtual device Configuration flow:

Shows blank virtual devices screen with create virtual device button

Next, select an Android device like TV, Phone, Tablet, etc., and the desired size and resolution combination. 

It’s usually a good idea to set up an emulator with Play Store services available (see the Play Store icon under the column) as certain apps might need the latest play services to be installed.

We’ll go with Pixel 3a with Play Store available.

Shows device definition screen to select a device model

Next, we’ll need to select which Android version this emulator should have. You can choose any of the desired versions and download the image. We’ll choose Android Q (10.0 version).

Shows Android OS system image with option to Download and select one

You need to give this image a name. We’ll need to use this later in Appium capabilities so you can give any meaningful name or go with the default. We’ll name it Automation.

Shows Android emulator configuration with AVD Name

Nice, ✋?We have created our emulator. You can fire it up by tapping the Play icon under the Actions section.

Android Virtual Device Manager screen with and emulator named Automation

You should see an emulator boot up on your device similar to a real phone. 

Setting up a Real Device

While the emulator is an in-memory image of the Android OS that you can quickly spin up and destroy, it does take physical resources like Memory, RAM, and CPU. It’s always a good idea to verify your app on a real device.

We’ll see how to set up a real device so that we can run automation on it.

You need to connect your device to your machine via USB. Once done:

  • Go to About Phone.
  • Tap on Android build number multiple times until developer mode is enabled, you’ll see a Toast message show up under as you get closer to enabling this mode.
  • Go to Developer Options and Enable USB Debugging.

USB Debugging under Developer Options

And thats all you need to potentially run our automation on a connected real device.

Setting up Appium Inspector

Appium comes with a nifty inspector desktop app that can inspect your Application under test and help you identify element locators (i.e. ways to identify elements on the screen) and even play around with the app. 

It can easily run on any running Appium server and is really a cool utility to help you identify element locators and develop Appium scripts.

Download and Install Appium Inspector

You can download it by just going to the Appium Github repo, and searching for appium-inspector.

Appium Inspector Github page with releases option highlighted

Go to release and find the latest .dmg (on Mac) or .exe (on Windows) to download and install.

Appium Inspector Github releases page with mac .dmg file highlighted

On Mac, you may get a warning stating: “Appium Inspector” can’t be opened because Apple cannot check it for malicious software. 

 Apple warning for malicious software

To mitigate this, just go to System preferences > Security & Privacy > General and say Open Anyway for Appium Inspector. For more details see Issue 1217.

Give open anyway permission to Appium in System preferences

Setting up Desired Capabilities

Once you launch Appium inspector, you’ll be greeted with the below home screen. If you see there is a JSON representation sector under Desired Capabilities section.

 Steps highlighting how we can add our desired caps and save this config

What are Desired Capabilities?

Think of them as properties that you want your driver’s session to have. For example, you may want to reset your app after your test, or launch the app in a particular orientation. These are all achievable by specifying a Key-Value pair in a JSON that we provide to the Appium server session. 

Please see Appium docs for more idea on these capabilities.

Below are some sample capabilities we can give for Android:

    "platformName": "android",
    "automationName": "uiautomator2",
    "platformVersion": "10",
    "deviceName": "Automation",
    "app": "/<absolute_path_to_app>/ApiDemos-debug.apk",
    "appPackage": "",
    "appActivity": ""

For this post, we’ll use the sample apps provided by Appium. You can see them here, once you’ve downloaded them. Keep track of its absolute path and update it in-app key in the JSON.

We’ll add this JSON under JSON representation and then tap on the Save button.

Saved caps in grid

It would be a good idea to save this config for the future. You can tap on ‘Save as’ and give it a meaningful name.

 Saving and giving caps a name

Starting the Inspector Session

To start the inspection session, You need to have an Appium server run locally, run it via typing appium on the command line:

➜  appium-fast-boilerplate git:(main) appium
[Appium] Welcome to Appium v2.0.0-beta.25
[Appium] Attempting to load driver uiautomator2...
[Appium] Appium REST http interface listener started on
[Appium] Available drivers:
[Appium]   - uiautomator2@2.0.1 (automationName 'UiAutomator2')
[Appium] No plugins have been installed. Use the "appium plugin" command to install the one(s) you want to use.

Let’s make sure our emulator is also up and running. We can start the emulator via AVD Manager in Android studio, or in case you are more command-line savvy, I have written an earlier post on how to do this via CMDline as well.

Once done, tap on the Start Session button, this should bring launch the API Demos app and show the inspector home screen.

