ChatGPT Archives - Automated Visual Testing | Applitools Applitools delivers the next generation of test automation powered by AI assisted computer vision technology known as Visual AI. Mon, 20 Nov 2023 17:50:05 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Unlocking the Power of ChatGPT and AI in Test Automation Q&A Thu, 20 Apr 2023 16:14:13 +0000 Last week, Applitools hosted Unlocking the Power of ChatGPT and AI in Test Automation: Next Steps, where I explored how artificial intelligence, specifically ChatGPT, can revolutionize the field of test...

The post Unlocking the Power of ChatGPT and AI in Test Automation Q&A appeared first on Automated Visual Testing | Applitools.

ChatGPT webinar Q&A

Last week, Applitools hosted Unlocking the Power of ChatGPT and AI in Test Automation: Next Steps, where I explored how artificial intelligence, specifically ChatGPT, can revolutionize the field of test automation. In this article, I’ll share the audience Q&A as well as some of the results of the audience polls. Be sure to read my previous article, where I summarized the key takeaways from the webinar. You can also find the full recording, session materials, and more in our event archive.

Audience Q&A

Our audience asked various questions about the data and intellectual property when using AI and adding AI into their own test automation processes.

Intellectual properties when using ChatGPT

Question: To avoid disclosing company intellectual properties to ChatGPT, is it not better to build a “private” ChatGPT / large language model to use and train for test automation inside the company while securing the privacy?

My response: The way a lot of organizations are proceeding is setting up private ChatGPT-like infrastructure to get the value of AI. I think that’s a good way to proceed, at least for now.

Data privacy when using ChatGPT

Question: What do you think about feeding commercial data (requirements, code, etc.) to ChatGPT and/or OpenAI API (e.g. gpt-3.5-turbo) data privacy connected to the recent privacy issues like with Samsung, exposure of ChatGPT chats, and so forth?

My response: Feeding public data is okay, because it’s out in the public space anyway, but commercial data could be public or it could be private and that could become an issue. The problem is we do not understand enough about how ChatGPT is using the data or the questions that we are asking it. It is constantly learning, so if you feed a very unique type of question that it has never come across before, the algorithm is intelligent to learn from that. It might give you the wrong answer, but it is going to learn based on your follow-up questions, and it is going to use that information to answer someone else’s similar question.

Complying with data regulations

Question: How can we ensure that AI-driven test automation tools maintain compliance with data privacy regulations like GDPR and CCPA during the testing process?

My response: It’s a tough question. I don’t know how we can ensure that, but if you are going to use any AI tool, you must make sure you are asking very focused, specific questions that don’t disclose any confidential information. For example, in my demo, I had a piece of code pointing to a website asking it a very specific question how to implement it. That question could be implemented using some complex free algorithms or anything else, but taking that solution, you make it your own and then implement it in your organization. That might be safer than disclosing anything more. This is a very new area right now. It’s better to be on the side of caution.

Adding AI into the test automation process

Question: Any suggestions on how to embed ChatGPT/AI into automation testing efforts as a process more than individual benefit?

My response: I unfortunately do not have an answer to this yet. It is something that needs to be explored and figured out. One thing I will add is that even though it may be similar to many others, each product is different. The processes and tech stacks are going to vary for all these types of products you use for testing and automation, so one solution is not going to fit everyone. Auto-generated code will go up to a certain level, but at least as of now, the human mind is still very essential to use it correctly. So it’s not going to solve your problems; it is just going to make solving them easier. The examples I showed are ways to make it easier in your own case.

Using AI for API and NFRs

Question: How effective would AI be for API and NFR?

My response: I could ask a question to give me a performance test implementation approach for the Amazon website, and it gives me a performance test strategy. If I ask it a question to give me an implementation detail of what tool I should use, it is probably going to suggest a few tools. If I ask it to build an initial script for automating this performance test, it is probably going to do that for me as well. It all depends on the questions you are asking to proceed from there, and I’m sure you’ll get good insights for NFRs.

Using AI a dedicated private cloud instance

Question: Our organization is very particular about intellectual property protection, and they might deny us from using third-party cloud tools. What solution is there for this?

My response: Applitools uses the public cloud. I use a public cloud for my learning and training and demos that I do, but a lot of our customers actually use the dedicated cloud instance, which is hosted only for them. Only they have access to that, so that takes care of the security concerns that might be there. We also work with our customers to ensure from compliance and security perspectives that all the questions are answered and to make sure everything conforms as per their standards.

