Cypress Archives - Automated Visual Testing | Applitools Applitools delivers the next generation of test automation powered by AI assisted computer vision technology known as Visual AI. Fri, 01 Dec 2023 19:30:36 +0000 en-US hourly 1 The Ultimate Guide To End-to-End Testing With Cypress Mon, 19 Jun 2023 16:54:31 +0000 A guide to the anatomy of the Cypress framework, how it compares to other frameworks, and why it's so popular!

The post The Ultimate Guide To End-to-End Testing With Cypress appeared first on Automated Visual Testing | Applitools.


Today’s software applications are getting more complicated, thus every testing team needs to focus on expanding test coverage. To achieve this goal, it is important to use a combination of testing types, such as unit testing, integration testing, system testing, and end-to-end testing, depending on the software application’s complexity and requirements.

End-to-End (E2E) testing is designed to ensure that all components of a software application are working together correctly and that the system as a whole meets the desired functionality, performance, and reliability requirements.

Cypress is a popular open-source end-to-end testing framework for web applications. It is designed to make the testing process easier and more efficient for developers. One of the unique features of Cypress is that it runs the tests within the browser, which means that it can provide better control and visibility over the application under test.
In this blog on End to End testing, we will deep dive into performing Cypress End to End testing on a local Cypress grid and will explain how to start automating visual tests with Applitools Eyes and the Ultrafast Grid using Cypress in JavaScript.

What is End to End Testing?

End-to-end (E2E) testing is a software testing strategy that verifies an application’s complete flow from beginning to end. It is a type of functional testing that tests the application’s behavior as a complete system, rather than testing individual components in isolation.

E2E testing simulates a real user scenario and covers all aspects of the application, including user interfaces, APIs, databases, and other integrations. It typically involves testing multiple components of an application to ensure that they work together as expected and fulfill the requirements of the business or end-users.

E2E testing is typically performed after other types of testing, such as unit testing and integration testing, have been completed. It is used to validate that the entire system works together seamlessly and to identify any issues that may have been missed in earlier stages of testing.

Why is end-to-end testing necessary?

End-to-end testing (E2E testing) is a type of software testing that tests the entire system or application from start to finish, simulating real-world user scenarios.

Unit testing alone is not enough to ensure the quality and reliability of software. While unit testing is an important part of the testing process, it only verifies the behavior of individual components or modules of the software in isolation. It does not guarantee that the software will work correctly when integrated with other components or modules.

This is where integration testing enters into the picture. Integration testing focuses on testing the interaction between two or more components of a system, to ensure that they work together correctly. However, even if all the individual components pass integration testing, there may still be issues with the overall system when all the components are put together. This is where end-to-end testing comes in – it tests the entire system from start to finish.

Cypress is a popular automation testing framework that is designed specifically for end-to-end testing. It runs tests directly in the browser, allowing it to provide an experience that is similar to how users interact with the application. This makes it easier to identify any issues that users might face, as the testing environment is as close to the real-world experience as possible.

To understand End to End testing, Let’s take a closer look at Mike Cohn’s test automation pyramid. We routinely do each level of testing listed in this pyramid while running automated Cypress testing.

Testing Pyramid Layers

The automation pyramid is a popular framework introduced by Mike Cohn that helps teams to plan and prioritize their testing efforts. It includes three levels of testing, which are:

  1. Unit Tests: At the base of the pyramid are the unit tests, which test individual code components such as functions, methods, and classes. Unit tests are typically written by developers and are executed frequently during the development cycle. They are essential in ensuring that individual components of the application work as expected and can catch issues early in the development process.
  1. Integration Tests: The middle layer of the pyramid consists of integration tests, which test how different components of the system work together. Integration tests ensure that the various parts of the application can communicate and interact with each other seamlessly. These tests are typically automated and are executed after the unit tests have passed.
  1. End-to-End Tests: The top layer of the pyramid is end-to-end testing, which tests the entire application workflow from start to finish. These tests simulate real user scenarios and help ensure that the application functions as expected in a production environment. End-to-end tests are typically automated and are executed less frequently than the lower level tests.

Benefits of End-to-End Testing

There are several benefits of End to End testing. Some of the benefits of E2E testing include:

  1. Increased Confidence: E2E testing provides a higher level of confidence in the software application by testing all components together. This testing approach ensures that all the components are integrated correctly and are working as expected.
  2. Improved Quality: By testing the application from end-to-end, helps to identify and fix bugs earlier in the development process. This enhances the overall quality of the software.
  3. Enhanced User Experience: E2E testing ensures that the application is working as expected for the end user. This helps to provide a better user experience and can lead to increased customer satisfaction.
  4. Time and Cost Savings: E2E testing helps to identify issues early in the development cycle, which can save time and money by reducing the need for costly rework later in the process.
  5. Better Collaboration: E2E testing promotes better collaboration between different teams working on the same application. This testing approach helps to identify issues that may be caused by a lack of communication between teams.
  6. Increased Productivity: By automating the testing process, E2E testing can help to increase productivity by reducing the time and effort required to manually test the application.

Faster Time-to-Market: By catching defects earlier in the development process, end-to-end testing can help to reduce delays and accelerate the time-to-market of the application.

Frameworks for End to End testing

There are several popular frameworks for end-to-end testing, including:


Cypress is a JavaScript-based end-to-end testing framework that provides a simple and intuitive API for testing web applications. Cypress supports modern web development technologies like React, Angular, Vue.js, and more. It provides a built-in test runner, and it runs tests in the browser, which makes it fast and reliable.

Cypress runs tests inside the browser; it also provides detailed information about what’s happening at every step of the test, including network requests, console output, and DOM changes. This makes it easier to identify and troubleshoot issues and helps ensure that the application is working as intended.

Cypress Trends on GitHub

The following information is taken from the official website of Cypress GitHub repository:

  • Stars: 43.3k
  • Forks: 2.8k
  • Used By: 797k
  • Releases: 303
  • Contributors: 427


WebdriverIO is a popular open-source testing framework for Node.js that allows developers to automate web applications in a simple and efficient way. It uses the WebDriver API to communicate with browsers and supports a variety of testing frameworks, including Mocha, Jasmine, and Cucumber.

.WebdriverIO Trends on GitHub

The following information is taken from the official website of WebdriverIO GitHub repository:

  • Stars: 8.1k
  • Forks: 2.3k
  • Used By: 50.5k
  • Releases: 305
  • Contributors: 491


Nightwatch.js is an open-source Node.js-based end-to-end testing framework used to automate browser testing. It provides a simple and easy-to-use syntax for writing automated tests in JavaScript and allows you to run tests in real web browsers like Chrome, Firefox, and Safari.

Nightwatch.js uses the WebDriver protocol to communicate with the browser and control its behavior. It also includes a powerful built-in assertion library that makes it easy to write test assertions and helps you quickly identify issues with your web application.

Nightwatch.js Trends on GitHub

The following information is taken from the official website of Nightwatch.js GitHub repository:

  • Stars: 11.4k
  • Forks: 1.1k
  • Used By: 142k
  • Releases: 219
  • Contributors: 112


Protractor is an open-source end-to-end testing framework for Angular and AngularJS applications. It is built on top of WebDriverJS and uses Jasmine syntax for writing test scripts. Protractor is designed to simulate user interactions with the application and to verify that the application behaves as expected.

Protractor Trends on GitHub

The following information is taken from the official website of Protractor GitHub repository:

  • Stars: 8.8k
  • Forks: 2.4k
  • Used By: 1.9m
  • Contributors: 250


TestCafe is an open-source end-to-end testing framework that allows you to automate web testing without using browser plugins. TestCafe is built on top of Node.js and provides a simple and powerful API for testing web applications.

TestCafe Trends on GitHub

The following information is taken from the official website of TestCafe GitHub repository:

  • Stars: 9.6k
  • Forks: 677
  • Used By: 12.3k
  • Releases: 390
  • Contributors: 117

Benefits End to End Testing Using Cypress

Here are some of the features of Cypress End to End testing:

  1. Easy Setup: Cypress has a simple setup process that doesn’t require any additional drivers or libraries. You can get started with Cypress by installing a single package.
  2. Automatic Waiting: Cypress automatically waits for elements to appear and become intractable before executing commands. This ensures that the tests are not affected by the timing of the application’s response.
  3. Real-time Reloads: Cypress provides real-time reloads, which means that as you make changes to your code or tests, the application will automatically reload, and the tests will be re-run.
  4. Interactive Debugging: Cypress provides an interactive test runner, which allows you to debug your tests by stepping through them, setting breakpoints, and viewing the application’s state at any point in time.
  5. Time Travel: Cypress allows you to go back and forth in time to see what happened during the execution of a test. This feature is useful for debugging and understanding the behavior of your application.
  6. Cross-browser Testing: Cypress allows you to run your tests on multiple browsers and viewports simultaneously. This helps you ensure that your application works correctly across different environments.
  7. Network Traffic Control: Cypress allows you to control the network traffic of your application. You can stub, spy, and mock network requests to simulate different scenarios.
  8. Automatic screenshots and videos: Cypress automatically takes screenshots and records videos of your tests, which makes it easy to see what went wrong when a test fails.

Frameworks for End to End testing

There are several popular frameworks for end-to-end testing, including:


Cypress is a JavaScript-based end-to-end testing framework that provides a simple and intuitive API for testing web applications. Cypress supports modern web development technologies like React, Angular, Vue.js, and more. It provides a built-in test runner, and it runs tests in the browser, which makes it fast and reliable.

Cypress runs tests inside the browser; it also provides detailed information about what’s happening at every step of the test, including network requests, console output, and DOM changes. This makes it easier to identify and troubleshoot issues and helps ensure that the application is working as intended.

Cypress Trends on GitHub

The following information is taken from the official website of Cypress GitHub repository:

  • Stars: 43.3k
  • Forks: 2.8k
  • Used By: 797k
  • Releases: 303
  • Contributors: 427


WebdriverIO is a popular open-source testing framework for Node.js that allows developers to automate web applications in a simple and efficient way. It uses the WebDriver API to communicate with browsers and supports a variety of testing frameworks, including Mocha, Jasmine, and Cucumber.

.WebdriverIO Trends on GitHub

The following information is taken from the official website of WebdriverIO GitHub repository:

  • Stars: 8.1k
  • Forks: 2.3k
  • Used By: 50.5k
  • Releases: 305
  • Contributors: 491


Nightwatch.js is an open-source Node.js-based end-to-end testing framework used to automate browser testing. It provides a simple and easy-to-use syntax for writing automated tests in JavaScript and allows you to run tests in real web browsers like Chrome, Firefox, and Safari.

Nightwatch.js uses the WebDriver protocol to communicate with the browser and control its behavior. It also includes a powerful built-in assertion library that makes it easy to write test assertions and helps you quickly identify issues with your web application.

Nightwatch.js Trends on GitHub

The following information is taken from the official website of Nightwatch.js GitHub repository:

  • Stars: 11.4k
  • Forks: 1.1k
  • Used By: 142k
  • Releases: 219
  • Contributors: 112


Protractor is an open-source end-to-end testing framework for Angular and AngularJS applications. It is built on top of WebDriverJS and uses Jasmine syntax for writing test scripts. Protractor is designed to simulate user interactions with the application and to verify that the application behaves as expected.

Protractor Trends on GitHub

The following information is taken from the official website of Protractor GitHub repository:

  • Stars: 8.8k
  • Forks: 2.4k
  • Used By: 1.9m
  • Contributors: 250


TestCafe is an open-source end-to-end testing framework that allows you to automate web testing without using browser plugins. TestCafe is built on top of Node.js and provides a simple and powerful API for testing web applications.

TestCafe Trends on GitHub

The following information is taken from the official website of TestCafe GitHub repository:

  • Stars: 9.6k
  • Forks: 677
  • Used By: 12.3k
  • Releases: 390
  • Contributors: 117

Benefits End to End Testing Using Cypress

Here are some of the features of Cypress End to End testing:

  1. Easy Setup: Cypress has a simple setup process that doesn’t require any additional drivers or libraries. You can get started with Cypress by installing a single package.
  2. Automatic Waiting: Cypress automatically waits for elements to appear and become intractable before executing commands. This ensures that the tests are not affected by the timing of the application’s response.
  3. Real-time Reloads: Cypress provides real-time reloads, which means that as you make changes to your code or tests, the application will automatically reload, and the tests will be re-run.
  4. Interactive Debugging: Cypress provides an interactive test runner, which allows you to debug your tests by stepping through them, setting breakpoints, and viewing the application’s state at any point in time.
  5. Time Travel: Cypress allows you to go back and forth in time to see what happened during the execution of a test. This feature is useful for debugging and understanding the behavior of your application.
  6. Cross-browser Testing: Cypress allows you to run your tests on multiple browsers and viewports simultaneously. This helps you ensure that your application works correctly across different environments.
  7. Network Traffic Control: Cypress allows you to control the network traffic of your application. You can stub, spy, and mock network requests to simulate different scenarios.
  8. Automatic screenshots and videos: Cypress automatically takes screenshots and records videos of your tests, which makes it easy to see what went wrong when a test fails.

Set up Cypress For End to End Testing

To create a new project for Cypress automated testing, follow the steps listed below.

Step 1: Generate package.json.

  • Create a project, let’s name it as cypress_applitools
  • Use the npm init command to create a package.json file

Step 2: Install Cypress.

Install Cypress by running the command in the newly created folder:

npm install cypress –save-dev


yarn add cypress –dev

Above command will install Cypress locally as a dev dependency for your project.

As shown below, Cypress version 12.11.0 is reflected after installation. The newest Cypress version at the time this blog was being written was 12.11.0.

Below is a diagram of Cypress’s default folder layout. The “e2e” folder is where test cases can be created.

About Project structure of Cypress

Cypress has built a default folder hierarchy when it opens for the first time, as can be seen in the screenshots. Each of these files and folders that Cypress created is described in detail below.

  • e2e: All test cases are stored under this folder. This folder contains the actual test files, written in JavaScript, that define the tests to be run.
  • Fixtures: This folder contains any data files that are needed for the tests, such as JSON or CSV files.
  • Support: There are two files inside the support folder: commands.js and e2e.js
    • command.js: Is the file where your frequently used functions and unique commands are added. It has functions like the login function that you may use in various tests. You can alter some of the functions Cypress generated for you right here.
    • e2e.js: This file is executed before each and every spec file. This file is an excellent location for global configuration and behavior that alters Cypress in the same way as before or before. It just imports commands.js by default, but you can import or need more files to keep things organized.
  • Node_Modules: The node_modules directory will have all the node packages installed and all test files will have access to them. When you install Node packages using NPM, they are downloaded and installed in the node_modules directory, which is located in the root directory of your project
  • cypress.config.json: cypress.config.json is a configuration file used by Cypress to override the default configuration settings for a project. It is similar to cypress.json, but it is intended to be used as a per-environment configuration file.

Some examples of configuration options that can be set in cypress.config.json include:

  • baseUrl: The base URL for the application being tested.
  • testFiles: A list of test files to include or exclude from the test suite.
  • video: Configuration options for Cypress video recording.
  • screenshots: Configuration options for Cypress screenshots.

Basic constructs of Cypress

Cypress used Mocha’s syntax for developing test cases. Key constructs that are frequently used in Cypress test development are listed below.

  • describe(): This method is used in Cypress (using Mocha’s syntax) to group together related test cases. It takes two arguments. It takes two arguments: A string that describes the group of test cases (e.g. “Login Page Tests”) and another argument, a callback function that contains the individual test cases (using the it() method).
  • it(): This method is used to define an individual test case. It requires two arguments: a string that specifies the test scenario and a callback function that has the test code itself.
  • before():  This method is used to run the code under before() block before any test case. The before() method takes one argument: a callback function that contains the setup code to be executed before any of the test cases
  • after(): This method is used to run a cleanup once all the test cases are executed. The after() method takes one argument: a callback function that contains the cleanup code to be executed after all the test cases
  • beforeEach(): This method is used to run the code under beforeEach() block beforeEach.The beforeEach() method takes one argument: a callback function that contains the code to be executed before each test case
  • afterEach(): This method is used to run a cleanup function after each test case. The afterEach() function takes one argument: a callback function that contains the cleanup code to be executed after each test case
  • .only(): It is used to run a specified suite or test exclusively, ignoring all other tests and suites. This can be useful when you’re debugging a specific test case or working on a specific suite of tests, and you want to focus on that specific test case or suite without running any others.
  • .skip(): It is used to skip a specified suite or test, effectively ignoring it during test execution. This can be useful when you’re working on a test suite or test case that isn’t ready to be run yet, or when you want to temporarily disable a test without deleting it.