Appium inspector home screen with controls highlighted

Using this you can tap on any element in the app and see its Element hierarchy, elements properties. This is very useful to author Appium scripts and I’ll encourage you to explore each section of this tool and get familiar since you’ll be using this a lot.

Writing Our First Android Test Using Appium

Phew, that seemed like a lot of setup steps but don’t worry, you only have to do this once and now we can get down to the real business of writing our first Automated test on Android.

You can download the project using Github from appium-fast-boilerplate.

We’ll also understand what the fundamental concepts of writing page objects and tests are based on these. Let’s take a look at the high-level architecture.

High-level architecture of an Android test written using Appium

What Would This Test Do?

Before automating any test, we need to be clear on what is the purpose of that test. I’ve found the Arrange Act Assert pattern quite useful to reason about it. Read this post by Andrew Knight in case you are interested to know more about it.

Our test would perform the below:

  • Opens API Demos app
  • Taps around and navigates to Log Text box and taps on Add once
  • Verify the log text is displayed

Our Test Class

Let’s start by seeing our test.

import constants.TestGroups;
import org.testng.Assert;
import org.testng.annotations.Test;
import pages.apidemos.home.APIDemosHomePage;

public class AndroidTest extends BaseTest {

    @Test(groups = {TestGroups.ANDROID})
    public void testLogText() {
        String logText = new APIDemosHomePage(this.driver)

        Assert.assertEquals(logText, "This is a test");

There are a few things to notice above:

public class AndroidTest extends BaseTest

Our class extends a BaseTest, this is useful since we can perform common setup and tear down functions, including setting up driver sessions and closing it once our script is done. 

This ensures that the tests are as simple as possible and does not overload the reader with any more details than they need to see.

String logText = new APIDemosHomePage(this.driver)

We see our tests read like plain English with a series of actions following each other. This is called a Fluent pattern and we’ll see how this is set up in just a moment.

Base Test and Driver Setup

Let’s see our BaseTest class:

import constants.Target;
import core.driver.DriverManager;
import core.utils.PropertiesReader;
import exceptions.PlatformNotSupportException;
import io.appium.java_client.AppiumDriver;
import org.testng.ITestContext;
import org.testng.annotations.AfterMethod;
import org.testng.annotations.BeforeMethod;


public class BaseTest {
    protected AppiumDriver driver;
    protected PropertiesReader reader = new PropertiesReader();

    @BeforeMethod(alwaysRun = true)
    public void setup(ITestContext context) {
        context.setAttribute("target", reader.getTarget());

        try {
            Target target = (Target) context.getAttribute("target");
            this.driver = new DriverManager().getInstance(target);
        } catch (IOException | PlatformNotSupportException e) {

    @AfterMethod(alwaysRun = true)
    public void teardown() {

Let’s unpack this class.

protected AppiumDriver driver;

We set our driver instance as protected so that all test classes will have access to it.

protected PropertiesReader reader = new PropertiesReader();

We create an instance of PropertiesReader class to read relevant properties. This is useful since we want to be able to switch our driver instances based on different test environments and conditions. If curious, please see its implementation here.

Target target = (Target) context.getAttribute("target");
this.driver = new DriverManager().getInstance(target);

We get the relevant Target and then using that gets an instance of AppiumDriver from a class called DriverManager.

Driver Manager to Setup Appium Driver

We’ll use this reusable class to:

  • Read capabilities JSON file based on platform (Android/iOS)
  • Setup a local driver instance with these capabilities
  • This class could independently evolve to setup desired driver instances, either local, the house or remote cloud lab
package core.driver;

import constants.Target;
import exceptions.PlatformNotSupportException;
import io.appium.java_client.AppiumDriver;
import org.openqa.selenium.remote.DesiredCapabilities;

import java.util.HashMap;

import static core.utils.CapabilitiesHelper.readAndMakeCapabilities;

public class DriverManager {
    private static AppiumDriver driver;
    // For Appium < 2.0, append /wd/hub to the APPIUM_SERVER_URL
    String APPIUM_SERVER_URL = "";

    public AppiumDriver getInstance(Target target) throws IOException, PlatformNotSupportException {
        System.out.println("Getting instance of: " +;
        switch (target) {
            case ANDROID:
                return getAndroidDriver();
            case IOS:
                return getIOSDriver();
                throw new PlatformNotSupportException("Please provide supported target");

    private AppiumDriver getAndroidDriver() throws IOException {
        HashMap map = readAndMakeCapabilities("android-caps.json");
        return getDriver(map);

    private AppiumDriver getIOSDriver() throws IOException {
        HashMap map = readAndMakeCapabilities("ios-caps.json");
        return getDriver(map);

    private AppiumDriver getDriver(HashMap map) {
        DesiredCapabilities desiredCapabilities = new DesiredCapabilities(map);

        try {
            driver = new AppiumDriver(
                    new URL(APPIUM_SERVER_URL), desiredCapabilities);
        } catch (MalformedURLException e) {

        return driver;