Using AI for mobile test automation

Question: Do you think AI can improve quality of life for automation engineers working on mobile app testing too? Or mostly web and API?

My response: Yes, it works for mobile. It works for anything that you want. You just have to try it out and be specific with your questions. What I learned from using ChatGPT is that you need to learn the art of asking the questions. It is very important in any communication, but now it is becoming very important in communicating with tools as well to get you the appropriate responses.

Audience poll results

In the live webinar, the audience was asked “Given the privacy concerns, how comfortable are you using AI tools for automation?” Of 105 votes, over half of the respondents would be somewhat or very comfortable with using AI tools for automation.

  • Very comfortable: 16.95%
  • Somewhat comfortable: 33.05%
  • Not sure: 24.59%
  • Somewhat comfortable: 14.41%

Next steps

You can take advantage of AI today by using Applitools to test web apps, mobile apps, desktop apps, PDFs, screenshots, and more. Applitools offers SDKs that support several popular testing frameworks in multiple languages, and these SDKs install directly into your projects for seamless integration. You can try it yourself by claiming a free account or request a demo.

Check out our events page to register for an upcoming session with our CTO and the inventor of visual AI Adam Carmi. For our clients and friends in the Asia-Pacific region, be sure to register to attend our upcoming encore presentation of Unlocking the Power of ChatGPT and AI in Test Automation happening on April 26th.

The post Unlocking the Power of ChatGPT and AI in Test Automation Q&A appeared first on Automated Visual Testing | Applitools.

Unlocking the Power of ChatGPT and AI in Test Automation Key Takeaways Tue, 18 Apr 2023 21:12:14 +0000 Editor’s note: This article was written with the support of ChatGPT. Last week, Applitools hosted Unlocking the Power of ChatGPT and AI in Test Automation: Next Steps, when I discussed...

The post Unlocking the Power of ChatGPT and AI in Test Automation Key Takeaways appeared first on Automated Visual Testing | Applitools.

ChatGPT webinar key takeaways

Editor’s note: This article was written with the support of ChatGPT.

Last week, Applitools hosted Unlocking the Power of ChatGPT and AI in Test Automation: Next Steps, when I discussed how artificial intelligence – specifically ChatGPT – can impact the field of test automation. The webinar delved into the various applications of AI in test automation, the benefits it brings, and the best practices to follow for successful implementation. With the ever-growing need for efficient and effective testing, the webinar is a must-watch for anyone looking to stay ahead of the curve in software testing. This blog article recaps the key takeaways from the webinar. Also, you can find the full recording, session materials, and more in our event archive.

Takeaways from the previous webinar

I started with a recap of the takeaways from the previous webinar, Unlocking the Power of ChatGPT and AI in Testing: A Real-World Look. The webinar focused on two main aspects from a testing perspective: testing approach mindset (strategy, design, automation, and execution) and automation perspective. ChatGPT was able to help with automation by guiding me to automate test cases more quickly and effectively. ChatGPT was also able to provide solutions to programming problems, such as giving a solution to a problem statement and refactoring code. However, there were limitations to ChatGPT’s ability to provide answers, particularly in terms of test execution, and some challenges when working with large blobs of code.
If you didn’t catch the previous webinar, you can still watch it on demand.

What’s new in AI since the previous webinar

Since we hosted the previous webinar, there have been many updates in the AI chatbot space. A few key updates we covered in the webinar include:

  • ChatGPT has become accessible on laptops, phones, and Raspberry Pi, and can be run on own devices.
  • Google Bard was released, but it is limited to English language, cannot continue conversations, and cannot help with coding.
  • ChatGPT 4 was released, which accepts images and text inputs and provides text outputs.
  • ChatGPT Plus was introduced, offering better reasoning, faster responses, and higher availability to users.
  • Plugins can now be built on top of ChatGPT, opening up new and powerful ways of interaction.

During the webinar, I gave a live demo of some of ChatGPT’s updates, where it was able to provide code implementation and generate unit tests for a programming question.

Using AI to address common challenges in test automation

Next, I discussed the actual challenges in automation and how we can leverage AI tools to get better results. Those challenges include:

  • Slow and flaky test execution
  • Sub-optimal, inefficient automation
  • Incorrect, non-contextual test data

Using AI to address flakiness in test automation

The section specifically focused on flaky tests related to UI or locator changes, which can be identified using consistent logging and reporting. I advised against using a retry listener to handle flaky tests and instead suggest identifying and fixing the root cause. I then demonstrated an example of a test failing due to a locator change and discussed ways to solve this challenge.