The post The Ultimate Guide To End-to-End Testing With Cypress appeared first on Automated Visual Testing | Applitools.

Let the Engineers Speak: Selectors in Cypress Fri, 07 Apr 2023 23:11:34 +0000 Earlier this month, Applitools hosted a webinar, Let the Engineers Speak: Selectors, where testing experts discussed one of the most common pain points that pretty much anyone who’s ever done web...

The post Let the Engineers Speak: Selectors in Cypress appeared first on Automated Visual Testing | Applitools.

Filip Hric from Cypress

Earlier this month, Applitools hosted a webinar, Let the Engineers Speak: Selectors, where testing experts discussed one of the most common pain points that pretty much anyone who’s ever done web UI testing has felt. The first article in our two-part series defined our terms and challenges of locating web elements using selectors, as well as recapped Christian’s WebDriverIO selectors tutorial and WebdriverIO Q&A. Be sure to read that article first to help set context.

Introducing our experts

I’m Pandy Knight, the Automation Panda. I moderated our two testing experts in our discussion of selectors:

Locating web elements with Cypress

Filip walked us through selectors in Cypress, starting with the basics and using Trello as an example app.

Note: All the following text in this section is based on Filip’s part of the webinar. Filip’s repository is available on GitHub.

When talking about selectors in web applications, we are trying to target an HTML element. Cypress has two basic commands that can help with selecting these elements: cy.get and cy.contains. In Filip’s example demo, he has VS Code on the left side of his screen and Cypress running in graphic user interface mode (open mode) on the right side.

The example test uses different kinds of selector strategies, with each approach using either the get command or the contains command.

Locating elements by class, ID, or attribute

The first first approach calls cy.get(‘h2’) using the H2 tag. In the Cypress window, if you hover over the get h2 command, it will highlight the selector that has been selected.

If you’re struggling to find the right selector in Cypress, there’s this really nice tool that basically works like the inspect element tool, but you don’t have to open the dev tools if you don’t want to.

In our other three approaches with the get command, we are using the class, the ID, and the attribute, respectively:

  cy.get('.board') // class
  cy.get('#board-1') // id
  cy.get('[data-cy=board-item]') // attribute

The syntax for the get commands is basically just CSS selectors. If you are selecting an element with a class of board, you need to prefix the class with a dot. You can even write more complex selectors, like adding an h2 tag inside the element that has the class board like cy.get(‘.board > h2’). The options are endless. If you have ever worked with CSS, you know that you can pretty much target any element you like.

Locating elements by text

Another strategy that we have in Cypress is selecting elements by text. This approach may not always work, but in cases like a login, sign up, sent, or okay button, these usually need to have specific text. To select an element using text, we use the contains command. The contains command will only select one element, and it’s actually going to look for elements within some context.

The example uses two different texts to search: cy.contains(‘My Shopping’) and cy.contains(‘My’). On the Trello board page, ‘My Shopping’ appears once and ‘My’ appears twice. The contains call using ‘My’ will return with the first element that has the text ‘My’ on the page, which is ‘My Board’ in the example. So that’s something to watch out for. If you want to be more specific with the kind of element you want to select, you can actually combine these two approaches, selecting a CSS element and specifying the text which you want to find. For example, cy.contains(‘.board’, ‘My’) would return the correct element.

  cy.contains('My Shopping') // text
  cy.contains('My') // find the first one
  cy.contains('.board', 'My') // specify element to find

Locating elements using XPath

There are other selector strategies like using XPath. Cypress has an official plugin for XPath. If you install that, you will get the ability to select elements using XPath. You can use XPaths, but they may be harder to read. For example, cy.xpath(‘(//div[contains(@class, “board”)])[1]’) does the same thing as cy.get(‘board’).eq(0).

// Filter an element by index
cy.xpath('(//div(contains(@class, "board") ]) [1]')

// Select an element containing a specific child element
cy.xpath('//div [contains(@class, "list")] [.//div[contains(@class, "card")]]')

// Select an element by text
cy.xpath('//*[text()[contains(., "My Boards")]]')

// Select an element after a specific element
cy.xpath('//div[contains(@class, "card")][preceding::div[contains(., "milk")]]')
//Filter an element by index

// Select an element containing a specific child element

// Select an element by text
cy.contains('My Boards')

// Select an element after a specific element
cy.contains('.card', 'milk').next('.card')

Filip’s recommendation is that you don’t really need XPaths. XPaths can be really powerful in traversing the DOM structure and selecting different elements, but there are other options in Cypress.

Traversing elements in Cypress

For our example, we have a Trello app and two lists with item cards. The first list has two cards, and the second has one card. We want to select each of the cards from a list. We can find the last card by doing a pair of commands cy.get(‘[data-cy=card]’).last(). First, we’re using the get command to target the cards, which will return all three cards. When you hover over your get command, you’ll see that all three cards are selected.

When you use the last command, it’s going to filter to the last card, on which you can then do some action like click or make an assertion.

You can also traverse up or down using Cypress. The next example cy.contains(‘[data-cy=card]’, ‘Soap’).parents(‘[data-cy-list]’) tries to target a parent element using text to select the card and then looks for a parent element using a CSS selector. This example is going to select our whole list.

Alternatively, if you want to traverse between the next element or a previous element, that can be done easily with cy.contains(‘[data-cy=card]’, Milk’).next() or cy.contains(‘[data-cy=card]’, Milk’).prev().

it.only('Find an element on page', () => {


  // find last card

  // find parent element
  cy.contains('[data-cy=card]', 'Soap')

  // find next element
  cy.contains('[data-cy=card]', 'Milk')

  // find next element
  cy.contains('[data-cy=card]', 'Bread')


You may sometimes deal with tricky situations like elements loading in at different times. The DOM is going to be flaky, because DOM is pretty much always flaky, right? Things get loaded, things get re-rendered, and so on. There was a Cypress 12 update that makes sure that when we are selecting an element and we have an assertion about that element, if the assertion does not pass, we are going to re-query our DOM. So in the background, these should command this assertion and our querying is interconnected.

it('Dealing with flaky situations', () => {



    .should('contain.text', 'Soap')


Locating elements in a shadow DOM

Dealing with shadows DOM can be tricky. By default, Cypress is not going to look for shadow DOM elements, only DOM elements. If we want to include the shadow DOM elements, we have a few options in Cypress.

it('closes side panel that is in shadow DOM', () => {


  cy.get('litdev-drawer', { includeShadowDom: true })
    .find('#openCloseButton', { includeShadowDom: true })


If we don’t have too many of these shadow DOM elements on the page, we can use either of two commands that do essentially the same thing:

  • cy.get(‘litdev-drawer’, { includeShadowDom: true }). find(‘#openCloseButton’, { includeShadowDom: true })
  • cy.get(‘litdev-drawer’).shadow().find(‘#openCloseButton’)

Alternatively, if we have a lot of shadow elements in our application, we can use the approach of changing the option in the config file includeShadowDom from false to true. By default it is set to false, but if you set it to true and save your configuration, Cypress will look for shadow DOM elements automatically.

Locating elements within an iframe

Cypress does not have an iframe command. Whenever we traverse, we interact with this timeline that we have in Cypress to see the state of our application as it was during the execution of that command. In order to support the iframes, Cypress would have to do the snapshot of the iframe as well. Essentially, if you want to access an iframe using Cypress, you write a Cypress promise that will resolve the contents of the iframe.

You can add a custom command to your code base to retry the iframe. So if the iframe takes a little bit of time to appear, it’ll resolve when it appears or when the timeout eventually times out. Another way of dealing with that is installing a plugin.

it('dealing with iframes', () => {


    .should('contain.text', 'The Kitchen')


Cypress selector recommendations

Cypress works best when you have your test code along with the source code in the same repository. These are the recommendations that Cypress gives in the documentation:

Generic HTML tags, elements, or classes like:
Never recommended.
Lack content or are often paired with styling and therefore highly subject to change.
IDs, HTML name attributes, or title attributes like:
Sparingly recommended.
Still coupled to style or JS event listeners, or coupled to the name attribute, which has HTML semantics.
Text attributes like:
Recommendation depends.
This is only suggested for elements where text is not expected to change.
Custom IDs or data test attributes like:
Always recommended.
Isolated from all changes.

The best recommendation is to create custom IDs for elements. As you create your test, you will create those IDs as well. So if you need a test, create an attribute, and that will do a single job, be available for end-to-end test.

Filip recommends two blog posts about selector strategies:

Adding visual testing

We can go beyond accessibility and functional tests and we can add visual tests into our test suite. We can do this with Applitools. Create a free Applitools account to access your API key, and follow our tutorial for testing web apps in JavaScript using Cypress.

Note: Do not share your API key with others. For this demo, Filip rotated his API key, so it’s no longer valid.

The visual testing will have three basic parts:

  1. Open your “eyes”.
  2. Check the window.
  3. Close your “eyes”.

Applitools Eyes will then validate the snapshot it takes against the current baseline. But sometimes we don’t want to test certain areas of the page like dynamic data. Applitools is really intelligent about that and has options in the Test Manager to add ignore regions, but we can help it with our own ignore regions by using selectors.

it('check home screen', () => {

    appName: 'Trello',



    ignore: {
      selector: 'hide-in-applitools'



In the example, we are showing the ignore region and telling which selector it should ignore. You can create a custom hide-in-applitools class to add to all your elements you want to hide, and Applitools will automatically ignore them.

Cypress selectors Q&A

After Filip shared his Cypress demonstration, we turned it over to our Q&A, where Filip responded to questions from the audience.

Using Cypress commands

Question: I was recently working on XPaths and Cypress. I understand cypress-xpath is deprecated and I was suggested to use @cypress/xpath. Is that the case?
Filip’s response: I don’t know. I know this was the situation for the Cypress grab package, which can grab your test so you can just run a subset of your Cypress test. It was a standalone plugin and then they sort of moved it inside a Cypress repository. So now it’s @cypress/grab. I believe the situation with Xpath might be similar.

Using the React testing library

Question: What are your thoughts about using the React testing library plugin for locating elements in Cypress using their accessibility roles and names – findByRole, findByLabel?
Filip’s response: [To clarify the specific library mentioned] there’s this testing library, which is a huge project and has different subprojects. One is the React testing library and their Cypress testing library, and they basically have those commands inside this (findByRole, findByPlaceholder, etc.). So I think the Cypress testing library is just an implementation of the thing you are mentioning. So what’s my opinion on that? I’m a fan. Like I said, I’m not using it right now, but it does two things at once. You can check your functionality as well as accessibility. So if your test fails, it might be annoying, but it also might mean you need to work on the accessibility of the app. So I recommend it.

Using div.board or .board

Question: Do you have a stance/opinion on div.board versus .board for CSS selectors?
Filip’s response: Not really. As I mentioned, I prefer adding my own custom selectors, so I don’t think I would have this dilemma too often.

Tracking API call execution

Question: How can we find out if an API call has executed when we click on an element?
Filip’s response: In Cypress, it’s really easy. There’s this cy.intercept command in which you can define the URL or the method or any kind of details about the API call. And you need to make sure that you put the cy.intercept command before the click happens. So if the click triggers that API call you can then use cy.wait and basically refer through alias to that API call. I suggest you take a look into the intercept command in Cypress docs.

Working with iframes

Question: Is it possible to select elements from an iframe and work with an iframe like normal?

Filip’s response: Well, I don’t see why not. It is a little bit tricky. Iframe is just another location, so it’ll always have a source pointing to a URL. So, alternatively, if you are going to do a lot of testing within that iframe, maybe you just want to open that and test the page that is being iframed. It would be a good thing to consult with developers to see if there’s a communication between the iframe and the parent frame and if there’s anything specific that needs to be covered. But if you do like a lot of heavy testing, I would maybe suggest to open the URL that the iframe opens and test that.

Learn more

So that covers our expert’s takeaways on locating web elements using Cypress. If you want to watch the demos, you can access the on-demand webinar recording.

If you want to learn more about any of these tools, frameworks like Cypress, WebDriverIO, or specifically web element locator strategies, be sure to check out Test Automation University. All the courses and content are free.
Be sure to register for the upcoming Let the Engineers Speak webinar series installment on Test Maintainability coming in May. Engineers Maaret Pyhäjärvi from Selenium and Ed Manlove from Robot Framework will be discussing test maintenance and test maintainability with a live Q&A.

The post Let the Engineers Speak: Selectors in Cypress appeared first on Automated Visual Testing | Applitools.

Future-Proofing Your Test Automation Pipeline Fri, 27 Jan 2023 20:02:48 +0000 Learn how to future-proof your test automation pipeline with Cypress and Applitools by adding tests that run from GitHub Actions. In this article, we’ll share how to ensure your test...

The post Future-Proofing Your Test Automation Pipeline appeared first on Automated Visual Testing | Applitools.

Cypress Heroes app homepage

Learn how to future-proof your test automation pipeline with Cypress and Applitools by adding tests that run from GitHub Actions. In this article, we’ll share how to ensure your test automation pipeline can scale while staying reliable and easy to maintain.

Automating different types of tests

To illustrate our different types of test automation, we’ll be using the example project Cypress Heroes. In this full-stack TypeScript app, users can take the following actions:

  • Log in with an email and password
  • Like heroes, which increments the hero’s number of fans
  • Hire heroes, which increments the hero’s number of saves
  • Manage hero profile information like name, superpowers, and price

ICYMI: Watch the on-demand recording of Future-Proofing Your Automation Pipeline to see Ely Lucas from Cypress demo the example project.

End-to-end testing

Cypress is traditionally known for end-to-end testing. You automate user interactions for specific scenarios from start to finish in the browser, and then run functional assertions to check the state of elements at each step. End-to-end tests are hidden in an actual web server and hit the site just like a user would.

Measurable stats for code coverage of your end-to-end testing can act as a health metric for your website or app. Adding coverage reports to your automation pipeline as commits can help ensure you’re testing all parts of your code.

Component testing

If you’re using a component-based framework like React or Angular or a design system like Storybook, you can also do component testing to test UI components. In this example, we have a button component with a few tests that pass, the hero card test, and a test for the login form. These components are being mounted in isolation outside of your typical web server.

Think of component tests as “UI unit” tests. While they don’t give end-to-end coverage, they’re quick and easy to run.

API testing

For your back end, you’ll need to automate API tests. The example project is using a community-built plugin called cypress-plugin-api. This plugin provides an interface inside the Cypress app to test APIs. It’s really cool and it’s super fun, and it allows you to write tests that you would have to do manually in a tool like Postman.

Fun fact: Cypress Ambassador Filip Hric developed the cypress-plugin-api. Check out Filip’s Test Automation University courses.

The API tests in our example are in the separate server project. We can use the command npx cypress open, and then we can run those tests in Chrome. We can see all of our results that we’re getting the response of the status codes. We can view a post request, the headers that were sent, the headers that were returned, and other stuff that you normally get from a tool like Postman.

And it’s just baked into the app, which is really nice. Cypress is basically a web app that tests a web app. And so, you could extend Cypress as an app with things like this to help you do your testing and to have it all seamlessly integrated.

Running a pipeline with GitHub Actions

The example project uses GitHub Actions to set up the test automation pipeline. When working on smaller projects, it’s easy to have CI interactions baked into your repository, all in one place.

Configuring your GitHub Action

With GitHub Actions, you declare everything you need in a YAML file in the .github/workflows folder. Your actions become part of your repository and are covered by version control. If you make any changes, you can review them easily with a simple line-by-line diff. GitHub Actions make it easy to automate processes alongside other interactions you make with your repository. For example, if you open a pull request, you can have it automatically kick off your tests and do linting. You can even perform static code analysis before merging changes.

Some environment variables are set at the top of the YAML file. The API URL is what the client app uses to communicate to the API. The example app is hooked up to send test results to the Cypress Cloud. Those results can then be used for analytics, diagnostics, reporting, and optimizing our test workflows. The Cypress cloud also requires a GitHub token, so it can do things like correctly identify what pull request is being merged.

For those new to GitHub Actions: You can define environment variables per step in a job, but declaring them at the top helps you update them painlessly.

Running each of our tests

To keep things simple, there is only one job right now in this GitHub Action. First, it checks out the code straight from GitHub. Next, it builds the project using the Cypress GitHub Action. The Cypress GitHub Action does a few things for you like building your application or npm installing or yarn installing the dependencies.