You can observe:

  • getInstance method takes a target and based on that tries to get either an Android or an IOS Driver. In the future, if we want to run our tests against a cloud provider like Headspin, SauceLabs, BrowserStack, Applitools, then this class could handle creating the relevant session.
  • Both getAndroidDriver and getIOSDriver read a JSON file with similar capabilities as we saw in the Inspector section and then convert it into a Java Hashmap which could be passed into getDriver method that returns an Appium Instance. With this, we could later pass say an environmental context and based on that choose a different capabilities file.

A Simple Page Object with the Fluent Pattern

Let’s take a look at the example of a page object that enables a Fluent pattern.

package pages.apidemos.home;

import io.appium.java_client.AppiumDriver;
import org.openqa.selenium.By;
import org.openqa.selenium.WebElement;
import pages.apidemos.logtextbox.LogTextBoxPage;

public class APIDemosHomePage extends BasePage {
    private final By textButton = By.xpath("//android.widget.TextView[@content-desc=\"Text\"]");
    private final By logTextBoxButton = By.xpath("//android.widget.TextView[@content-desc=\"LogTextBox\"]");

    public APIDemosHomePage(AppiumDriver driver) {

    public APIDemosHomePage openText() {
        WebElement text = getElement(textButton);

        return this;

    public LogTextBoxPage tapOnLogTextBox() {
        WebElement logTextBoxButtonElement = getElement(logTextBoxButton);


        return new LogTextBoxPage(driver);

Notice the following:

Above is an example page object class:

  • With 2 XPath locators defined with By clause
  • We init the driver in BasePage class
  • The test actions return either this (i.e. current page) or next page object to enable a Fluent pattern. Following this, we can create a sort of action graph where any action that a test takes connects to the next set of actions this page can take and makes writing test scripts a breeze.

Base Page Class


import io.appium.java_client.AppiumDriver;
import org.openqa.selenium.By;
import org.openqa.selenium.WebElement;

import java.util.List;

public class BasePage {
    protected AppiumDriver driver;

    public BasePage(AppiumDriver driver) {
        this.driver = driver;

    public void click(WebElement elem) {;

    public WebElement getElement(By by) {
        return driver.findElement(by);

    public List<WebElement> getElements(By by) {
        return driver.findElements(by);

    public String getText(WebElement elem) {
        return elem.getText();

    public void waitForElementToBeVisible(WebElement elem) {
        WebDriverWait wait = new WebDriverWait(driver, 10);

    public void waitForElementToBePresent(By by) {
        WebDriverWait wait = new WebDriverWait(driver, 10);

    public void type(WebElement elem, String text) {

Every page object inherits from a BasePage that wraps Appium methods.

  • This provides us an abstraction and allows us to create our own project-specific reusable actions and methods. This is a very good pattern to follow for a few reasons
    • Say we want to provide some custom functionality like adding a logger line in our own logging infrastructure whenever an Appium action is performed, we can wrap those methods and perform this.
    • Also in the case in future Appium breaks an API, this change is not cascaded to all our page objects, rather only to this class where we can handle it in an appropriate manner to provide backward compatibility.
  • A word of caution ⚠: Do not dump every method in this class, try to compose only relevant actions.

Congratulations, you’ve written your first Appium Android test. You can run this either via the IDE or via a Gradle command

./gradlew clean build runTests -Dtag="ANDROID" -Ddevice="ANDROID"


You can see the entire project on the Github appium-fast-boilerplate, clone it and play around with it. Hopefully, this post helps you a little bit in starting on Android automation using Appium. 

In the next post, we’ll dive into the world of iOS Automation with Appium and write our first hello world test.

You could also check out for other posts that I’ve written about software engineering and testing. 

As always, do share this with your friends or colleagues and if you have thoughts or feedback, I’d be more than happy to chat over at Twitter or elsewhere. Until next time. Happy testing and coding.

The post Writing Your First Appium Test For Android Mobile Devices appeared first on Automated Visual Testing | Applitools.

Hello Appium, Part 1: What is Appium? An Introduction to Appium and its Tooling Wed, 27 Oct 2021 17:58:51 +0000 Learn how to get started with Appium, what Appium is, its architecture and how you can use it to solve your mobile test automation issues today.