Read our step-by-step tutorial to learn how to use visual AI locators to target anything you need to test in your application and how it can help you create tests that are more resilient and robust.

Using AI to address sub-optimal or inefficient information

Next, I discussed sub-optimal or inefficient automation and how to improve it. I use GitHub Copilot to generate a new test and auto-generate code. I explained how to integrate GitHub Copilot and JetBrains Aqua with IntelliJ and how to use Aqua to find locators for web elements. Then, I showed how to implement code in the IDE and interact with the application to perform automation.

Using AI to address incorrect, non-contextual test data

Next, I discussed the importance of test data in automation testing and related challenges. There are many libraries available for generating test data that can work in the context of the application. Aqua can generate test data by right-clicking and selecting the type of text to generate. Copilot can generate data for “send keys” commands automatically. It’s important to have a good test data strategy to avoid limitations and increase the value of automation testing.

Potential pitfalls of AI

AI is not a magic solution and requires conscious and contextual use. Over-reliance on AI can lead to incomplete knowledge and lack of understanding of generated code or tests. AI may replace certain jobs, but individuals can leverage AI tools to improve their work and make it an asset instead of a liability.

Data privacy is also a major concern with AI use, as accidental leaks of proprietary information can occur. And AI decision-making can be problematic if it does not make the user think critically and understand the reasoning behind the decisions. Countries and organizations are starting to ban the use of AI tools like ChatGPT due to concerns over data privacy and accidental leaks.


Overall at first, I was skeptical about AI in automation, but that skepticism has reduced significantly. You must embrace technology or you risk being left behind. Avoid manual repetition, and leverage automation tools to make work faster and more interesting. The automation cocktail (using different tools in combination) is the way forward.

Focus on ROI and value generation, and make wise choices when building, buying, or reusing tools. Being agile is important, not just following a methodology or procedure. Learning, evolving, iterating, communicating, and collaborating are key to staying agile. Upskilling and being creative and innovative are important for individuals and teams. Completing the same amount of work in a shorter time leads to learning, creativity, and innovation.

Be sure to read my next article where I answers questions from the audience Q&A. If you have any other questions, be sure to reach out on Twitter or LinkedIn.

The post Unlocking the Power of ChatGPT and AI in Test Automation Key Takeaways appeared first on Automated Visual Testing | Applitools.

AI-Generated Test Automation with ChatGPT Mon, 06 Feb 2023 16:42:08 +0000 The AI promise AI is not a new technology. Recently, the field has made huge advancements. Currently it seems like AI technology is mostly about using ML (machine learning) algorithms...

The post AI-Generated Test Automation with ChatGPT appeared first on Automated Visual Testing | Applitools.

ChatGPT example code

The AI promise

AI is not a new technology. Recently, the field has made huge advancements.

Currently it seems like AI technology is mostly about using ML (machine learning) algorithms to train models with large volumes of data and use these trained computational models to make predictions or generate some outcomes.

From a testing and test automation point-of-view, the question in my mind still remains: Will AI be able to automatically generate and update test cases? Can it find contextual defects in the product? Can it eventually inspect code and the test coverage to prevent defects getting into production?

ICYMI: Read my recent article on this topic, AI: The magical helping hand in testing.

The promising future

Recently I came across a lot of interesting buzz created by ChatGPT, and I had to try it out. 

Given I am a curious tester by heart, I signed up for it on and tried to see the kind of responses generated by ChatGPT for a specific use case.

Live demo: Watch me demonstrate how to use ChatGPT for testing and development in the on-demand recording of Unlocking the Power of ChatGPT and AI in Testing: A Real-World Look.

What is the role of AI in testing?

I started with a simple question to ChatGPT. The answer was interesting. But the answer was nothing different than what I already knew.

So I thought of asking some more specific questions.

Create a test strategy using AI

I asked ChatGPT to create a test strategy for testing and automating Amazon India shopping app and website.

I was blown away by the first response. Though I can’t use this directly, as it is quite generic, the answer was actually pretty good as a starting point.

I was now hooked, and I had to keep going on now.

What test cases should I automate for my product?

Example: What test cases should I automate for Amazon India?

Like the test strategy, these are not to the level of details I am looking for. But it’s a great start.

That said, at the top of the test automation pyramid, I do not want to automate test cases, but I want to automate test scenarios. So, I asked ChatGPT about the important scenarios I should automate.