Building first means that subsequent jobs don’t have to build the app again. We’ve set run test to false, which is a parameter to the Cypress GitHub Action, because we don’t want to run the tests here. We’ll be running the tests separately below.

We have our component tests in our GitHub Action. We tell it to install false, since we installed it up above. And then we run our custom test command, which opens Cypress in run mode and initiates component testing. This record tells the GitHub Action to send the results to Cypress Cloud.

And then we have to start the client and server. For both end-to-end tests and API tests, the application must be up and running component tests. For the end-to-end test and API tests, the example app is hitting live servers.

This run command will start both the React app and the Node server, and then it will run the end-to-end test. We’re telling it again to not install the dependency, since it was already installed. Then, we’re running the command to start the end-to-end testing. The wait command will wait to make sure that both the client URL and the API URL are both up and running before it will start the test. If the test starts before both URLs get up and running, you’ll have some tests fail.

Another thing that the Cypress GitHub Action does is that you have the option to wait for these services to be live before the testing starts. By default, the npm run test commands are going to use the Chromium browser built into Electron. If you want to test on other browsers, you must make sure those browsers are installed on the runner. Cypress provides Docker images that you can add to your configuration to download the different browsers. However, downloading additional browsers increases the file size and makes the runs take longer.

Make sure that the Cypress binary itself is downloaded and installed. It’s going to run headlessly. This is because the command set up in these scripts is run mode, which is headless, whereas open mode is with the UI.

And then it will run the API test, which is very similar to end-to-end tests, except that since we’re not hitting the actual client app – only hitting the API app – we’re only waiting to make sure that the API URL is up and running.

If you write test cases per the local database for end-to-end testing before pushing to GitHub Actions, someone else running those test cases on their system could potentially fail. In whatever kind of test automation you develop, you’ll need to handle test data properly to avoid collisions. There are many different strategies you can follow. For more information on this and solving sample data dependency, watch my talk Managing the Test Data Nightmare.

How long do the test suites take?

When running your tests with Cypress and GitHub Actions, the results are uploaded to Cypress Cloud. You can go into Cypress Cloud and actually watch replays of all these tests that happened. The entire pipeline run in the example was 3 minutes and 50 seconds for all three test suites.

The individual test suites we ran took the following times:

  • Component tests: 49 seconds
  • End-to-end tests: 1 minute and 18 seconds
  • API tests: 13 seconds

Improving test coverage with visual assertions

Since all the Cypress tests are run inside of the browser window, you can visually see them and inspect to make sure that they’re looking correctly. But this type of review is a manual step. If someone accidentally makes a change to the stylesheet, the site could no longer be running properly, but if we run the tests, they’ll pass.

We can use Applitools Eyes to fix this issue.

Visual testing is meant to automate the things that traditional automation is not so good at. For example, as long as particular IDs on your page are in the DOM somewhere, your traditional automation scripts with something like Cypress are still going to find and interact with the elements. Applitools Eyes uses visual AI to look at an app and be able to detect these kinds of visual differences that traditional assertions struggle to capture. Let’s add some visual snapshots to these end-to-end tests.

Adding Applitools to your project

First, you’ll need an Applitools account. You can register a free Applitools account with your GitHub username or your email, and you’ll be good to go. You’ll need your Applitools API key for when we run tests with Applitools.

Next, we’ll need to install the Applitools SDK using npm install @applitools/eyes-cypress.

It can be a dev dependency or it can be a regular dependency – whichever you prefer. In the example project, we use a dev dependency. In the example project, we’re using the Applitools Eyes SDK for Cypress, we have Applitools SDKs for basically every tool framework you got.
Next, we’ll need to create an Applitools configuration file. Where in Cypress projects, you have your cypress.config.js file, basically we want one that’s called applitools.config.js.

Configuring your Applitools runner

In the Applitools config file, we will specify the configuration for running visual tests. There’s a separation between declaring configuration and actually adding test steps.
One of the settings we want is called batchName, and we’re going to set that to “cy heroes visual tests” to reflect the name of our demo app. The batch name will appear in the Eyes Test Manager (or the Applitools “dashboard”) after we run our visual tests.

Next, we’ll set the browsers. This will be a list, with each item being an entry that specifies a browser configuration, including name, width, and height.

Typically, since Cypress runs inside of an Electron app, it can be challenging to test mobile browsers. However, the Applitools Ultrafast Grid enables us to render our visual snapshots on mobile devices. The settings for mobile devices are going to be a bit different than those for browsers. Instead of having a name, we’re going to have a device name.

Our applitools.config.js file is complete. When we run our tests – either locally or in the GitHub Action – Applitools will render the snapshots it captures on these four browser configurations in the Ultrafast Grid and report results using the batch name. Furthermore, the local platform doesn’t matter. Even if you run this test on Windows, the Ultrafast Grid can still render snapshots on Safari and mobile emulators. A snapshot is just going to be a capture of that full page. Applitools will do the re-rendering with the appropriate size, the appropriate browser configuration, and all that will happen in the cloud. Essentially you can do multi-browser and multi-platform testing with simple declarations.

Now that we have completed the configuration, let’s update the tests to capture visual snapshots, starting with the homepage.

Setting up our test suites

You need to make sure that your tests aren’t interfering with other tests. In these tests, we’re going through and modifying some of the heroes that are in the application. The state of the application changes per test, so to get around that, we’re creating a new hero just for working with our tests and deleting the hero after the tests.

In the example, we’re using Cypress tasks, which is code that actually runs on the Node process part of Cypress. It’s directly communicating with our database to add the hero, delete the hero, and all the other types of setup tasks that we want to do before we actually run our test.

So it’s going to happen for each of the tests, and then we’re visiting the homepage and getting access to the hero.

We get our new hero and then we call cy.deleteHero, which is going to call the database to delete the hero. From the describe block at the start of every test, we get our hero. And then, finally, we have the hero card by its name, and we find the button that has the right selectors, so we can actually select it and click the button.

This test is making sure that you’re logged in before you can like this hero. We’re making sure that the modal popped up, clicking the okay on the modal, and then making sure that modal disappears and does not exist anymore.

Down below we have another suite for when a normal user is logged in. And so we’re using a custom Cypress command to log in with this username and password. You can define these custom commands that are like making your own function, encapsulating a little bit of logic so that it could be reusable.

So what we’re doing to test the login is going to the homepage, running the login process, and verifying the login was actually successful. The cy.session is caching a session for us to restore the session later from cookies. This helps speed up your test so you’re not having to go through the whole flow of actually logging in again.

We have another suite here for when an admin user is logged in, because an admin user can edit users and delete heroes.

 In the example, negative login tests – where you use the wrong username and/or password – are under the component tests.

In the login form component test, when an email and password is invalid, an error should show. The example uses cy.intercept to mock the API request that goes to the cert, which goes to the off endpoint and returns a status code 401, which represents an invalid login.

You can either write a component test or an end-to-end test. In this case, a component test makes it easier to set up the mock data.

Adding a call to Applitools Eyes

With the test suites set up, we’re ready to add some visual snapshots here. We need to call an Eyes session using the Applitools Eyes SDK. The idea is that we open our eyes, and we can take visual snapshots. And then at the end of the test, we will close our eyes to say that we’ve captured all the snapshots for that session or for that test. And at that point, Applitools Eyes will upload the snapshots that are captured to the Applitools Eyes server, do all of the re-rendering of the things of those four browsers in the Ultrafast Grid. Then we can log into the Applitools dashboard and we can see exactly what happened with our testing.
To get the autocomplete for Eyes commands, we need to set up the Applitools Eyes stuff with the Cypress project. We already did npm install on the package, so we’ll need to run npx eyes-setup.

We’ll want to use the command cy.eyesOpen in the homepage describe block under the beforeEach method. We want to pass an app name and test name for logging and reporting purposes. You might also put their Cypress eyes open code in the beforeEach of the test cases, so the call doesn’t need to be duplicated.

Then, in the afterEach block, you’ll call cy.eyesClose.

In this test, you must log in, make sure that the modal pops up, log in, and then click okay in the modal and make sure the modal disappears, so we’ll need a snapshot when the modal is up and one when the modal goes away. In this case, we’ll capture the whole window.

If we didn’t want to capture everything, we could actually capture a region, like a div or even an individual element. On a small scale, using the region option does not make a measurable difference in execution speed, but it gives you a way to tune the type of snapshot we want.

For capturing the next step, we can basically copy the whole call there and paste it, changing the tag to homepage with the modal dismissed.

These snapshots are very straightforward to write, and something that we could consider is that some of those other assertions you might arguably be able to remove. The visual snapshot is going to capture everything on that window, so if it’s there and visible, we’re going to capture it and track it over time.

You would still need to keep all of your interactions, but you can remove most of your assertions checking visible elements. However, there are certainly things where if you want to check a very specific numeric value, you still want to keep those assertions.

Running the updated tests

All we need to do to run this test is make sure that we have our Applitools API key from our account saved as an environment variable of the Cypress application.

Note: If you happen to steal someone’s API key, it doesn’t really help you. It just means they’ll see your results, and you won’t. API keys should be kept secret and safe.

Using the Applitools Eyes dashboard

So to see the visual testing results, we will need to view them in the Applitools Eyes dashboard.

You can view your test results in a grid to see the UI quickly, or you can view your results in a list to see your configurations quickly.

On the left, you’ve got the batch name that was set. Then on the main part of the body, you’ll see there are actually four tests. We only wrote one test, but each test is run once per browser configuration we specified, providing cross-browser and cross-platform testing without additional steps.

If we open up the snapshots, you can see the two snapshots that we captured. These results are new, because this is the first time we’ve run the test.

We’ve established the snapshot as a baseline image, meaning anything in the future will be checked against that.

That’s where that visual aspect of the testing comes in. Your Cypress results will essentially tell you if it was bare bones basic functional, and then Eyes will tell you what it actually looked like. You get richer results together.

Resolving test results in the dashboard

Let’s see what this looks like if we make that visual change.

In the main file, we’ve updated the stylesheet and run the test again. There is no need to do anything in the Applitools Eyes dashboard before re-running the test.

The new test batch is in an unresolved state because Eyes detected a visual difference. In theory, a visual difference could be good or bad. You could be making an intentional change. Visual AI is basically a change detector that makes it obvious to you, the human, to decide what is good or bad. Then anytime Applitools Eyes sees the same kind of passing or failing behavior in the future, it’ll remember.

It’s important to note that the unresolved test results won’t stop your test automation job or your automation flow. Test automation would complete normally. You as the human tester would review visual test results in the Eyes Test Manager (the “dashboard”) afterwards. The pipeline would not wait for you to manually mark visual test results.

Let’s open up one of those snapshots so we can see it full screen.

In the upper left, below the View menu in the ribbon, there’s a dropdown to show both so that you can see the baseline and test side by side.

In the example, we had removed the stylesheet, so we can see very clearly that it’s very different. It’s not always this obvious. In this case, pretty much the whole screen is different. But if it were like a single button that was missing or something shunted a little bit, it would show that a specific area was different. That’s the power of the visual AI check.

Whenever Applitools detects a visual change, you can mark it as “passing” with a thumbs-up. Then that snapshot automatically becomes the new baseline against which future checkpoints are compared. Applitools will go to the background and track similar images. And it will automatically update those appropriately as well.

Note: If you ever want to “reset” snapshots, you can also delete the baselines and run your tests “fresh” as if for the first time. The snapshots they capture will automatically become new baseline images.

Once we’ve resolved all test results, we’ll need to save. And now if we were to rerun our test again, Applitools Eyes would see the new snapshots and pass tests as appropriate. If you have dynamic content or test data, you add region annotations, which will ignore anything in the region box.
It is possible to compare your production and staging environments. You can use our GitHub Integration to manage different branches or versions of your application. We also support different baselines for A/B testing.

Closing thoughts

That’s basically how you would do visual testing with Applitools and Cypress. There are two big points to remember if you want to add visual testing to your own test suites:

  • To get these tests running in your pipeline, the only change you’d have to make is to inject the Applitools API key in those environment variables.
  • We didn’t really add a fourth suite of tests. Visual testing is more of a technique or an aspect of testing, not necessarily its own category of tests. All you have to do is work in the SDK, capture some snapshots, and you’re good to roll.

We hope this guide has helped you to build out your test automation pipeline to be more reliable and scalable. If you liked the guide, check out our Applitools tutorials for other guides on building your test automation pipeline. Watch the on-demand recording of Future-Proofing Your Automation Pipeline to see the full walkthrough. To keep up-to-date with test automation, you can peruse our latest courses taught by industry-leading testing experts on Test Automation University. Happy testing!

The post Future-Proofing Your Test Automation Pipeline appeared first on Automated Visual Testing | Applitools.

Using TypeScript for Test Automation Wed, 18 Jan 2023 21:25:08 +0000 TypeScript is not only for developers anymore. If you are working as a tester in a web development team, chances are that you have heard about TypeScript. It’s been getting...

The post Using TypeScript for Test Automation appeared first on Automated Visual Testing | Applitools.

TypeScript logo

TypeScript is not only for developers anymore. If you are working as a tester in a web development team, chances are that you have heard about TypeScript. It’s been getting more and more attention over the past couple of years and has even surpassed JavaScript as the dominant language in a recent survey on state of software delivery made by CircleCI.

In my very un-scientific poll on LinkedIn, I asked fellow web application testers about the programming language of their choice. It seems that JavaScript is the most popular choice, winning over TypeScript and Java. But, in my opinion, testers should pay attention to the rising popularity of TypeScript and ideally start using it. In this article, I would like to take a closer look at many of TypeScript’s benefits for testing and automation.

What is TypeScript?

TypeScript is a programming language that is a superset of JavaScript. It adds many extra capabilities to JavaScript, improving the overall developer experience. As Basarat Ali Syed aptly puts it, TypeScript gives you the ability to use future JavaScript today. Besides that, TypeScript adds a type system into JavaScript, helping you write more stable and maintainable code. Let me give you an example of what that means.

Look at this plain JavaScript function:

const addition = (a, b) => {
 return a + b

This function takes two parameters and adds them up. It’s helpful if we need to sum two numbers. But what if we use this function in a way it was not intended? Or worse – what if we misunderstood how this function works?

addition(1, 2) // returns 3
addition('1', '2') // returns '12'

In the example above, our function will yield different results based on the type of input we provide it with. On the first line, we are passing two numbers, and our function will correctly add them up. On the second line, we are passing two strings, and since the input values are wrapped in quotation marks, the function will concatenate them instead of adding the numbers.

The function works as designed, but even if that’s the case, we may get into unexpected results. After all, this is why software testing is a thing.

But as developers work on more complex projects, on more complex problems, and with more complex data, risks increase. This is where TypeScript can become very helpful, since it can specify what kind of input the function expects. Let’s see how a similar function definition and function call would look like in TypeScript:

const addition = (a: number, b: number) => {
 return a + b

addition(1, 2) // returns 3
addition('1', '2') // shows an error

In the function definition, we specify the types for the parameters that this function expects. If we try to use our add() function incorrectly, the TypeScript compiler will complain about this and throw an error. So what is TypeScript compiler, you ask?

How TypeScript works

TypeScript cannot be read by the browser. In order to run TypeScript code, it needs to be compiled. In other words, everything you create using TypeScript will be converted to JavaScript at some point.

To run the compiler, we can open the terminal and run the following command:

tsc addition.ts

This command will point TypeScript compiler (tsc) to our addition.ts file. It will create a JavaScript file alongside the original TypeScript file. If there are any “type errors” in the file, we’ll get an error into our terminal.

But you don’t have to do this manually every time. There’s a good chance your code editor has a TypeScript compiler running in the background as you type your code. With VS Code, this functionality comes out of the box, which makes sense since both TypeScript and VS Code are developed and maintained by Microsoft. Having the compiler running in the background is incredibly useful, mostly because this allows us to immediately see errors such as the one shown in the last example. Whenever there is such an error, we get feedback and an explanation:

In this case, we are passing a string into a function that requires us to pass numbers. This information comes from a compiler that runs inside the editor (VS code in my case).

Additionally, some modern testing tools such as Playwright and Cypress run the compiler on the fly and convert your TypeScript code into browser-readable JavaScript for you.

How to use TypeScript as a tester

Now that you know what TypeScript is and how it works, it is time to answer the most important question: why? Is TypeScript even useful for someone who focuses on test automation?

My answer is yes, and I would like to demonstrate this in a few examples. I’ll also give you a couple of reasons why I think test automation engineers should start getting familiar with TypeScript.