The post Hello Appium, Part 1: What is Appium? An Introduction to Appium and its Tooling appeared first on Automated Visual Testing | Applitools.


In the first article in this series, learn how to get started with Appium. We’ll dig into what Appium is, the essentials of the Appium architecture and how you can use Appium to solve your mobile test automation issues today. You can also skip ahead to read about how to set up your first Appium Android test and how to set up your first Appium iOS test.

I recently had the privilege to speak at Appium Conf 2021 on a topic quite near to my heart: Getting started with Appium.

Why? Isn’t this Quite Basic?

If you are an intermediate or advanced Appium user, then sure, ??‍♂ you may be familiar with this already.

However, I’m a fan of a concept called Shoshin (loosely translated as “Beginner’s mind”) and believe that relearning something opens up new ways of solidifying concepts and often enlightens you about the gaps in your knowledge.

When I started learning Appium back in 2018, I remember I had to struggle a lot to figure out where to start, what setups are needed to run my first test, or just even the underlying architecture.

This was a lot of initial friction and I remember thinking to myself:

It shouldn’t be this hard just to get started, eh?

Appium is a great automation tool and now having used it for a few years and having gone through the trenches I wanted to improve this experience for beginners. Hence the reason for my talk and this blog series. If you are curious about the Appium talk, the video is out on YouTube and slides over a static site.

Key Takeaways

In this 3 part series we’ll deep dive into:

  • Introduction to Appium
    • Understand what Appium is, what problems does it solve?
    • Understand its architecture and tooling needed
  • Set up an Android test from scratch including dependencies
  • Set up an iOS test from scratch including dependencies

Let’s begin.

What is Appium?

Appium is an open source ecosystem of tools and libraries that help you drive your mobile apps (native, hybrid, and mobile web on platforms such as Android, iOS), desktop apps (Windows, Mac), and now even on platforms like Smart TV and much more ?.

Appium Core Philosophy

Language agnostic: With Appium you can choose the language binding of your choice (Such as Java, Kotlin, Python, JavaScript, Ruby, C# … ?) and don’t have to be tied to the programming language of the platform vendors (Kotlin, Swift, etc.).

Does not reinvent the wheel: Appium provides a convenient API compliant with Web driver protocol that wraps automation libraries from vendors (Google UIAutomator2/Espresso, Apple XCUITest/UIAutomation, Windows WinApp) and allows you to write cross-platform tests.

No requirement of SDK or recompilation of the app: Appium can drive the app from a grey box user perspective but does not need any app compilation step.

Cross-platform: Drives apps on different platforms and provided apps have the same business logic, could drive them with a single cross-platform test.

Core Concepts

Before diving into practical setup and tests, it’s important to understand the Appium ecosystem in a birds-eye so that you can make sense of all the different components at play

The below high-level architecture diagram gives the perspective:

Show E2E request from client, server to the target platform

The core components are:

  • Client-server architecture
  • Session
  • Desired capabilities
  • Appium Server
  • Appium Clients
  • Appium Desktop

Client-Server Architecture

Appium Server

  • Appium is a NodeJS-based web server that exposes REST APIs and bridges commands to native frameworks from vendors (Google, Apple)

Appium Clients

  • Appium provides client bindings in different languages that adhere to WebDriver protocol and exposes actions and behaviours for automation
  • Test code makes use of these clients to perform desired actions on devices

E2E Request Flow

A typical request in Appium loosely looks like below:

  • The server receives a connection request from the client
  • The server listens for commands
  • The client makes a request to server
  • Server talks to different platform drivers
  • Drivers talk to native frameworks and finally the common gets executed on the target device (mobile, desktop, TV, etc)
  • The server returns an HTTP response


  • Each action in Appium happens under the context of a session
  • We generally start a session with a Desired capabilities object to specify the exact type of connection we want and what behaviours are we most interested in.

Desired Capabilities

  • Think of this as a Hashmap with the key being a unique capability/behaviour that you want the driver to expose and values with the configurations.
    • For example, you may want to set up the device in landscape or portrait mode for a test case, you can then use either of the below configurations
  "orientation": "LANDSCAPE|PORTRAIT"
  • You can find the complete reference on Appium docs and I’ll highly recommend you get versed with them. In fact, there was an interesting talk called All Desired Capabilities by Jonah Stiennon in Appium Conf 2019 on this exact topic. You could watch it here.

Appium Inspector

  • A desktop app that supports identifying selector strategies and aids in writing automated tests. Download it from Appium GitHub releases here.