What test scenarios should I automate for my product?

Though not the specific test scenarios I was expecting, there is a clear difference between the identified test cases and the test scenarios.

Code generation: the first auto-generated test

I asked ChatGPT to give me the Selenium-Java automation code to automate the “search and add a One Plus phone to cart scenario” for Amazon India website.

ChatGPT not only corrected my question, but also gave me the exact code to implement the above scenario.

I updated the question to generate the test using Applitools Visual AI, and voila, here was the solution:

Is this code usable?

Not really!

If you run the test, there is a good chance it would fail. The reason being, the generated code assumes the page is “rendered” as soon as the actions are done. To make this code usable and consistent in execution, we need to update it with realistic and intelligent waits at relevant places to cater to the rendering and loading time required by the browser, and of-course, your environment.

NOTE: Intelligent waits are important as opposed to a hard wait to optimise the execution time. Also, being realistic in your wait durations is very important. You do not want to wait for a particular state of the application for more than what is expected to happen in production.

Also, typically in our test frameworks, we have various abstraction layers and utilities to manage different functionalities and responsibilities. But we can use snippets of this generated code and easily plug it in the right places in our frameworks. So it is still very valuable.

I also tried the same for some internal sites – i.e. not available to the general public. The test was still created, but not sure about the validity of those tests.

Test data generation

Lastly, I asked specific questions around test data – an aspect unfortunately ignored or forgotten until the last minute by most teams.

Example: What test data do I need to automate test scenarios for my product?

Again, I was blown away by the detailed test data characteristics that were given as a response. It was specific about the relevant data required for product, user, payment, and order to automate the important test scenarios that were highlighted in the earlier response. 

I tried to trick ChatGPT to “search and add a product to cart” – but I didn’t specify what product.

It caught my bluff and gave very clear instructions that I should provide valid test data.

Try it yourself: Can ChatGPT accurately translate your tests from one framework to another? Try it out and let us know how it went @Applitools.

Other examples

Generating content

Instead of thinking and typing this blog post, I could have used ChatGPT to generate the post for me as well.

I didn’t even have time to step away to get a cup of coffee while this was being generated!

Planning a vacation

Another interesting use case of ChatGPT – getting help to plan a vacation!

NOTE: Be sure to work with your organization’s security team and @OpenAI before implementing ChatGPT into the organization’s official processes.

What’s next? What does it mean for using AI in testing?

In my examples, the IDEs are very powerful and make it very easy for programmers and automation engineers to write code in a better and more efficient way.

36.8% of our audience participants answered that they were worried about AI replacing their jobs. Others see AI as a tool to improve their skills and efficiency in their job.

Tools and technologies like ChatGPT will offer more assistance to such roles. Individuals can focus on logic and use cases. I have doubts on the applicability of these tools to provide answers based on contextual information. However, given very focused and precise questions, tools can provide information to help implement the same in an efficient and optimal fashion.

I am hooked!

To learn more, watch on-demand recording of Unlocking the Power of ChatGPT and AI in Testing: A Real-World Look. Be looking for a follow-on event in early April where I will go deeper into specific use cases and how ChatGPT and its use in testing are evolving. Sign up for an email notification when registration opens.

The post AI-Generated Test Automation with ChatGPT appeared first on Automated Visual Testing | Applitools.

AI: The Magical Helping Hand in Testing Tue, 24 Jan 2023 16:59:28 +0000 The AI promise AI as a technology is not new. There are huge advancements made in the recent past in this field.  Currently it seems like AI technology is mostly...

The post AI: The Magical Helping Hand in Testing appeared first on Automated Visual Testing | Applitools.

Gartner Hype Cycle for Artificial Intelligence, 2021

The AI promise

AI as a technology is not new. There are huge advancements made in the recent past in this field. 

Currently it seems like AI technology is mostly about using ML (machine learning) algorithms to train models with large volumes of data and use these trained computational models to make predictions or generate some outcomes.

From a testing and test automation point-of-view, the question in my mind still remains: Will AI be able to automatically generate and update test cases? Find contextual defects in the product? Inspect code and the test coverage to prevent defects getting into production?

These are the questions I have targeted to answer in this post.

The hype

Gartner publishes reports related to the Hype Cycle of AI. You can read the detailed reports from 2019 and 2021.

The image below is from the Hype Cycle for AI, 2021 report.