Typed libraries

As test automation engineers, we often implement many different libraries for our work. There’s no tool that fits all the needs, and many times we deal with plugins, integrations, toolsets, extensions, and libraries. When you start, you need to get yourself familiar with the API of that tool, dig into the documentation, try it out, and understand different commands. It’s a process. And it can be exhausting to get through that first mile.

TypeScript can be helpful in speeding up that process. Libraries that contain type definitions can really get you up to speed with using them. When a library or a plugin contains type definitions, it means that functions in that library will have the same type of checking implemented as in the example I have given earlier.

This means that whenever you e.g. pass a wrong argument to a function, you will see an error in your editor. In the following example, I am passing a number into a cy.type() function that will only accept text:

Code autocompletion

Besides checking for correct arguments, TypeScript can help with giving autocomplete suggestions. This can act as a quick search tool, when you are looking for the right command or argument.

I have recently made a plugin for testing API with Cypress, and TypeScript autocompletion helps with passing different attributes such as url, method, or request body:

Handling imported data

Working with data can often get complicated. Especially when working with complex datasets in which you have to navigate through multiple levels of data structure. One mistake can make the whole test fail and cause a headache when trying to debug that problem.

When data is imported to a test, for example from a JSON file, the structure of that JSON file is imported to the test as well. This is something that the TypeScript compiler inside the editor does for us. Let’s take a look at a simple JSON file that will seed data into our test:

While creating our test, the editor will guide us through the fixture file and suggest possible keys that can be inferred from that file:

Notice how we not only get the key names, but also the type of the key. We can use this type inference for both seeding the data into our tests, as well as making assertions. The best part about this? The fixture file and test are now interconnected. Whenever we change our fixture file, the test file will be affected as well. If e.g. we decide to change the name property in our JSON file to title, TypeScript compiler will notice this error even before we decide to run our test.

Tightening source code with test code

Probably my strongest argument for using TypeScript is the connection between test code and source code. Being able to tie things together is a game changer. Whenever the source code changes, it can have a direct effect on tests, and with TypeScript, there’s a high chance it will show even before you run your tests on a pipeline.

Let’s say you have an API test. If your developers use TypeScript, chances are they have a TypeScript definition of the API structure. As a tester, you can import that structure into your test and use it e.g. for testing the API response:

import Board from "trelloapp/src/typings/board";

it('Returns proper response when creating new board', () => {
 cy.request<Board>('POST', '/api/boards', { name })
   .then(({ body }) => {

Similarly to the previous example with fixture files, whenever something changes in our typings file, we will notice the change in the test file as well.

Checking errors on CLI

A really powerful feature of TypeScript is the ability to check all errors in the project. We can do this by typing following command in the terminal:

tsc --noEmit

The –noEmit flag means that the TypeScript compiler will not create JavaScript files, but it will check for any errors on our files. We can check all our files in the project, which means that even if we have worked on a single file, all the files will be checked for errors.

We can check the health of our tests even before they are run. Whenever we change files in our project, we can check if type checks are still passing. Even without opening any files.

This is sometimes referred to as “static testing”. It enables us to add an additional layer of checks that will help us make less mistakes in our code.

A great advantage of this is that it runs super fast, making it a good candidate for a pre-commit check.

In fact, setting up such a check is very easy and can be done in three simple steps:

First, install pre-commit package via npm using following command:

npm install pre-commit --save-dev

Then, create a lint script in package.json:

"scripts": {
 "lint": "tsc --noEmit"

As a final step, define lint as one of the pre-commit checks in package.json:

"pre-commit": [ "lint" ]

From now on, whenever we try to commit, our tsc –noEmit script will run. If it throws any errors, we will not be able to commit staged files.


TypeScript offers a variety of advantages. Static typing can improve the reliability and maintainability of the test code. It can help catch errors and issues earlier in the development process, saving time and effort spent on debugging. And there are many more that didn’t make it to this post.

Since TypeScript is built on top of JavaScript, test automation engineers who are familiar with JavaScript will be able to easily pick up TypeScript. The knowledge and skills they have developed in JavaScript will transfer over. If you need the initial push, you can check out my new course on TypeScript in Cypress, where I explain the basics of TypeScript within Cypress, but most of the knowledge can be transferred to other tools as well. The best part? It’s absolutely free on Test Automation University.

The post Using TypeScript for Test Automation appeared first on Automated Visual Testing | Applitools.

Let the Engineers Speak! Part 5: Audience Q&A Wed, 11 Jan 2023 14:58:00 +0000 In this final part of our Cypress, Playwright, Selenium, or WebdriverIO? Let The Engineers Speak recap series, we will cover the audience Q&A, sharing the most popular questions from the...

The post Let the Engineers Speak! Part 5: Audience Q&A appeared first on Automated Visual Testing | Applitools.

Cypress, Playwright, Selenium, or WebdriverIO? Let the Engineers Speak! from Applitools

In this final part of our Cypress, Playwright, Selenium, or WebdriverIO? Let The Engineers Speak recap series, we will cover the audience Q&A, sharing the most popular questions from the audience and the answers our experts gave. Be sure to read our previous post.

The experts

I’m Andrew Knight – the Automation Panda – and I moderated this panel. Here were the panelists and the frameworks they represented:

  • Gleb Bahmutov (Cypress) – Senior Director of Engineering at Mercari US
  • Carter Capocaccia (Cypress) – Senior Engineering Manager – Quality Automation at Hilton
  • Tally Barak (Playwright) – Software Architect at YOOBIC
  • Steve Hernandez (Selenium) – Software Engineer in Test at Q2
  • Jose Morales (WebdriverIO) – Automation Architect at Domino’s

The discussion

Andy Knight (moderator):

So our first question comes from Jonathan Nathan.

Can Playwright or Cypress handle multiple browser tabs? What do engineers in these tools do for Azure authentication or target new links?

Gleb Bahmutov (Cypress):

[It’s a] very specific kind of interesting question, right? Multiple tabs and Azure authentication. You must have both. I think Playwright is [a] better tool, because it supports multiple browser tabs control right out of the box. So I would go with that.

Carter Capocaccia (Cypress):

Can I share a hack for this real quick?

Andy Knight (moderator):


Carter Capocaccia (Cypress):

So I’m going to share the way that you don’t have to deal with multiple browser tabs in Cypress. And that’s just, you change the DOM from a target blank to a target self and then it just opens in the same window. So if you have to use Cypress [and] you need to get around multiple browser tabs, you can do DOM manipulation with Cypress.

Andy Knight (moderator):

Man, it sounds kind of hacky, though.

Carter Capocaccia (Cypress):

No, I mean it’s absolutely right. Yeah, it’s hacky.

Andy Knight (moderator):

So I got a question then. Is that like a feature request anyone has lifted up for Cypress? Or is that just because of the way the Cypress app itself is designed that that’s just a non-starter?

Gleb Bahmutov (Cypress):

It’s an open issue. Cypress team says it’s not a priority. Because you think about two tabs, right? Two tabs that present communication between one user and another of a backend. So you always want to kind of stop that and control it so you don’t have to actually have two windows. You want to control one window and communicate with API calls on the back. At least that’s the Cypress team opinion. So we might not see it any time soon.

ICYMI: Cypress ambassador Filip Hric shared What’s New in Cypress 12, which includes an update on the feature just discussed.

Andy Knight (moderator):

Yeah. I know in Playwright like, Gleb, like you said, it is really easy and nice because you have a browser instance. Then in that instance, you have multiple browser contexts and then, from each browser context, you’re going to have multiple pages. So yeah, I love it. Love it.

Tally Barak (Playwright):

And the better thing is that you can have one of them, like in a mobile size or emulating a mobile device and the other one in web. So if you want to run a test of like cutting between two different users, each one is incognito and is a complete browser context. They don’t share their local storage or anything. So basically, you can run any test that you want on the thing. And because of the browser, it also works really fast. Because it’s not really launching a whole browser. It’s just launching a browser context, which is much, much faster than launching the whole browser.

Andy Knight (moderator):

Awesome. Alright, let’s move on to our next question here. This is from Sundakar.

Many of the customers I worked with are preferring open source. And do you think Applitools will have its place in this open source market?

Can I answer this one? Because I work for Applitools.

For this one, I think absolutely yes. I mean all of Applitools Eyes SDKs are open source. What Applitools provides is not only just the mechanism for visual testing, but also the platforms. We work with all the open source tools, frameworks, you name it. So absolutely, I would say there’s a place here. Let me move on to the next question.

Gleb Bahmutov (Cypress):

Andy, before you move on, can I add? So my computer science PhD is in computer vision image processing. So it’s all about comparing new images, teaching them, and so on. I would not run my own visual testing service, right? My goal is to make sure I’m testing [the] web application. Keeping images, comparing them, showing the diffs, updating it. It’s such a hassle, it’s not worth it, my time. Just pay for a service like Applitools and move on with your life.

Andy Knight (moderator):

Awesome. Thank you. Okay. Let me pull the next question here. This is from Daniel.

I heard a lot that Playwright is still a new framework with a small community even when it was released in January of 2020 but never heard that about WebdriverIO. As far as I know, Playwright is older.

I don’t think that is true. I’d have to double check.

Tally Barak (Playwright):

No, I don’t think [so].

Andy Knight (moderator):

Is Playwright still considered new?

Tally Barak (Playwright):

It’s newer than the others. But it’s growing really fast. I mean, because I’m the [Playwright] OG, I remember the time when I would mention Playwright and no one had any idea what I’m talking about. It was very, very new. This is not the case anymore. I mean, there’s still, of course, people don’t really hear about it, but the community has grown a lot. I think [it has] over 40,000 stars on GitHub. The Slack channel has almost 5,000 participants or something. So the community is growing, Playwright is growing really, really nicely. And you’re welcome to join.

Andy Knight (moderator):

Okay, here’s another question from Ryan Barnes.

Do y’all integrate automated tests with a test case management tool? If so, which ones?

Gleb Bahmutov (Cypress):

Yes. TestRail.

Andy Knight (moderator):

TestRail. Okay.

Gleb Bahmutov (Cypress):

Because we are not the only testing tool, right? Across organizations, where our teams, our tools, and manual testing. So we need a central testing portal.

Tally Barak (Playwright):

No, we are not perfect. And we should. Any good ideas are welcome.

Carter Capocaccia (Cypress):

So we don’t have a formalized test manager tool. But if anybody has ever used any kind of Atlassian tooling – there’s, you know, JIRA out there has the idea of a test set ticket inside of the test set or individual test. You can define user flows inside of there. So I guess you can consider that a test management tool. It’s a little bit less featured than something like TestRail. Actually, it’s a lot less featured than something like TestRail. But you know, that’s how we stay organized. So we basically tie our tests to a ticket. That’s how we can manage, you know, well what is this ticket test? What is it supposed to be testing? Where is our source of truth?

Andy Knight (moderator):

I guess I could launch a somewhat controversial question here, but I’ll do it rhetorically not to answer. But if you have a test automation solution, do you really need to have it export results to a test case management tool? Or can you just use the reports it gives you? We’ll leave that for offline. So the next one on the list here is from Sindhuja.

We are trying to convert our test scripts from Protractor.

Okay. Wow, that’s a blast from the past.

We are doing [a] proof of concept and WebdriverIO and we have issues with running in Firefox and WebdriverIO. Is there any notes in WebdriverIO with cross browsers?

Jose, got any insights for us here?

Jose Morales (WebdriverIO):

Yeah, absolutely. So one thing that I really love about WebdriverIO is the easy configuration. So, when you create a project in WebdriverIO, you have a JSON file where you put all the configuration about capability services, what browser you want to use. And you can easily add your own configuration. It could be, for example, if you want to run in Firefox or in Edge or you want to run on Source Labs, you have several options.
So it is really easy to integrate configuration for Firefox. You only need to specify the browser in the capability section along with the version and special features like size view. If you want to know how to do that, it’s very easy. You can go to my home page. And there [are] examples where you can build something from scratch and you can see easily where to add that particular configuration. And I’m going to share with you some repositories in GitHub where you can see some examples [of] how to do it.

Andy Knight (moderator):

Thank you so much, Jose. Oh, here we go.

Which framework would be the best platform to test both Android and iOS apps?

I know most of us [are] focused on web UI, so here’s a curveball: mobile.

Gleb Bahmutov (Cypress):

I can say that at Mercari US, we picked Detox after using Appium for a long time. But for new React Native projects, we went with Detox.

Carter Capocaccia (Cypress):

Yeah, Detox is the only one that I’ve ever used it for as well. And it was really, really good. I found no reason to switch. I think, Gleb, can you correct me if I’m wrong on this? I think Detox was originally made by Wix? Is it, Wix, the company?

Gleb Bahmutov (Cypress):

That’s correct. Yes.

Carter Capocaccia (Cypress):

Yes, so Wix used to make Detox. I think it’s still maintained by them, but it was like an in-house tool  they open sourced, and now it’s really good.

Andy Knight (moderator):

Awesome. Cool. I hadn’t heard. I’ll have to look it up. Alrighty, well I think that’s about all the time we have for question and answer today. I want to say thank you to everyone for attending. Thank you to all of our speakers here on the panel.


This article concludes our Cypress, Playwright, Selenium, or WebdriverIO? Let The Engineers Speak recap series. We got to hear from engineers at Mercari, YOOBIC, Hilton, Q2, and Domino’s about how their teams build their test automation projects and why they made their framework decisions. Our panelists also shared insights into advantages and disadvantages they’ve encountered in their test automation frameworks. If you missed any previous part of the series, be sure to check them out:

The post Let the Engineers Speak! Part 5: Audience Q&A appeared first on Automated Visual Testing | Applitools.

What’s New in Cypress 12 Tue, 10 Jan 2023 17:56:27 +0000 Right before the end of 2022, Cypress surprised us with their new major release: version 12. There wasn’t too much talk around it, but in terms of developer experience (DX),...

The post What’s New in Cypress 12 appeared first on Automated Visual Testing | Applitools.

Cypress 12 is here

Right before the end of 2022, Cypress surprised us with their new major release: version 12. There wasn’t too much talk around it, but in terms of developer experience (DX), it’s arguably one of their best releases of the year. It removes some of the biggest friction points, adds new features, and provides better stability for your tests. Let’s break down the most significant ones and talk about why they matter.

No more “detached from DOM” errors

If you are a daily Cypress user, chances are you have seen an error that said something like, “the element was detached from DOM”. This is often caused by the fact that the element you tried to select was re-rendered, disappeared, or detached some other way. With modern web applications, this is something that happens quite often. Cypress could deal with this reasonably well, but the API was not intuitive enough. In fact, I listed this as one of the most common mistakes in my talk earlier this year.

Let’s consider the example from my talk. In a test, we want to do the following:

  1. Open the search box.
  2. Type “abc” into the search box.
  3. Verify that the first result is an item with the text “abc”.

As we type into the search box, an HTTP request is sent with every keystroke. Every response from that HTTP request then triggers re-rendering of the results.

The test will look like this:

it('Searching for item with the text "abc"', () => {
 cy.realPress(['Meta', 'k'])
   .should('contain.text', 'abc')

The main problem here is that we ignore the HTTP requests that re-render our results. Depending on the moment when we call cy.get() and cy.first() commands, we get different results. As the server responds with search results (different with each keystroke), our DOM is getting re-rendered, making our “abc” item shift from second position to first. This means that our cy.should() command might make an assertion on a different element than we expect.

Typically, we rely on Cypress’ built-in retry-ability to do the trick. The only problem is that the cy.should() command will retry itself and the previous command, but it will not climb up the command chain to the cy.get() command.

It is fairly easy to solve this problem in versions v11 and before, but the newest Cypress update has brought much more clarity to the whole flow. Instead of the cy.should() command retrying only itself and the previous command, it will retry the whole chain, including our cy.get() command from the example.

In order to keep retry-ability sensible, Cypress team has split commands into three categories:

  • assertions
  • actions
  • queries

These categories are reflected in Cypress documentation. The fundamental principle brought by version 12 is that a chain of queries is retried as a whole, instead of just the last and penultimate command. This is best demonstrated by an example comparing versions:

// Cypress v11:
cy.get('[data-cy=result-item]') // ❌ not retried
 .first() // retried
 .should('contain.text', 'abc') // retried
// Cypress v12:
cy.get('[data-cy=result-item]') // ✅ retried
 .first() // retried
 .should('contain.text', 'abc') // retried

cy.get() and cy.first() are commands that both fall into queries category, which means that they are going to get retried when cy.should() does not pass immediately. As always, Cypress is going to keep on retrying until the assertion passes or until a time limit runs up.

cy.session() and cy.origin() are out of beta

One of the biggest criticisms of has been the limited ability to visit multiple domains during a test. This is a huge blocker for many test automation engineers, especially if you need to use a third-party domain to authenticate into your application.