Setup Appium

Now that we understand the high-level components at play, let’s install some of these to set up our environment regardless of the platform that we choose to automate.

To set up the Appium server and other utilities, we’ll need to install npm, node. These could be easily installed with a tool like homebrew (mac), Linux brew (Linux), or chocolatey (windows)

We’ll assume using a Mac/Linux or WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux) environment for this series but you’ll be able to find equivalent steps for the Windows platform by googling.

Step 1: Install Homebrew

We’ll need it to install npm and node.

To install on macOS:

/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"

On Linux or WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux), you may need to install Linux brew.

Step 2: Install node and npm

You can download and install node (10+) for your platform. Prefer choosing LTS (Long term support version) since that would be the stable version.

On macOS:

brew install node

Verify running the below command returns desired version:

node -v

And verify that npm is installed as well:

npm -v

Step 3: Install Appium server

To install Appium server < 2.0

npm install -g appium
  • ? Do not use sudo to install Appium server
  • -g indicates that this package would be installed globally

Verify Appium server is installed by typing appium command in your terminal and see all server logs.

➜  appium-fast-boilerplate git:(main) appium
[Appium] Welcome to Appium v1.17.0
[Appium] Appium REST http interface listener started on

Appium 2.0 ?

Appium 1.2x.x would be the last version supported by Appium devs and an EOL (End of Life) plan is already published on the Appium Github repo. Read it here. Since Appium 2.0 is the future of the project, let’s see how to install the new server and some key commands.

To install Appium 2.0:

npm install -g appium@next

You’ll get an output like:

/usr/local/bin/appium -> /usr/local/lib/node_modules/appium/build/lib/main.js

> appium@2.0.0-beta.16 postinstall /usr/local/lib/node_modules/appium
> node ./postinstall.js

Not auto-installing any drivers or plugins
+ appium@2.0.0-beta.16
added 113 packages from 587 contributors, removed 316 packages, updated 136 packages and moved 5 packages in 81.611s

With Appium 2.0, drivers are decoupled and not bundled into the main server. This makes sense since if your app is only on Android, you wouldn’t need iOS, desktop, and TV drivers anyways right?

We’ll install Android and iOS drivers for this project using the below commands:

appium driver install xcuitest
appium driver install uiautomator2

You can list all available drivers using the command:

appium driver list

Or list only installed drivers using:

appium driver list --installed

After running the appium command, you’ll see an output like this and as you can see our installed drivers:

[Appium] Welcome to Appium v2.0.0-beta.16
[Appium] Non-default server args:
[Appium]   tmpDir: /var/folders/5d/flg6q03n3j7769kffzly2x_r0000gp/T
[Appium] Attempting to load driver xcuitest...
[Appium] Attempting to load driver uiautomator2...
[Appium] Appium REST http interface listener started on
[Appium] Available drivers:
[Appium]   - xcuitest@3.53.1 (automationName 'XCUITest')
[Appium]   - uiautomator2@1.67.0 (automationName 'UiAutomator2')

Step 4: Install Java and Set JAVA_HOME

You can install Java from the Oracle site or the OpenJDK version:

On macOS: If you choose to install OpenJDK, then execute the below command:

brew install openjdk@8
sudo ln -sfn /usr/local/opt/openjdk@8/libexec/openjdk.jdk /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/openjdk-8.jdk

Add JDK home path as JAVA_HOME variable. Since we would use the Java client binding for this series, this is a needed step.

export JAVA_HOME=/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/openjdk-8.jdk/Home
export PATH=$JAVA_HOME/bin:$PATH

Step 5: Verify Dependencies are Installed with Appium Doctor

Appium doctor is a CLI that provides insights on what dependencies are missing as well as how to install them. It even provides very helpful suggestions or notes on how exactly a dependency might be useful.

Make sure all required dependencies are installed:

npm install -g appium-doctor

Run below commands:

# For both android and iOS
# For only android
appium-doctor --android
# For only iOS
appium-doctor --ios

If I run it at this point in time, it intelligently warns me about the required dependencies that are installed, optional dependencies that could be installed, and how to go about installing them.

Shows results of executing appium doctor command and dependencies setup


So hopefully you are set up with Appium, have a conceptual understanding of the different components, and are now ready to dive into writing our first tests for Android and iOS. Stay tuned for the next part. In the meantime, you can read the below docs to get further context.


Related Appium Articles

Looking for more? We’ve got other great content to help you dig in and get started with Appium. Here are a few places to help you get started with Appium today.

The post Hello Appium, Part 1: What is Appium? An Introduction to Appium and its Tooling appeared first on Automated Visual Testing | Applitools.