Based on the report from 2021, we seem to be some distance away from the technology being able to satisfactorily answer the questions in my mind. 

But there are areas where we seem to be getting out of what the Gartner report calls “Trough of Disillusionment” and moving towards the “Slope of Enlightenment”.

Based on my research in the area, I agree with this.

Let’s explore this further.

The promising future

Recently I came across a lot of interesting buzz created by ChatGPT, and I had to try it out. 
Given I am a curious tester by heart, I signed up for it on and tried to see the kind of responses generated by ChatGPT for use cases related to test strategy and automation.

The role and value of AI in testing

I took ChatGPT for a spin to see how it could help in creating test strategy and generate code to automate some tests. In fact, I also tried creating content using ChatGPT. Look out for my next blog for the details of the experiment.

I am amazed to see how far ahead we have come in making the use of AI technology accessible to the end-users.

The answers to a lot of the non-coding questions, though generic, were pretty spot on in the responses. Like the code generated by record-and-playback tools cannot be used directly and needs to be tuned and optimized for regular usage, the answers provided by ChatGPT can be a great starting point for anyone. You would get a high-level structure, with major areas identified, which you can then detail out based on context, that only you would be aware of.

But, I often wonder what is the role of AI in Testing? Is it just a buzzword gone viral on social media?

I did some research in the area, but most of the references I found were blog posts and articles about “how AI can help make testing better”.

Here is a summary from my research on trends and hopes from AI & Testing.

Test script generation

This aspect was pretty amazing to me. The code generated was usable, though in isolation. Typically in our automation framework, we have a particular architecture we conform to while implementing the test scripts. The code generated for specific use cases will need to be optimized and refactored to fit in the framework architecture.

Test script generation using Applitools Visual AI

Applitools Visual AI takes a very interesting approach at this. Let me explain this in more detail.

There are 2 main aspects in a test script implementation.

  1. Implementing the actions/navigations/interactions with the product-under-test
  2. Implementing various assertions based on the above interactions to validate the functionality is working as expected

We typically only write the obvious and important assertions in the test. This itself can make the code quite complex and also affects the test execution speed. 

The less important assertions are typically ignored – for lack of time, or also because they may not be directly related to the intent of the test.

For the assertions you have not added in the test script, you either need to implement different tests for validate those, or worse yet, they are ignored.

There is another category of assertions which are important and you need to implement in your test, but these are very difficult or impossible to implement in your test scripts (based on your automation toolset). Example – validating the colors, fonts, page layouts, overlapping content, images, etc. is very difficult (if at all possible) and complex to implement. For these types of validations, you usually end up relying on a human testing these specific details manually. Given the error-prone nature of manual testing, a lot of these validations are often (unintentionally) missed or ignored and the incorrect behavior of your application gets released to Production.

This is where Applitools Visual AI comes to the rescue.

Instead of implementing a lot of assertions, with Applitools Visual AI integrated in your UI automation framework, it can take care of all your functional and visual (UI and UX) assertions with a single line of code. With this single line of code, you are able to check the full screen automatically, thus exponentially increasing your test coverage. 

Let us see an example of what this means.

Below is a simple “invalid-login” test with assertions.

If you use Applitools Visual AI, the same test changes as below:

NOTE: In the above example with Applitools Visual AI, the lines and eyes.closeAsync are typically called from your before and after test method hooks in your automation framework.

You can see the vast reduction in code required for the same “invalid-login” test as compared between the regular assertion-based code we are used to writing, versus using Applitools Visual AI. Hence, the time to implement the test has improved significantly.

The true value is seen when the test runs between different builds of your product which has changes in functionality.

The standard assertion-based test will fail at the first error it encountered. Whereas the test with Applitools is able to highlight all the differences between the 2 builds, which include:

  • Broken functionality – bugs
  • Missing images
  • Overlapping content
  • Changed/new features in the new UI

All the above is done without having to rely on locators, which could have changed as well, and caused your test to fail for a different reason. It is all possible because of the 99.9999% accurate AI algorithms provided by Applitools for visual comparison. 

Thus, your test coverage has increased, and it is impossible for bugs to escape your attention.

The Applitools AI algorithms can be used in any combination as appropriate to the context of your application to get the maximum validation as possible.

Based on the data from the survey done on “The impact of Visual AI on Test Automation”, we can see below the advantages of using Applitools Visual AI.

Visual AI: The Empirical Evidence

5.8x faster

Visual AI allows tests to be authored 5.8x faster compared to the traditional code-base approach.