Cypress has advised to use programmatic login and to generally avoid trying to test applications you are not in control of. While these are good advice, it is much harder to execute them in real life, especially when you are in a hurry to get a good testing coverage. It is much easier (and more intuitive) to navigate your app like a real user and automate a flow similar to their behavior.

This is why it seems so odd that it took so long for Cypress to implement the ability to navigate through multiple domains. The reason for this is actually rooted in how Cypress is designed. Instead of calling browser actions the same way as tools like Playwright and Selenium do, Cypress inserts the test script right inside the browser and automates actions from within. There are two iframes, one for the script and one for the application under test. Because of this design, browser security rules limit how these iframes interact and navigate. Laying grounds for solving these limitations were actually present in earlier Cypress releases and have finally landed in full with version 12 release. If you want to read more about this, you should check out Cypress’ official blog on this topic – it’s an excellent read.

There are still some specifics on how to navigate to a third party domain in Cypress, best shown by an example:

it('Google SSO login', () => {
 cy.visit('/login') // primary app login page
   .click() // clicking the button will redirect to another domain
 cy.origin('', () => {
     .type(Cypress.env('email')) // google email
     .type(Cypress.env('password')) // google password
   .should('eq', '/success') // check that we have successfully

As you see, all the actions that belong to another domain are wrapped in the callback of cy.origin() command. This separates actions that happen on the third party domain.

The Cypress team actually developed this feature alongside another one that came out from beta, cy.session(). This command makes authenticating in your end-to-end tests much more effective. Instead of logging in before every test, you can log in just once, cache that login, and re-use it across all your specs. I recently wrote a walkthrough of this command on my blog and showed how you can use it instead of a classic page object.

This command is especially useful for the use case from the previous code example. Third-party login services usually have security measures in place that prevent bots or automated scripts from trying to login too often. If you attempt to login too many times, you might get hit with CAPTCHA or some other rate-limiting feature. This is definitely a risk when running tens or hundreds of tests.

it('Google SSO login', () => {
 cy.visit('/login') // primary app login page
   .click() // clicking the button will redirect to another domain
 cy.session('google login', () => {
   cy.origin('', () => {
       .type(Cypress.env('email')) // google email
       .type(Cypress.env('password')) // google password
   .should('eq', '/success') // check that we have successfully

When running a test, Cypress will make a decision when it reaches the cy.session() command:

  • Is there a session called google login anywhere in the test suite?
    • If not, run the commands inside the callback and cache the cookies, local storage, and other browser data.
    • If yes, restore the cache assigned to a session called “google login.”

You can create multiple of these sessions and test your application using different accounts. This is useful if you want to test different account privileges or just see how the application behaves when seen by different accounts. Instead of going through the login sequence through UI or trying to log in programmatically, you can quickly restore the session and reuse it across all your tests.

This also means that you will reduce your login attempts to a minimum and prevent getting rate-limited on your third party login service.

Run all specs in GUI

Cypress GUI is a great companion for writing and debugging your tests. With the version 10 release, it has dropped support for the “Run all specs” button in the GUI. The community was not very happy about this change, so Cypress decided to bring it back.

The reason why it was removed in the first place is that it could bring some unexpected results. Simply put, this functionality would merge all your tests into one single file. This can get tricky especially if you use before(), beforeEach(), after() and afterEach() hooks in your tests. These would often get ordered and stacked in unexpected order. Take following example:

// file #1
describe('group 1', () => {
 it('test A', () => {
   // ...
it('test B', () => {
 // ...
// file #2
before( () => {
 // ...
it('test C', () => {
 // ...

If this runs as a single file, the order of actions would go like this:

  • before() hook
  • test B
  • test C
  • test A

This is mainly caused by how Mocha framework executes blocks of code. If you properly wrap every test into describe() blocks, you would get much less surprises, but that’s not always what people do.

On the other hand, running all specs can be really useful when developing an application. I use this feature to get immediate feedback on changes I make in my code when I work on my cypress plugin for testing API. Whenever I make a change, all my tests re-run and I can see all the bugs that I’ve introduced. ?

Running all specs is now behind an experimental flag, so you need to set experimentalRunAllSpecs to true in your cypress.config.js configuration file.

Test isolation

It is always a good idea to keep your tests isolated. If your tests depend on one another, it may create a domino effect. First test will make all the subsequent tests fail as well. Things get even more hairy when you bring parallelisation into the equation.

You could say that Cypress is an opinionated testing framework, but my personal take on this is that this is a good opinion to have. The way Cypress enforces test isolation with this update is simple. In between every test, Cypress will navigate from your application to a blank page. So in addition to all the cleaning up Cypress did before (clearing cookies, local storage), it will now make sure to “restart” the tested application as well.

In practice the test execution would look something like this:

it('test A', () => {
 // ...
 // your test doing stuff
// navigates to about:blank
it('test B', () => {
 cy.get('#myElement') // nope, will fail, we are at about:blank

This behavior is configurable, so if you need some time to adjust to this change, you can set testIsolation to false in your configuration.

Removing of deprecated commands and APIs

Some of the APIs and commands reached end of life with the latest Cypress release. For example, cy.route() and cy.server() have been replaced by the much more powerful cy.intercept() command that was introduced back in version 6.

The more impactful change was the deprecation of Cypress.Cookies.default() and Cypress.Cookies.preserveOnce() APIs that were used for handling the behavior of clearing up and preserving cookies. With the introduction of cy.session(), these APIs didn’t fit well into the system. The migration from these commands to cy.session() might not seem as straightforward, but it is quite simple when you look at it.

For example, instead of using Cypress.Cookies.preserveOnce() function to prevent deletion of certain cookies you can use cy.session() like this:

beforeEach(() => {
 cy.session('importantCookies', () => {
   cy.setCookie('authentication', 'top_secret');
it('test A', () => {
it('test B', () => {

Also, instead of using Cypress.Cookies.defaults() to set up default cookies for your tests, you can go to your cypress/support/e2e.js support file and set up a global beforeEach() hook that will do the same as shown in the previous example.

Besides these there were a couple of bug fixes and smaller tweaks which can all be viewed in Cypress changelog. Overall, I think that the v12 release of Cypress is one of the unsung heroes. Rewriting of query commands and availability of cy.session() and cy.origin() commands may not seem like a big deal on paper, but it will make the experience much smoother than it was before.

New command queries might require some rewriting in your tests. But I would advise you to upgrade as soon as possible, as this update will bring much more stability to your tests. I’d also advise to rethink your test suite and integrate cy.session() to your tests as it might not only handle your login actions more elegantly but shave off minutes of your test run.

If you want to learn more about Cypress, you can come visit my blog, subscribe to my YouTube channel, or connect with me on Twitter or LinkedIn.

The post What’s New in Cypress 12 appeared first on Automated Visual Testing | Applitools.

Test Automation Video Winter Roundup: September – December 2022 Mon, 09 Jan 2023 18:35:00 +0000 Get all the latest test automation videos you need right here. All feature test automation experts sharing their knowledge and their stories.

The post Test Automation Video Winter Roundup: September – December 2022 appeared first on Automated Visual Testing | Applitools.

Applitools minions in winter

Check out the latest test automation videos from Applitools.

We hope you got to take time to rest, unplug, and spend time with your loved ones to finish out 2022 with gratitude. I have been incredibly appreciative of the learning opportunities and personal growth that 2022 offered. In reflection of our past quarter here at Applitools, we’ve curated our latest videos from some amazing speakers. If you missed any videos while away on holiday or finishing off tasks for the year, we’ve gathered the highlights for you in one spot.

ICYMI: Back in November, Andrew Knight (a.k.a. the Automation Panda) shared the top ten Test Automation University courses.

Cypress vs. Playwright: The Rematch

One of our most popular series is Let the Code Speak, where we compare testing frameworks in real examples. In our rematch of Let the Code Speak: Cypress vs. Playwright, Andrew Knight and Filip Hric dive deeper to how Cypress and Playwright work in practical projects. Quality Engineer Beth Marshall moderates this battle of testing frameworks while Andy and Filip explore comparisons of their respective testing frameworks in the areas of developer experience, finding selectors, reporting, and more.

Video preview of Cypress vs Playwright: The Rematch webinar

Automating Testing in a Component Library

Visual testing components allows teams to find bugs earlier, across a variety of browsers and viewports, by testing reused components in isolation. Software Engineering Manager David Lindley and Senior Software Engineer Ben Hudson joined us last year to detail how Vodafone introduced Applitools into its workflow to automate visual component testing. They also share the challenges and improvements they saw when automating their component testing.

Video preview of Automating Testing in a Component Library webinar

When to Shift Left, Move to Centre, and Go Right in Testing

Quality isn’t limited to the end of the development process, so testing should be kept in mind long before your app is built. Quality Advocate Millan Kaul offers actionable strategies and answers to questions about how to approach testing during different development phases and when you should or shouldn’t automate. Millan also shares real examples of how to do performance and security testing.

Video preview of When to Shift Left, Move Centre, and Go Right in Testing webinar

You, Me, and Accessibility: Empathy and Human-Centered Design Thinking

Inclusive design makes it easier for your customers with your varying needs and devices are able to use your product. Accessibility Advocate and Crema Test Engineer Erin Hess talks about the principles of accessible design, how empathy empowers teams and end users, and how to make accessibility more approachable to teams that are newer to it. This webinar is helpful all team members, whether you’re a designer, developer, tester, product owner, or customer advocate.

Video preview of You, Me, and Accessibility webinar

Erin also shared a recap along with the audience poll results in a follow-up blog post.

Future of Testing October 2022

Our October Future of Testing event was full of experts from SenseIT, Studylog, Meta, This Dot, EVERSANA, EVERFI, LAB Group, and our own speakers from Applitools. We covered test automation topics across ROI measurement, accessibility, testing at scale, and more. Andrew Knight, Director of Test Automation University, concludes the event with eight testing convictions inspired by Ukiyo-e Japanese woodblock prints. Check out the full Future of Testing October 2022 event library for all of the sessions.

Video preview of Future of Testing keynote

Skills and Strategies for New Test Managers

Being a good Test Manager is about more than just choosing the right tools for your team. EasyJet Test Manager Laveena Ramchandani shares what she has learned in her experience on how to succeed in QA leadership. Some of Laveena’s strategies include how to create a culture that values feedback and communication. This webinar is great for anyone looking to become a Test Manager or for anyone who has newly started the role.

Video preview of Skills and Strategies for New Test Managers

Ensuring a Reliable Digital Experience This Black Friday

With so much data and so many combinations of state, digital shopping experiences can be challenging to test. Senior Director of Product Marketing Dan Giordano talks about how to test your eCommerce application to prioritize coverage on the most important parts of your application. He also shares some common shopper personas to help you start putting together your own user scenarios. The live demo shows how AI-powered automated visual testing can help retail businesses in the areas of visual regression testing, accessibility testing, and multi-baseline testing for A/B experiments.

Video preview of Ensuring a Reliable Digital Experience webinar

Dan gave a recap and went a little deeper into eCommerce testing in a follow-up blog post.

Cypress, Playwright, Selenium, or WebdriverIO? Let the Engineers Speak!

Our popular Let the Code Speak webinar series focused primarily on differences in syntax and features, but it doesn’t really cover how these frameworks hold up in the long term. In our new Let the Engineers Speak webinar, we spoke with a panel of engineers from Mercari US, YOOBIC, Hilton, Q2, and Domino’s about how they use Cypress, Playwright, Selenium, and WebdriverIO in their day-to-day operations. Andrew Knight moderated as our panelists discussed what challenges they faced and if they ever switched from one framework to another. The webinar gives a great view into the factors that go into deciding what tool is right for the project.

Video preview of Let the Engineers Speak webinar

More on the way in 2023!

We’ve got even more great test automation content coming this year. Be sure to visit our upcoming events page to see what we have lined up.

Check out our on-demand video library for all of our past videos. If you have any favorite videos from this list or from 2022, you can let us know @Applitools. Happy testing!

The post Test Automation Video Winter Roundup: September – December 2022 appeared first on Automated Visual Testing | Applitools.

Let the Engineers Speak! Part 4: Changing Frameworks Thu, 05 Jan 2023 22:51:57 +0000 In part 4 of our Cypress, Playwright, Selenium, or WebdriverIO? Let The Engineers Speak recap series, we will recap the stories our panelists have about changing their test frameworks –...

The post Let the Engineers Speak! Part 4: Changing Frameworks appeared first on Automated Visual Testing | Applitools.

Cypress, Playwright, Selenium, or WebdriverIO? Let the Engineers Speak! from Applitools

In part 4 of our Cypress, Playwright, Selenium, or WebdriverIO? Let The Engineers Speak recap series, we will recap the stories our panelists have about changing their test frameworks – or not! Be sure to read our previous post where our panelists talked about their favorite test integrations.

The experts

I’m Andrew Knight – the Automation Panda – and I moderated this panel. Here were the panelists and the frameworks they represented:

  • Gleb Bahmutov (Cypress) – Senior Director of Engineering at Mercari US
  • Carter Capocaccia (Cypress) – Senior Engineering Manager – Quality Automation at Hilton
  • Tally Barak (Playwright) – Software Architect at YOOBIC
  • Steve Hernandez (Selenium) – Software Engineer in Test at Q2
  • Jose Morales (WebdriverIO) – Automation Architect at Domino’s

The discussion

Andy Knight (moderator):

So I’m going to ask another popcorn question here. And this one again comes with an audience poll. So if you’re in the audience, hop over to the polls and take a look here. Have you ever considered switching your test tool or framework? And if so, why? If so, why not?

Poll results of frameworks participants wish they had in their projects

Carter Capocaccia (Cypress):

Yeah, we considered it and did it. You know, I think you have to acknowledge it at a certain point that maybe what you’re doing isn’t working or the tool doesn’t fit your application or your architecture. And it’s a really hard decision to make, right? Because typically, by the time you get to that point, you’ve invested tens, hundreds, if not thousands of hours into a framework or an architecture. And making that switch is not an easy task.

Andy Knight (moderator):

What did you switch from and to?

Carter Capocaccia (Cypress):

Yeah, so [Selenium] WebDriver to Cypress. And you can already kind of see that architecturally they’re very, very different. But yeah, it was not an easy task, not an easy undertaking, but I think we had to admit to ourselves that WebDriver did not fit our needs. It didn’t operate in the way we wanted it to operate. At least for us, it was set up in a way that did not match our development cycles, did not match our UI devs’ patterns and processes.

So when we talk about, you know, kind of making a team of test engineers have additional help, well, one way to do that is [to align] your test automation practices with your UI dev practices. And so if we can have a JavaScript test framework that runs in a web app, that acts like a web app, that feels like a web app, well, we’ve now just added an entire team of UI developers that we’ve kind of made them testers, but we haven’t told them that yet. That’s kind of how that works. You adopt these people by just aligning with their tooling and all of a sudden they realize like, hey, I can do this too.

Andy Knight (moderator):

Mm-hmm. So I want to ask another question. Since you’re saying you used Selenium WebDriver before, in what language did you automate your test? Was that in JavaScript, just like first test, or was that in Java or Python or something else?

Carter Capocaccia (Cypress):

Yep, so it’s JavaScript. But when we look [at the] architecture of the app, right? So the architecture of WebDriver is very different than Cypress. [With] Cypress, you write a JavaScript function just like you write any other function. And most of the time, it’s going to operate just like you expect it to. I think that’s where, instead of them having to learn a WebDriver framework and what the execution order of things was and how the configurations were, Cypress is just pretty apparent in how it functions. When you look at like, well, how is the Cypress test executed? It uses Mocha under the hood as the test runner. So that’s just functions that are just kind of inside of describe and context and it blocks. So I think anybody that doesn’t know anything about testing but is a JavaScript developer can hop right into Cypress, look at it, and say, yeah, I think I know what’s going on here. And probably within the first 5 to 10 minutes, write an assertion or write a selector.

Andy Knight (moderator):

Awesome. That’s really cool. And so was that something that you and your team or org did recently? Was this like a couple years ago that you made this transition?

Carter Capocaccia (Cypress):

You know, I think I’d be lying to you if I told you the transition ever ends, right? I think it starts and you get to a point where you’ve scaled and you’ve gotten to where you’ve written a ton of tests on it, and then that’s great. But of course, it’s kind of the bell curve of testing. Like it starts really, really slow because you’re moving off the old framework, then you start to scale really quickly. You peak, and then at that point, you have these kind of outliers on the other side of the bell that are just running legacy applications or they just don’t want to move off of it. Or for whatever reason, they can’t move off of it. Let’s say they’re running like Node 10 still. It’s like okay, well, maybe we don’t want to invest the time there to move them off of it.

Yeah. So it’s a long journey to do a task like this. So it’s never done. By the time we’re finished, you know, there’s gonna be a new testing tool or Cypress will have a new version or something else will be new in there. You know, pipelines will [be through] some AI network at this point. Who knows? But I’m sure we’ll have to start the next task.

Andy Knight (moderator):

Sure. So how about others in our group of panelist speakers here? Have y’all ever transitioned from one framework or tool to another? Or in your current project, did you establish it and you were just super happy with what you chose? And tell us the reasons why.

Tally Barak (Playwright):

Yes. So, yeah, we also switched from WebdriverIO as I said at the beginning. We switched to Playwright, obviously. It was not that painful, to be honest, maybe because we kept the Cucumber side. So we had [fewer] scenarios than what we have today. So it was less to move. I think it went over a period [of] a few months. Unlike you, Carter, we actually moved completely away from WebdriverIO. There is no WebdriverIO, everything is with Playwright. But again, probably a smaller organization, so we were able to do that. And are we happy? I mean, [we are] thankful every single day for this switch.

Gleb Bahmutov (Cypress):

I can comment. At Mercari, we did switch from WebDriver in Python and mabl. So both were because the maintenance of tests and debugging of failed tests was [a] very hard problem, and everyone agreed that there is a problem. The transition was, again, faster than we expected, just because the previous tests did not work very well. So at some point we were like, well, we have 50 failing daily tests, right? It’s not like we can keep them. It’s not a sunken cost. It’s a cost of not working. So we have to recreate the test. But it was not that bad. So for us, the cost of debugging and maintaining the previous tool just became overwhelming, and we decided, let’s just do something else.

Jose Morales (WebdriverIO):

In my experience, we were using Selenium with JavaScript as a previous framework, and then we moved to WebdriverIO with JavaScript and Applitools. Because in Domino’s, we have different kind of products. We have another product that is called Next Generation of the stores. We’re using a reactive application there. This is also a website application. And we’re evaluating other tools for automation such as UiPath. And one thing that I like about UiPath is [it’s] a low-coding solution. That means you don’t need to really be a very proficient developer in order to create the scenarios or automate with UiPath, because it only [requires] drags and drops [to] create the scenarios. And it’s very easy to automate. And in the top of that, with UiPath, it’s a very enterprise solution.

We have different kinds of components like an orchestrator, we have a test manager, we have integration with Jenkins. We have robots that execute our test cases. So it’s an enterprise solution that we implemented for that particular project. And we have the same results as WebdriverIO with Applitools. We’re happy with the two solutions – the two frameworks – and we’re considering to remove WebdriverIO and Applitools and use UiPath for the main website for Domino’s. So I think in the future, the low-coding solution for automation is a way to go in the future. So definitely UiPath is a good candidate for us for our automation in the website.

Andy Knight (moderator):

How about you, Steve? I know you’re right now on a Selenium-based test project. Have you and your team thought about either moving to something else, or do you feel pretty good about the whole Selenium-ness?

Steve Hernandez (Selenium):

I think clearly there appears to be major speed-ups that you get from the JavaScript-based solutions. And I know you’ve evangelized a little bit about Playwright and then I’m hearing good things from others. I mean, we have a mature solution. We have 98% pass rates. You know, some of the limitation is more what our application can handle when we blast it with tests. I don’t know if your developers after each local build are tests running locally using some of these JavaScripts solutions. But I think one of the things that is appealing is the speed. And with Boa Constrictor 3, the roadmap is to – well, it has been modularized. So you can bring your own Rusty API client or potentially swap in Selenium and swap in something like a module for Playwright. So we would get that speed up but keep the same API that we’re using. So we’re toying with it, but if we can pull that off in Boa Constrictor, that would take care of that for us.

Andy Knight (moderator):

Yeah, man, definitely. So, I mean, it sounds like a big trend from a lot of folks has been, you know, step away from things like Selenium WebDriver to [a] more modern framework. You know, because Selenium WebDriver is pretty much just a low-level browser automator, which is still great. It’s still fine. It’s still awesome. But I mean, one of the things I personally love about Playwright – as well as things like Cypress – is that it gives you that nice feature richness around it to not only help you run your tests, but also help develop your tests.

Audience Q&A

So we had a fantastic conversation amongst each of our panel speakers about the considerations they had as their test projects grew and changed. We found that most of our panelists have had to make changes to their test frameworks used as their projects’ needs changed. In the next article, we’ll cover the most popular questions raised by our audience during the webinar.

The post Let the Engineers Speak! Part 4: Changing Frameworks appeared first on Automated Visual Testing | Applitools.

Let the Engineers Speak! Part 3: Favorite Test Integrations Wed, 28 Dec 2022 16:06:28 +0000 In part 3 of our Cypress, Playwright, Selenium, or WebdriverIO? Let the Engineers Speak recap series, we will recap our panelists’ favorite integrations in their test automation projects, as well...

The post Let the Engineers Speak! Part 3: Favorite Test Integrations appeared first on Automated Visual Testing | Applitools.

Cypress, Playwright, Selenium, or WebdriverIO? Let the Engineers Speak! from Applitools

In part 3 of our Cypress, Playwright, Selenium, or WebdriverIO? Let the Engineers Speak recap series, we will recap our panelists’ favorite integrations in their test automation projects, as well as share our audience’s favorite integrations. Be sure to read our previous post, where our panelists discussed their biggest challenges in test automation.

The experts

I’m Andrew Knight – the Automation Panda – and I moderated this panel. Here were the panelists and the frameworks they represented:

  • Gleb Bahmutov (Cypress) – Senior Director of Engineering at Mercari US
  • Carter Capocaccia (Cypress) – Senior Engineering Manager – Quality Automation at Hilton
  • Tally Barak (Playwright) – Software Architect at YOOBIC
  • Steve Hernandez (Selenium) – Software Engineer in Test at Q2
  • Jose Morales (WebdriverIO) – Automation Architect at Domino’s

The discussion

Andy Knight (moderator):

Alrighty. So I mean, this, our conversation is now kind of going in so many good directions. This is awesome. We keep talking about integrations and how our frameworks and our tools can connect with other things. So I guess my next question I would like to ask as a big popcorn question would be: what are some of your favorite integrations with your test projects? I’m talking about things like CI hooks, special reports that y’all have, maybe things for visual testing, accessibility testing.

And not only is this a question for the panel speakers, but also for the audience. We have another Slido word cloud, so head over to the Slido tab. We’d love to hear what your favorite integrations are for your test projects.

But I’d like to now direct this question back to our panel and ask them to pick one. Tell me why you love it so much. Tell me how y’all use it and what value y’all get out of it.

Poll results from over 60 participants in the webinar that depict the audience's favorite test integrations

Carter Capocaccia (Cypress):

Okay, I’ll hop in here. I think for me with Cypress, it’s just under the hood, it’s just JavaScript, right? So most anywhere is able to hook into that immediately. So when we talk about integrations, let’s just use GitHub for example here. If you wanted a GitHub Actions pipeline, you can just go ahead and start doing that immediately. And Cypress out of the box will provide you a Docker image to go ahead and use right inside of your GitHub Actions pipeline.

So for me, I guess I’m not going to focus on any one specific tool for integration here. I think the way that Cypress kind of makes itself agnostic to all external tools is what makes it really, really nice. You know, it doesn’t say, hey, you’ve gotta use us with this particular, like an Azure pipeline or any kind of other DevOps tool. It says, hey, under the hood, all we are is a JavaScript framework. If you want to execute our JavaScript inside of some kind of Docker image, create your own Docker image. Gleb knows all about this. He publishes a new Docker image like every day it seems.

And we have, you know, the ability to take all that, take the results, and the base of what comes out of Cypress is just JSON. We’ll shoot that over to an open-source dashboard. So there’s Report Portal out there if you wanted to take those results, and then put them into a portal. I see on here [the poll results] Allure reports. Well, okay, so you take it, you just put it into any kind of integration there.
So I think for me personally – I actually wrote a whole blog post about this where I was able to take Vercel, GitHub Actions, and Cypress and set up a CI/CD pipeline completely for free with automated deployments, preview environments, automated testing, the whole nine yards. And so it made it to where for my personal little website, all I’ve got to do is submit a pull request. It kicks off all my tests. As soon as it’s done, it merges it, and then it’s immediately deployed with Vercel. So that was a really cool thing. So if I have to name a tool, I’m gonna say Vercel and GitHub Actions.

Gleb Bahmutov (Cypress):

Can I second that? GitHub Actions are amazing. Honestly, I went through the whole, you know, self-running Jenkins to TeamCity, Buildkite, Circle CI. GitHub Actions are the best. It’s amazing how much you can do with just JavaScript on UCI. And I was the one writing all integrations for the Cypress team at the time.

I want to bring one more integration. I’ve written it. It’s [an] integration between Cypress and LaunchDarkly feature flags environment, because during the test, sometimes you want to test an experiment behind a feature flag. And for us now, it’s an open-source plugin. It’s like this, here’s my user, here are the experiment values I want to enable. Let’s see this functionality, and it’s working.

Tally Barak (Playwright):

[My] answer is GitHub Actions as well. I don’t have that much experience derived with different tools. I used to work with Travis and a bit with CircleCI. But GitHub Actions is just answering everything we need – and Playwright obviously – because it just requires a node for the JavaScript version. You just install it with Docker, and you are good to go and do whatever you want with the outputs and so on. So yeah, GitHub actions and I’m actually interested in the other one that you mentioned about the feature flag. That’s worth looking into.

And of course, Cucumber. I also have a repository that is a starter report for working with Cucumber and Playwright. I’ll post it on the channel if anyone is interested to try it out. If you want to stick with the Gherkin and the BDD-style test. Otherwise, go with the Playwright test runner.

Andy Knight (moderator):

Tally, I want to plus one of both things you said there. First of all, everyone knows that I love BDD, I love Cucumber, I love Gherkin, so yes. But also, I want to go back to what everyone is harping about GitHub Actions. Y’all in the audience, if you haven’t tried GitHub Actions or used to yet, definitely check it out. It is very straightforward, low-to-no cost CI baked into your repo. I mean, like anytime I’ve done open-source projects or example projects, just putting a GitHub Actions to automatically run your tests from a trigger, oh, it’s beautiful. It can be a little intimidating at first because you’ve got that YAML structure you’ve got to learn. But I have found it very easy to pick up. I feel like personally – and speakers back me up on this – I never sat down and read a manual on how to write a GitHub Action. I just kind of looked at GitHub Actions and copied them and tweaked them, and it worked.

Tally Barak:

And then you went to the marketplace and looked for some.

Andy Knight (moderator):

Yes, yes, yes. You know, and so you can find things that are out there already. And I’ve done it not just with Cypress and Playwright, but literally like every single test framework out there that I’ve touched. You know, if it’s like a Selenium thing, if it’s a Playwright thing, a Cypress thing. Any kind of test unit integration, end-to-end, you name it. Like, it’s awesome. But anyway, I just wanted a plus one to both of those and now I’ll yield to the rest of the speakers’ favored integrations and why.

Steve Hernandez (Selenium):

Can I give a plug for LivingDoc? We use a lot of the SpecFlow stuff in our stack, as you saw, like the runner. There’s a great SpecFlow+ Runner report that gets generated and can show how each of the threads are performing in your test suite so you can look at performance. But one of the things just really simply is the Azure Log Analytics ingestion API. So right in your test pipeline, you can just throw up a PowerShell script or some console application and send that data that you would have in your CI tool over into something like log analytics. I suppose there’s an equivalent for Amazon. But then you can correlate, you know, your telemetry from your application along with test data and start to see where performance issues are introduced.

But I guess coming back to my plug for LivingDoc is, I feel in a lot of cases our automated tests are actually the only documentation for some parts of the application as far as how they’re supposed to work because you’ve captured the requirements in a test. So they’re kind of like living documentation and LivingDoc literally is that. And it’s something that you can share with the business and the developers to see what you have for coverage and it’s human readable. I think that’s really important.

Carter Capocaccia (Cypress):

Well, now with GPT3, everything is human readable.

Andy Knight (moderator):

So I wanted to ask about visual testing and specifically with Applitools. I saw and heard that some of y’all had used visual testing with Applitools in your projects. In line with talking about integrations that you love, how do y’all use Applitools if you use it, and what value do you find you get out of it? Go ahead.

Carter Capocaccia (Cypress):

Yes, I want to bring up kind of why Applitools is a different breed of product when it comes to visual testing, though. So you really have two flavors of visual testing. One is a bitmap comparison where you take a screenshot of an image and it takes it and basically breaks it down into computer readable code and it compares a known standard against the new version. If there’s a certain percentage with diversions between the old version and the new version, it flags it.You can kind of already tell, well, if all I know about is just basically one to zeros and comparing the results here, it’s not really all that intelligent. Because I could have a piece of the page, let’s say it’s a headline. The headline updates every five minutes. Well, I don’t have time to just continually update this baseline screenshot.

Well, what a tool like Applitools does is it actually takes your screenshots and puts them through computer vision. And with computer vision you can now provide a lot more instruction to what do you want to compare? What’s important to you? Do you want to ignore certain parts of the page? When I compare X to Y, do I really consider, let’s say, a carousel where the images are being delivered by a CMS and they’re being changed on a daily basis? Do I really care that yesterday it was a picture of let’s say somebody’s front porch and today it’s a picture of a tree? So there’s a lot more intelligence that’s built into a tool like Applitools than there is with standard bitmap comparison. I think it takes the right kind of customer for Applitools. And when they do have that right kind of customer, it’s a pretty huge game changer, considering that it allows you to make a lot more informed decisions about the health of the visual appearance of your application versus, like I said, a bitmap comparison.

Basically, if you want to compare the two, one is analog, the other is digital. The analog is the map comparison. The digital way is Applitools. If we’re being honest with ourselves, the Applitools way is probably the best and right way to do this. I just know that there are a lot of teams that are making smaller scale applications that can get away with assuming higher risk in using a tool like a bitmap comparison tool.

Jose Morales (WebdriverIO):

I would like to add that we have been using Applitools for six months or so, and it was a great addition to our framework. It was reducing a lot of code because we were coding a lot of assertions. So for example, if you go to the Domino’s website, you have the store locator, and then the store locator basically based on your zip code automatically populates the city region and the store closest to you. There is a lot of functionality there. And I remember that we were validating every single text fill, every single button, every single drop and menu for the content. In English and in Spanish and the different languages. So for us it was very helpful to use Applitools because with WebdriverIO, we can simulate the location from the customer and then move the store locator for that particular zip code and tell Applitools, hey, take a screenshot for this one.

And in one single shot, we are validating all the colors, buttons, text fields, content, and we were very careful to see what is worth it for this scenario, right? So in all the framework, what we are doing is okay, let’s test this particular functionality for this scenario. Let’s use WebdriverIO to move the customer until this particular checkpoint and then take a screenshot for that particular state in our application. And in one single shot, we can validate this in all the devices. In Chrome, Firefox, Edge. Pixel, iPhones. So with that particular action, and because we are reducing a lot of assertions, we are writing less code, it’s easy to maintain, it’s easy to extend, and our test cases are more accurate and smaller. And I think for us Applitools was a great addition and I fell in love with Applitools and currently we’re trying to incorporate the mobile validations, meaning iOS and Android as well.

Did anyone ever change their framework?

We heard popular tools mentioned like GitHub Actions and Cucumber, as well as some lesser known tools. A few of our panelists are also using Applitools Eyes in their projects to provide faster test coverage of their frontend. In the next article, we’ll cover the answers these experts gave when we posed a sticky question: “Did you ever consider changing your test framework?”

The post Let the Engineers Speak! Part 3: Favorite Test Integrations appeared first on Automated Visual Testing | Applitools.