5.9x more efficient

Test code powered by Visual AI increases coverage via open-ended assertions and is thus 5.9x more efficient per line of code.

3.8x more stable

Reducing brittle locators and labels via Visual AI means reduced maintenance overhead.

45% more bugs caught

Open-ended assertions via Visual AI are 45% more effective at catching bugs.

Increasing test coverage

AI technology is getting pretty good in suggesting test scenarios and test cases. 

There are many products that are already using AI technology under the hoods to provide valuable features to the users.

Increasing test coverage using Applitools Ultrafast Test Cloud

A great example of an AI-based tool is the Applitools Test Cloud which allows you to scale the test execution seamlessly without having to run the tests on other browsers and devices.

In the image below, you can see how easy it is to scale your web-based test execution across the devices and browsers of your choice as part of the same UI test execution using the Applitools Ultrafast Grid.

Similarly you can use the Applitools Ultrafast Native Mobile Grid for scaling the test execution for your iOS and Android native applications as shown below:.

Example of using Applitools Ultrafast Native Mobile Grid for Android apps:

Example of using Applitools Ultrafast Native Mobile Grid for iOS apps:

Test data generation

This is an area that is still to get better. My experiments showed that while actual test data was not generated, it indicated all the important areas we need to think about from a test data perspective. This is a great starting point for any team, while ensuring no obvious area is missed out.


We use code quality checks in our code-base to ensure the code is of high quality. While the code quality tool itself usually provides suggestions on how to fix the flagged issues, there are times when it may be tricky to fix the problem. This is an area where I got lot of help in fixing the problem.

Example: In one of my projects, I was getting a sonar error related to “XML transformers should be secured”.

​​I asked ChatGPT this question:

The solution to the problem was spot-on and I was immediately able to resolve my sonar error.

Code optimization and fixing

Given a block of code, I was able to use ChatGPT to suggest a better way to implement that code, without me providing any context of my tech stack. This was mind-blowing!

Here is an example of this:

There were 5 very valuable suggestions provided by ChatGPT. All of these suggestions are very actionable, hence very valuable!

Analysis and prediction

This is a part I feel tools are currently still limited. There is an aspect of product context, learning, and using the product and team-specific data to come up with very contextual analysis and eventually get to the predictive and recommendations stage.

What other AI tools exist?

While most of the examples are based on ChatGPT, there are other tools also in the works from a research perspective, and also application perspective.

Here are some interesting examples and resources for you to investigate more in the fascinating work that is going on.

While the above list is not exhaustive, it is more focused in the area of research and development.

There are tools that leverage AI and ML already providing value to users. Some of these tools are:

Testing AI systems

The tester in me is also thinking about another aspect. How would I test AI systems? How can I contribute to building and helping the technology and tools move to the Slope of Enlightenment in Gartner’s Hype Cycle? I am very eager to learn and grow in this exciting time!

Challenges of testing AI systems

Given I do not have much experience in this (yet), there are various challenges that come to my  mind to test AI systems. But by now I am getting lazy to type, so I asked ChatGPT to list out the challenges of testing AI systems – and it did a better job at articulating my thoughts … almost felt like it read my mind.

This answer seems quite to the point, but also generic. In this case, I also do not have any specific points I can think of, given my lack of knowledge and experience in this field. So I am not disappointed.

Why generic? Because I have certain thoughts, ideas, and context in my mind. I am trying to build a story around that. ChatGPT does not have an insight into “my” thoughts and ideas. It did a great job giving responses based on the data it was trained on, keeping the complexity, adaptability, transparency, bias, and diversity in consideration.

For fun, I asked ChatGPT: “How to test ChatGPT?”

The answer was not bad at all. In fact, it gave a specific example of how to test it. I am going to give it a try. What about you?

What’s next? What does it mean for using AI in testing?

There is a lot of amazing work happening in the field. I am very happy to see this happen, and I look forward to finding ways to contribute to its evolution. The great thing is that this is not about technology, but how technology can solve some difficult problems for the users.

From a testing perspective, there is some value we can start leveraging from the current set of AI tools. But there is also a lot more to be done and achieved here!

Sign up for my webinar Unlocking the Power of ChatGPT and AI in Testing: A Real-World Look to learn more about the uses of AI in testing.

Learn more about visual AI with Applitools Eyes or reach out to our sales team.

The post AI: The Magical Helping Hand in Testing appeared first on Automated Visual Testing | Applitools.