Let the Engineers Speak! Part 2: The Biggest Challenges Thu, 22 Dec 2022 14:20:00 +0000 In part 2 of our Cypress, Playwright, Selenium, or WebdriverIO? Let the Engineers Speak recap series, we will recap what our panelists shared as the biggest challenges they currently face...

The post Let the Engineers Speak! Part 2: The Biggest Challenges appeared first on Automated Visual Testing | Applitools.

Cypress, Playwright, Selenium, or WebdriverIO? Let the Engineers Speak! from Applitools

In part 2 of our Cypress, Playwright, Selenium, or WebdriverIO? Let the Engineers Speak recap series, we will recap what our panelists shared as the biggest challenges they currently face in testing and automation. We’ll also cover some of the biggest challenges our webinar audience members have faced. Be sure to read our previous post, where we introduced the experts and their test automation projects.

The experts

I’m Andrew Knight – the Automation Panda – and I moderated this panel. Here were the panelists and the frameworks they represented:

  • Gleb Bahmutov (Cypress) – Senior Director of Engineering at Mercari US
  • Carter Capocaccia (Cypress) – Senior Engineering Manager – Quality Automation at Hilton
  • Tally Barak (Playwright) – Software Architect at YOOBIC
  • Steve Hernandez (Selenium) – Software Engineer in Test at Q2
  • Jose Morales (WebdriverIO) – Automation Architect at Domino’s

The discussion

Carter Capocaccia (Cypress):

So I think one of the biggest challenges that I personally faced was that a lot of the times – I think initially when you’re starting out with automation – the tech problems that you face are where all the focus gets put on. And people lose sight that there’s an entire component to process around this. Meaning that, well, once you’ve written, you know, your hundred tests, you’ve got your architecture stable, you’ve figured out how to seed your database and correct your APIs into all the stuff that you need to do to make your tests run. Well, what do you do with those results? How does it actually impact your app? And I think a lot of people lose sight of that.

Of course, with the advent of CI/CD pipelines, it becomes a little bit easier because now you can basically prevent merges or prevent releases based on the results of these tests. But I think that gets forgotten until we’re way down the line. So, you know, you’ve written all your tests and you come back to your dev teams and you say, “Hey, I’m gonna start failing your pipelines now, and you’re not gonna be able to merge, you’re not gonna be able to to deploy.” And then you immediately have resentment against this process, right? So I think maybe the marketing of why you’re doing what you’re doing, how it’s gonna impact the process, and what is the positive result that comes out of this is equally as important as tackling those technical hurdles.

Tally Barak (Playwright):

Yeah I think I will go somehow along those lines. Besides some technical difficulties that I already shared about the shadow DOM and trivial actions like dragging, again, some of the things that we encountered. The biggest challenge was creating a culture of testing in the organization, making sure that people take care of the test. Because of some flakiness, we didn’t want to prevent merges. I mean, [for] a long time, we built more and more into that, but at the beginning it was like, “People, this is your helper. This is something to help you write better code.” And it didn’t come very easily, I would say.

Poll results from over 60 participants in the webinar that depict the biggest challenges while testing
Poll results from over 60 webinar participants depicting their biggest challenges while testing

Gleb Bahmutov (Cypress):

Can I comment on this slide [of the] poll? I see selectors as one of the challenges and it’s [a] pretty big one, apparently, for a lot of people. I just want to say what we’ve done at Mercari US. So, sometimes [when] you’re writing an end-to-end test, you come to a part of a page and there [are] some dynamic classes, no good selector specific for testing. So what we do in our test [is] we select however we can – by text, by position, you name it. But we do add a to-do comment. So in our test repo, we have lots of to-do [comments] like “needs better test selector”.

And we have [an] automated script that actually counts it and puts it in a rhythm. So we know how many to-dos for selectors we have total. And one of our objectives as a team is to drive a number down. So we [are] adding selectors and it’s kind of a good small task to do, but having good selectors is a key. So don’t just kind of assume someone else will add it for you. Have it as one of your automated priorities.

Andy Knight (moderator):

That’s really cool to actually have it kind of scan through and kind of pinpoint. So it’s almost like you’re self-linting. Wow, that’s awesome. If I may ask another question off of this topic of the challenges specifically around selectors. What other challenges have y’all faced with selectors or innovative solutions to try to get on top of them? Like, does anybody use smart selectors or visual selectors or anything at all?

Carter Capocaccia (Cypress):

Can I share my really staunch opinion on this? I personally don’t allow merge requests that have XPath selectors in them. I disallow it. It is a forbidden practice at our organization. We actually start with – we have a selector hierarchy that we try and follow. And I believe it’s Testing Library. And know it’s a really generic name for everybody in this room, but genuinely, it’s called Testing Library. And they have a selector pattern basically as a hierarchical representation based. I think it says, you know, accessibility selectors, and then at the very bottom, it even goes down to classes and then IDs. But it starts with accessibility selectors, and then content and then, you know, some other pieces that you should go through. And nowhere in that list is XPath.

I know that a lot of folks feel like XPaths are necessary, but I think that you’ve gotta find a way around them. I’m sorry if that hurts you there, Pandy. But yeah, in my opinion, I think XPaths are sometimes used as a crutch. And in today’s world where you have components that are conditionally rendered or potentially even, like for situations that I’m working in, it depends on what part of the country you’re in or what part of the world you’re in. Your page may render it completely differently than another. So therefore I cannot rely on a DOM structure to not be shifting at a moment’s notice, or there may be a CMS tied into this so they can add a component to the page. It’s gonna completely change the DOM structure. So we have to do better than that and, you know, tests more and more nowadays are being kept right alongside the application code.

And I think that, speaking back to what I was saying about kind of changing the process around what you do. Well, if I’m a test engineer, if I really can’t get to a DOM element any other way, why can’t I go into that component and add a data test ID attribute? I should have that ability as a test engineer, just like a UI dev should have the ability to come into my test and modify that. So that’s I think a way you can kind of shift culture when you even think about something as simple as DOM selectors. But yeah, the long-winded answer to say, I personally think that if you want to have maintainable selectors, avoid XPaths.

Jose Morales (WebdriverIO):

I would like to share my opinion in two ways. One is the challenges that we have in Domino’s, and another one is the selectors.

The challenge is the maintenance of the test cases. And basically what we are following is a good process. And with a good process, I mean we have a team that is reviewing the executions and we do analysis about the results. We figured out if we need to fix the test cases, we need to change the test cases because the feature is now different – or what is the root cause of the problem, right? We are following good practices in terms of development, like code reviews, pull requests. We’re doing peer programming. If some automation engineer is facing some kind of challenging problem/blocker, we have working sessions they requested for those working sessions. And we work together, right, as a team to figure out what’s the problem, what [are] the possible solutions that we can do. And it’s very active.

And commenting about the selectors, we encourage to use the ID. And in Domino’s we have a custom ID is the UUID that all the web developers add that particular identifier for us to use. So there is a close communication between the developers and the automation engineers to work together as a team, how we can help to [better test] our product. That’s another thing that we normally do. And respect as much as possible the page-object design pattern. That is what we are doing in Domino’s.

Tally Barak (Playwright):

The slide that was showing actually three items that were shining there, which is flakiness, maintainability, and selectors. And I think they’re all related to some extent. Because if your selectors are too accurate, like XPath with all the DOM structure, then you have a maintainability problem and you might have flakiness. And I have to say, if you are talking about the tools, this is probably the one thing that Playwright has solved in just a way that makes writing tests really easy. I was hearing the other people here and they went like, “Oh, we already forgot about this problem after working with two and a half years.” We used to work with XPaths because that was the only thing that could pierce the shadow DOM.

Now we are working with plain selectors. We’re keeping them to the minimum and mostly the user-facing selectors. So things like text usually. Maybe something like a header component and then a text. And we will know how to address the very exact selector. And that reduces the maintenance because this is the last part that is likely to change. And because of the way Playwright is working with the auto waiting, it’ll just wait, we don’t need to put some time out. It’ll know to wait until a certain time out for the component to show up.

You can write very small and very concise selectors. And the one other thing is that they have the strict mode, which means that if it finds two elements that correspond to the same selector, it’ll break the test. And one of the problems that we’ve seen previously is that it would go with the first element. So it might click a different button or something else, and the test will continue and it’ll only fade like three steps or five steps ahead. And this is really hard to understand what is the problem. Playwright here will just tell you. Of course, you can change if you want it or not. It’s an option. But if you do that, you get a lot less flakiness in your test because the first time it’ll encounter the element, it’ll tell you, okay, “I have two here. You’re probably on the wrong path. Go ahead and fix your test.” So all these three things, the maintenance, the flakiness, the selectors is one of the, I think, the greatest advantages of Playwright in these terms.

Andy Knight (moderator):

Awesome. So I know we’ve spent a lot of time talking about selectors and DOM and modeling the page. What design patterns do y’all use for or within your test projects? I know, I think it was Jose mentioned like they use page objects and they stick to it very rigidly – or maybe rigidly is not the best word, but they stick with page objects. Are y’all using page objects or are y’all using Screenplay? I know Cypress has those action or command methods, I forget. What are y’all using to help make your interactions using those selectors better?

Steve Hernandez (Selenium):


Gleb Bahmutov (Cypress):

We don’t try to make the test super dry, right? Eventually, if we see a duplication of code, we will write a custom command. For example, we have custom commands for selecting by data test id. So it’s really easy by data test ID or ARIA label, we use custom commands. We almost never write page objects. We prefer little reusable functions, right? We need to create a user. Here’s a function, creates a user for you.

There is one advantage, though, because I like writing Cypress plugins, we can abstract something that is really specific and just move it to [a] third party public open source plugin, but we’ll reuse in our project. So we’ve been doing that a lot. I just looked, we have more than 20 Cypress plugins with our test report, but 17 out of them is what I’ve written. So, we take that abstraction and we make it and just have it by itself so it becomes more powerful and reusable. But small functions and custom commands for us.

Tally Barak (Playwright):

We are working with Cucumber. So this is basically our structure. Each step has the automation behind the scene, and then obviously you can reuse because the step is reusable in any of your tests. And we do try to build them sometimes a bit more, you know, a sophisticated kind of code, so you can reuse them in different places.

Jose Morales (WebdriverIO):

[About] using other design patterns – another thing that really helped us. And I saw a very interesting question about how do you integrate a backend with a JavaScript frontend? And that’s a very interesting question because for us, we try to consume APIs as well. So for example, in Domino’s, we have an application that is an interface for configuration for our stores. So every manager in our stores can configure certain parameters for the store, right? Like the store phone number. So they can go to a specific website and then change the store’s number, for example. So if you think about the testing perspective, you can go to the UI and change a particular store number and then hit an endpoint to refresh the backend for that particular store configuration.

And then you go to another backend to hit the store profile and then get the store profile with a request and read the JSON back, right? So you don’t need to interact with the UI all the time, but you can also integrate with the backend as much as possible. So that’s a very clean strategy, because it helps you to test faster and test better and reduce the flakiness.

And another thing that I recommend is to use the plugins, right? So explore the plugins that you can get in the industry. For example, in the backend and if you are interested in measuring the performance, you can use Lighthouse with WebdriverIO. So you can – with the standards in the industry – measure what is the performance for your web application, right? So we don’t need to reinvent the wheel. And that’s my recommendation.

Andy Knight (moderator):

Awesome. Awesome. So I know, Steve, right off the bat, you had mentioned the Screenplay pattern. I wanted to come back to that. What have you found has been good about using Screenplay over something like raw calls or page objects or something else?

Steve Hernandez (Selenium):

Personally, I haven’t used a lot of raw calls. I’ve had the luxury of using Boa Constrictor. It kind of wraps the Selenium stuff in a warm hug, and it handles a lot of the timing issues that you might run into. Boa Constrictor has a lot of built-in – I hear you guys talk about plug-ins – we have a lot of built-in interactions, they’re called. So they can be questions that you’ll ask of an API endpoint. They can be questions that you’ll ask of the page in the form of, “I’m gonna scrape this column here that I use over and over to compare to something in the future”.

So we’ll have our Gherkin steps and essentially backing each of those step definitions are these different reusable components or questions or interactions. That works very well with the level of parallel parallelism we’re doing. You know, if you’re firing off 50 threads at a time or 80 or more, we need stuff to be fast, not step on each other’s toes. So we write the interactions in a way where they’re very atomic and they’re not going to affect something else that’s happening on another thread. As far as page objects, I haven’t used those a whole lot.

What about integrations?

We’ve heard some common themes from both our panelists and our webinar viewers around their test automation challenges – selectors, maintenance, and flakiness. Gaining a culture of testing that embraces and adheres to the process is another challenge our engineers have faced in their projects. Our panelists each touched a little bit on how they approach these challenges in this recap. In the next article, we’ll cover the panelists’ favorite integrations for their test automation projects.

The post Let the Engineers Speak! Part 2: The Biggest Challenges appeared first on Automated Visual Testing | Applitools.

Let the Engineers Speak! Part 1: Real-World Projects Mon, 19 Dec 2022 16:27:39 +0000 Over the past two years, Applitools has hosted a series of code battles called Let the Code Speak. We pitted the most popular web testing frameworks against each other through...

The post Let the Engineers Speak! Part 1: Real-World Projects appeared first on Automated Visual Testing | Applitools.

Cypress, Playwright, Selenium, or WebdriverIO? Let the Engineers Speak! from Applitools

Over the past two years, Applitools has hosted a series of code battles called Let the Code Speak. We pitted the most popular web testing frameworks against each other through rounds of code challenges, and we invited the audience to vote for which did them best. Now, to cap off the series, we hosted a panel of test automation experts to share their real-world experiences working with these web test frameworks. We called it Cypress, Playwright, Selenium, or WebdriverIO? Let the Engineers Speak!

Here were our panelists and the frameworks they represented:

  • Gleb Bahmutov (Cypress) – Senior Director of Engineering at Mercari US
  • Carter Capocaccia (Cypress) – Senior Engineering Manager – Quality Automation at Hilton
  • Tally Barak (Playwright) – Software Architect at YOOBIC
  • Steve Hernandez (Selenium) – Software Engineer in Test at Q2
  • Jose Morales (WebdriverIO) – Automation Architect at Domino’s

I’m Andrew Knight – the Automation Panda – and I moderated this panel.

In this blog series, we will recap what these experts had to say about the biggest challenges they face, their favorite integrations, and if they have ever considered changing their test framework. In this article, we’ll kick off the series by introducing each speaker with an overview of their projects in their own words.

Gleb’s Cypress Project at Mercari US


I’m in charge of the web automation group; we test our web application. Mercari US is an online marketplace where you can list an item, buy items, ship [items], and so on. I joined about a year and a half [ago], and my goal was to make it work so it doesn’t break.

There were previous attempts to automate web application testing that were not very successful, and they hired me specifically because I brought Cypress experience. Before that, I worked with Cypress for years, so I’m kind of partial. So you can kind of guess which framework I chose to implement end-to-end tests.

We currently run about 700 end-to-end tests every day multiple times per feature with each pull request. On average, our flake – you know, how many tests kind of pass or fail per test run – is probably half a percent, maybe below that. So we actually invested a lot of time in making sure it’s all green and working correctly. So that’s my story.

Carter’s Cypress Project at Hilton


Nice to meet you all today and thank you for the opportunity to speak with everybody. So I need to lead off with a little bit of a disclaimer here. Hilton does not necessarily endorse or use any of the products you may speak of today, and all the opinions that I’m going to talk about are my own.

So Hilton is a large corporation. We operate 7,000 properties in 122 countries. So when we talk about some of the concerns that I face as a quality automation engineer, we’re talking about accessibility, localization, analytics, [and] a variety of application architectures. We might have some that are server-side rendered. We might have some that are CMS-driven pages and even multiple types of CMS. We also have, you know, things that are like that filter out bot traffic. We may use mock data, live data. We have availability engines, pricing engines. So things get pretty complex and therefore our strategy has to follow this complexity in a way that makes things simple for us to interpret results and act upon them quickly.

To give you guys an idea of the scale here, we typically are much like Gleb in this regard, where every single one of our changes runs all of our tests. So we are constantly executing tests all of the time. I think this year – I was just running these reports the day to figure out for, you know, interview review stuff – I think I pulled up that we had so far in this year run about 1.2 million tests on our applications. That’s quite a large quantity. So, you know, if anything, that speaks to our architecture – [it] has some stability built into it – the fact that we were even able to execute that quantity of tests.

But yeah, I’m a Cypress user. I’ve been a Cypress user now for about three years. Much like Gleb, I got faced with the challenge of, “Well, this only runs in Chrome. It’s a young company, young team.” And yeah, I think, you know, we stuck with it, and obviously today Cypress has grown with us and we’re really, really happy to still be using the tool. We were a Webdriver shop before, so I’m really interested to see what Jose is doing. And there probably is still some Webdriver code hanging around here at Hilton. But yeah, I’m really excited to be here today, so thank you for the opportunity.

Tally’s Playwright Project at YOOBIC


I work at YOOBIC. YOOBIC is a digital platform for frontline employees – that’s a way to say people like sellers in shops. And they use our application in their daily job – for the tasks they need to do, for their training, for their communication needs, and so on.

For this application to be useful, we have a very rich UI that we are using. And for that, we have decided to use web components. We’re using extensive JS and building web components. This is important because when we tried to automate the testing, this was one of the biggest barriers that we had to cross.

We used to work with WebdriverIO, which was good to some extent. But the thing that really was problematic for us was the shadow DOM support – and shadow root. So I got into the habit for once every fortnight or monthly to go into the web and just Google “end-to-end testing shadow DOM support” and voila! In one of these Googlings, it actually worked out and I stumbled upon Playwright – and it said, “Yes, we have Shadow DOM support.” So I went like, “Okay, I have to try that.” And I just looked at the documentation. It was like shadow DOM was no biggie. It was just like built/baked in naturally. I started testing it, and it worked like magic.

That was almost two and a half years ago. Playwright had a lot less than what it has today. It was still on version 1.2 or something. At the time, it was only the browser automation side; it didn’t have the test runner. And our tests were already written in Cucumber, and Cucumber is a BDD-style kind of testing. So this is the way we actually describe our functional test. So user selects mission, and then user starts, and so on – this is the test. We already had that from WebdriverIO, and basically we just changed the automation underneath to work with Playwright instead of Selenium WebdriverIO.

And this is still how we work. We are using Cucumber for running those tests. We use Playwright as the browser automation. We have our tested app and we are testing against server and the database. We have about 200 scenarios. We run them on every PR. It takes about 20 or 25 minutes with sharding, but this is because they are really long tests.

It also solved a lot of other problems that we had previously, like the fact that you can open multiple browsers. Previously what we were doing, if you wanted to test multiple users, we would log in, log out, and log in with the other user. And here, all of a sudden, we could just spawn multiple windows and do that.

And one [additional] thing that I want to mention besides the functional test, this end-to-end test, we also run component tests. This is different; we are using the Playwright Test Runner, in fact. This is because we work with Angular, and Playwright component testing is not supported with Angular yet. We are using Storybook, and we test with Playwright on top of Storybook. So yeah, that’s my story.

Steve’s Selenium Project at Q2


I actually started as a full stack developer at Precision Lender. We’re part of Q2, which is a big FinTech company. If you had priced any skyscrapers or went to get a loan for a skyscraper, there’s a very good chance that our software was used recently – I’m sure you’re all doing that.

Working on the front end, it’s a JavaScript-based application using Knockout but increasingly Vue. I worked over in that for about two and a half years at the company, and I saw the cool stuff that Andy and our other Andy were doing. And I was excited about it. I wanted to move over [and] see what it was all about. And I believe strongly in the power of test to not only improve the quality of the application, but also just the software development lifecycle and the whole experience for everyone and the developers.

Architecture diagram depicting Q2's test automation
Q2 test automation architecture diagram from the Let the Engineers Speak webinar

So what you guys have in front of you is a typical CI pipeline that we use. We use Git and we use TeamCity. And on a typical day, we run about 20,000 tests. We have about 6,000 unique tests and upon one commit to our main developed branch, we kick off about 1,500 tests and it takes about 20 to 25 minutes, depending on errors, test failures. On that check-in to Team City, we use a stack with SpecFlow and SpecFlow+ Runner kicks off our tests.

As I said before, we’re using Boa Constrictor underneath with the Screenplay Pattern. It acts as our actor, which is controlling the Selenium Webdriver. And then the Selenium Webdriver farms out the test work in parallel to the Selenium Grid and our little nodes; it’s an AKS cluster run through all of our tests and spit out a whole bunch of great documentation. One of my favorites being the SpecFlow+ Runner report and other good logging things like Azure Log Analytics.

Jose’s WebdriverIO Project at Domino’s


Thank you from all [of us at] Domino’s. Well, Domino’s is a big company, right? We have 4 billion dollars in sales every single year. And – only in the Super Bowl – we sell 2 million pizzas just in the United States. So we have a big product and our operations are very critical. So I decided to use WebdriverIO for our product. And this is the architecture that we created in Domino’s.

Architecture diagram depicting Domino's test automation pipelien
Domino’s test automation architecture diagram from the Let the Engineers Speak webinar

In Domino’s, we have different environments. We have QA, we have pre-production, and we have production. And for selecting different kinds of environments, we have different kinds of configuration. And in that configuration, Jenkins reads the configuration for that particular environment, we get the code from a stash, and then we are using virtual machines – it could be inside of the Domino’s network or it could be in Source Labs. Then we have a kind of report. And one thing that I really love about WebdriverIO is the fact that it’s open source, and it has huge libraries.

So in Domino’s, we’re using WebdriverIO in three projects – Domino’s website, in the Domino’s re-architecture, and in the Domino’s call center application. [In fact,] we are using WebdriverIO with two different kinds of reports, and we’re using [it] with two different kinds of BDD frameworks. One is, of course, Cucumber; that is the most used in the industry. And another one is with Mocha. And in both, we have very successful results. We have close to 200 test scenarios right now. And we are executing every single week. And we are generating reports for those specific scenarios. We have a 90% success pass rate in all scenarios.

And we’re using Applitools as an integration for discovering issues – visual issues and visual AI validations. And basically in all those scenarios, we’re validating the results in all those browsers. We’re normally using Chrome, Safari, Firefox, Edge, and of course, we’re using mobile as well, in the flavors of Android and iOS.

And the cool thing is that it really depends about what is the usage for customers, right? Most of the customers that we have are using Chrome, and we are seeing what is our market, what our customers are using, and we are validating our products in those particular customers.

So I am really happy with WebdriverIO, because I was able to use it in other problems that we were facing. For example, in Malaysia we have some stores as well, and in the previous year we had a problem with performance in Malaysia. So I was able to integrate a plugin – Lighthouse from Google – in order to measure the performance for that particular market in Malaysia using WebdriverIO. So far for us [at] Domino’s, WebdriverIO is doing great. And I am really happy with the solution and the results and the framework that we selected. And that’s everything from my end. Thank you so much.

What are their biggest challenges?

So we’ve gotten an overview of the projects these test experts are using and a little bit of their histories with their test framework of choice. This will help set a foundation to get to know our engineers and understand where they’re coming from as we continue our Cypress, Playwright, Selenium, or WebdriverIO? Let The Engineers Speak series. In the next article, we’ll cover the biggest challenges these experts face in their current test automation projects.

The post Let the Engineers Speak! Part 1: Real-World Projects appeared first on Automated Visual Testing | Applitools.

Component testing in Cypress: What is it and why it’s important Thu, 15 Dec 2022 00:01:53 +0000 Cypress released the first alpha version of component testing back in version 4.5.0. It caught the attention of many, but if you are like me, you didn’t understand the buzz....

The post Component testing in Cypress: What is it and why it’s important appeared first on Automated Visual Testing | Applitools.

Cypress welcome page

Cypress released the first alpha version of component testing back in version 4.5.0. It caught the attention of many, but if you are like me, you didn’t understand the buzz. It’s completely okay, as component testing was always more of a domain of developers than testers. But testers can take an interest in component testing, too. Now that Cypress’ component testing features have reached General Availability (GA) in version 11, I decided to dive into this topic and find out why component testing is important. The more I played with it, the more I understood the appeal. In this blog post, I’d like to share my perspective with you.

What is a component?

Components are like Lego blocks. In the same way as toy castles, cars, and other creations can be built from Lego blocks, Web applications are built from components. Like Lego blocks, components come in different shapes and sizes and can serve different purposes. Some are used just once, some are reused all the time.

Each component has certain visual and functional properties. Like a Lego block, a component can be a common one that is used all the time and changed just slightly, or it can be a unique one that serves a specific function.

I want to show you how this works on a simple Vue.js application. Let‘s take a look at a simple Vue component that might look something like this:

 <button class=".green-button">{{ buttonText }}</button>
<script setup lang="ts">
 buttonText: {
   type: String,
   default: "Hello world"

This component consists of two parts. One is the <template> part that contains a dynamic HTML markup. The second part is the <script> part that contains a TypeScript function that defines the properties that we want to render in the <template>. There is a buttonText string property that will be rendered inside the <button> element.

This is an example of a reusable component. I can use the button element all across my application, but I might want to render different texts for the button. Whenever I want to use this component, I call it like this:

<MyButton buttonText="Click me!" />

The button will render differently based on what property is passed into it. Here are some examples:

Buttons displayed with emojis and different text

Why test a component?

If you need to make sure that this button looks good with an emoji, special character, or normal text, what do you do? You could choose an end-to-end approach by clicking through the app to find and validate all the buttons, but this is not going to be very effective. It will be slow and cumbersome.

Enter component testing.

Instead of opening the whole application, with component testing, you can just mount the component in isolation. This means that you can save time loading just the parts you are interested in and test much faster. Or you test different properties of the same component and see how they render. This can be really helpful for situations where small changes affect a big portion of the app.

Imagine you are a developer who wants to refactor a component. While you are doing so, you can get immediate feedback on anything that might be broken. In other words, it’s easier to simply render a component with an emoji than to hunt through your app looking for it.This is why component testing is growing in popularity and why it is becoming one of the major trends in front-end testing. We can already see different implementations of component testing in tools like Jest, Storybook, WebdriverIO, Playwright, and Cypress.

Buttons don’t seem like much, though…

You are right. This example is way too simple to show the value of component testing.

Instead of a button, imagine a login form that validates a multitude of different inputs. How do you test that the form throws correct errors?

You could write an end-to-end test that will load the login screen, enter valid (or invalid) credentials, validate error messages, log in, log out, etc.

Or, instead, you could open the login form component only and try different inputs without the need of logging in or loading the rest of the login page. Loading a single component is way faster than loading the whole application. Testing a component in isolation can provide a lot of value, especially in cases like these.

What makes component testing with Cypress great

The main difference between Cypress and other tools is that it runs its component tests in a real browser. Besides that, you have all the power of the Cypress API at hand for your component tests as well. You can click, type, make assertions, and intercept network calls. You can spy on functions or stub them. This enables you to get to some really hard-to-reach places in your app and test them. You can mock your data or the component state, avoiding difficult data management or app setup.

Setting up component testing in Cypress

Starting with Cypress v10, setting up component testing is very straightforward.Once you open Cypress GUI using the npx cypress open command, you will be welcomed by this screen:

Cypress welcome page

The component testing option will take you through a simple setup wizard that will help you set up everything according to your application’s needs. As opposed to end-to-end testing, component testing is actually framework-specific. While the principles are pretty much the same for all frameworks, the loaders differ slightly – each one of them needs a separate set of tools. The setup wizard will take you through the steps to set up everything.

Framework and bundler

On the very next screen, Cypress asks you to choose a framework and a bundler. It even tries to detect the ones used in your app automatically. If you are building web applications for living, you are probably familiar with the different choices.

Cypress project setup page

As a tester, I needed to become familiar with these terms, especially with the “bundler”. The bundler is an essential part in building a modern web application. It converts the code you write into something a browser can read. As mentioned earlier, components split our application into small “Lego blocks”. These are often .vue files, .jsx files, or something similar. But these will not work in browsers by themselves. The bundler makes them into a bunch of .html, .js, and .css files that browsers can read.

When running a component test, Cypress will use the bundler to convert your component file into something a browser can read using the same bundler as your application does.

Cypress component testing project

Based on the inputs, the installation wizard will set up our project. Looking at the cypress.config.ts file, you can see that the configuration is actually pretty concise:

export default defineConfig({
 component: {
   devServer: {
     framework: "vue",
     bundler: "vite",

By default, Cypress will take options set in vite.config.ts file in our project, so anything we have set up for our app will instantly become available to Cypress tests as well.


Besides resolving our configuration, Cypress will create a couple of helper files, one of the most important being component.ts located in the cypress/support folder.

import { mount } from 'cypress/vue'
// Augment the Cypress namespace to include type definitions for
// your custom command.
// Alternatively, can be defined in cypress/support/component.d.ts
// with a <reference path="./component" /> at the top of your spec.
declare global {
 namespace Cypress {
   interface Chainable {
     mount: typeof mount
Cypress.Commands.add('mount', mount)
// Example use:
// cy.mount(MyComponent)

This file will contain the mounting function for the framework you use. Cypress supports React, Angular, Svelte, Vue, and even frameworks like Next.js and Nuxt. As of Cypress version 11, most of these are out of beta.

How Cypress is built

Cypress’ architecture is unique when compared to other testing tools. With Playwright or Selenium, the goal is to automate a browser in order to perform some actions. With Cypress, you are essentially building an app to test your app.

When you are developing an application, your files get bundled and opened inside a browser. Imagine your standard npm run dev mode.

With Cypress, pretty much the same principle is applied. Your test files get bundled and opened in a browser. With component testing, instead of opening the app for your end-to-end test, you’ll mount your component. Pretty cool, if you ask me.

Creating a first component test

Once you set up your component testing configuration and your cy.mount() command, you are ready to start testing! So, let’s take a look at how this can be done.

With end-to-end testing, we usually have a dedicated folder where all our tests are. But with component testing, it is better to place your tests right next to your components.

Component testing folder in Cypress

When you create your first test, put a standard naming convention in place. In fact, Cypress will encourage you to do so with its default configuration, as it will look for any .cy.js or .cy.ts files. Basically, the .cy addition identifies the file as a Cypress test

You can, however, change this to .spec.ts in your configuration file:

component: {
 devServer: {
   framework: 'vue',
   bundler: 'vite',
 setupNodeEvents(on, config) { },
 specPattern: 'src/**/*.spec.ts',

Mounting the component

Let’s now try to test our button component from before. Component testing in Cypress feels very familiar with end-to-end testing. It uses the same it() and describe() blocks from Mocha, but instead of calling cy.visit(), you will use cy.mount() to mount your component into the browser.

import SaveButton from './SaveButton.vue'
it('display save button', () => {

Notice that whenever we want to mount a component, we need to import it into our test file. When we run this test in Cypress, it will successfully mount our component.

A Cypress test on the Hello world button

You’d be right to raise your eyebrows, as this is not exactly what you would expect. Our component is missing CSS styles! In many cases, components rely on some other resource. It can be a module, package, state manager, or CSS as in this case. This means that in order to make our component test work, it is often the case that we need to import a bunch of stuff.

CSS is something that probably all your components will need, so you might want to import that to your component.ts configuration file. This is a place to set a global configuration for mounting all of our components.

import { mount } from 'cypress/vue'
import '@/index.css';
declare global {
 namespace Cypress {
   interface Chainable {
     mount: typeof mount
Cypress.Commands.add('mount', mount)

Passing properties

Let’s now try something else with our component. You may remember that we were defining a buttonText property that would then render text in our button. We can pass our own properties to the button right within the test by giving our cy.mount() function a props object with given properties:

import SaveButton from './SaveButton.vue'
it('SaveButton component', () => {
 cy.mount(SaveButton, {
   props: {
     buttonText: 'Hello world'

Easy, right? We are now ready to test different versions of the button that may appear in our application. And since we are in a Cypress test, we can use Cypress commands, too. For example, we can check that the buttonText property is actually rendered in our button:

import SaveButton from './SaveButton.vue'
it('SaveButton component', () => {
 const buttonText = 'Hello world'
 cy.mount(SaveButton, {
   props: {
 cy.get('button').should('have.text', buttonText)

Component testing and its importance

Component testing enables you to look at the individual components of your application and ensures that they are working as expected. It helps testers and developers identify and fix issues with individual components before they become bigger problems affecting the whole application.

While component testing still falls mainly in the developers’ area of expertise, understanding this type of testing is beneficial for testers as well. Most notably, learning how web applications are built improves intuition for finding serious bugs.

To learn more about component testing in Cypress, check out the Getting Started with Component Testing in Cypress on-demand webinar. Head over to the Applitools design team solution page to learn how Applitools speeds up component testing with AI.

The post Component testing in Cypress: What is it and why it’s important appeared first on Automated Visual Testing | Applitools.
