Espresso Archives - Automated Visual Testing | Applitools Applitools delivers the next generation of test automation powered by AI assisted computer vision technology known as Visual AI. Fri, 01 Dec 2023 18:22:31 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Appium vs Espresso vs XCUITest – Understanding how Appium Compares to Espresso & XCUITest Fri, 12 Mar 2021 02:06:42 +0000 In this article we shall look at the Appium, Espresso and XCUITest test automation frameworks. We’ll learn the key differences between them, as well as when and why you should use...

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In this article we shall look at the Appium, Espresso and XCUITest test automation frameworks. We’ll learn the key differences between them, as well as when and why you should use them in your own testing environment.

What is Appium

Appium is an open source test automation framework which is completely maintained by the community. Appium can automate Native, Hybrid, mWeb, Mac Apps and Windows Apps. Appium follows the Selenium W3C protocol which enables the use of the same test code for both Android and iOS applications.

Under the hood Appium uses Espresso or UIAutomator2 as the mode of communication to Android Apps and XCUI for iOS. In a nutshell, Appium provides a stable webdriver interface on top of automation backends provided by Google and Apple.

Installing Appium was a bit of hassle for a long time, hence from Appium 2.0 architecturally we could choose to install the drivers and plugins as we wanted. You can find more details about Appium 2.0 here.

Highlights of Appium

  • When Espresso or XCUI upgrades the API contract, Appium under the hood will make necessary changes and the test will remain unchanged and work as before.
  • supports Cross platform testing, i.e., write one test that runs across many platforms.
  • allows users to write tests in WebDriver compatible languages – Java, Python, C#, Ruby, JS, etc.
  • Does not require application to be recompiled as it uses standard automation APIs across all platforms.
  • A Black box testing tool which also supports Gray box testing to some extent with Espresso’s driver backdoor capability.
  • Can switch between Espresso driver and UIAutomator2 driver for Android in a single session. (For example: Creating a session with Espresso Driver and then we can move to UIAutomator2 to perform actions outside of application under test.)
View the code on Gist.
  • The latest Webdriver W3C Actions API is designed in such a way that any complex gestures can be designed and executed on any platform, e.g., Android, iOS. Below is an example of a swipe gesture that runs on Android and iOS platforms.
View the code on Gist.
View the code on Gist.
  • Appium has a locator strategy specific to Espresso, e.g., Data Matcher strategy, and another for XCUI, e.g., NSPredicates and ClassChain
View the code on Gist.

What is Espresso

Espresso is an Android test framework developed by Google for UI testing. Espresso automatically synchronizes test actions with the user interface of the mobile app and ensures that activity is started well before the actual test run.

Highlights of Espresso

  • Feedback cycle is fast as it doesn’t require server communication. 
  • Allows users to create custom view matchers and is based on Hamcrest matchers.
  • Espresso Framework can be categorized between black box and white box testing, commonly called as gray box testing framework.
  • Accessibility testing is possible in Native Espresso.
  • Requires the entire code base to run the test.
  • Locator strategy is Id from R file.
  • Applitools Ultrafast Grid can be used to perform visual testing.
  • For testing webviews, Espresso internally uses WebDriver APIs to control the behaviour of a webview.
View the code on Gist.

What is XCUITest

The XCUITest framework from Apple helps users write UI tests straight inside the Xcode with the separate UI testing target in the app.

XCUITest uses accessibility identifiers to interact with the main iOS app. XCUITests can be written in Swift or Objective-C. 

There isn’t a reliable framework out there which easily supports testing on Apple TV devices. XCUITest is the only way to verify tvOS apps. SinceXcode 7, Apple has shipped XCTest prebuilt into its development kit. 

Highlights of XCUITest

  • Runs in a separate process from our main iOS app and it doesn’t access an application’s internal methods.
  • XCUIElement class in XCUITest provides gestures such as tap, press, swipe, pinch and rotate.
View the code on Gist.
  • Offers several inbuilt assertions e.g., XCTKVOExpectation, XCTNSNotificationExpectation, XCTDarwinNotificationExpectation, XCTNSPredicateExpectation, etc.
View the code on Gist.


Appium, Espresso and XCUI can each fill different needs for UI testing. The way to choose between them is to consider the requirements of your project. If your scope is limited just to one platform and you want comprehensive and embedded UI testing, XCUI or Espresso are great fits. For cross-platform testing across iOS, Android, and Hybrid then Appium is your best choice. 

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Modern Cross Browser Testing with Cypress and Applitools Thu, 16 Jul 2020 22:35:04 +0000 Cypress, among other things, validates the structure of your DOM. It verifies that a button is visible or that it has the correct text. But what about the look and...

The post Modern Cross Browser Testing with Cypress and Applitools appeared first on Automated Visual Testing | Applitools.


Cypress, among other things, validates the structure of your DOM. It verifies that a button is visible or that it has the correct text. But what about the look and styling of our app? How can we test that our application looks good visually? We can use Cypress to verify that it has the correct CSS properties but then our code would look very long and complex. It will be a guarantee that engineers will avoid maintaining this test ?

Visual Testing

This is why we need visual testing as part of our test strategy. With visual testing, we are validating what the user sees on different browsers/viewports/mobile devices. However, it’s very time consuming when you do it manually.

Imagine if someone told you that you have to test the below image manually.

There are 30 differences. You can probably find them after quite some time. But then this provides a really slow feedback loop. The obvious solution would be of course to automate this!

Now, automated visual testing is not new. There are so many tools out there which can help you with visual testing. These tools use pixel-by-pixel comparison to compare the two images. The idea is you have a baseline image which is your source of truth. Every time there is a code change and our automated tests are run, a test image will be taken. The visual testing tool will then compare this test image with the baseline image and then check the differences. At the end, it will report to us whether our test passed or failed.

Problem with pixel-by-pixel visual testing

The problem with pixel-by-pixel visual testing though is it’s very sensitive even with small changes. Even if you have a 1px difference, your test will fail even though on the human eye, the two images look exactly similar.

You also get the issue that if you try to run these tests on your build pipelines, you might see a lot of pixel differences especially if the base image is generated locally such as the image above. Looking at this test image, if you ignore the mismatch image in the middle and compare the two images on left and the right, some of the changes that were reported look ok.  But because these images were taken on different machine setups , the tool has reported a lot of pixel differences. You can use Docker to solve this and generate the base image using the same configuration as the test image, but from personal experience, I still get flakiness with using pixel-by-pixel comparison tools.

Also, what if you have dynamic data? In the test image above, we have a change of data here but the overall layout is similar. You can probably set the mismatch threshold to be slightly higher so your tests will fail only if they reach the threshold that you defined. The problem with this though is that you might miss actual visual bugs.

Cross Browser Visual Validation

Most of the existing open source tools for visual testing only runs on 1 or 2 browsers.  For example, one of the tools that we were using before, called BackstopJS,  which is a popular visual testing framework, only runs visual tests on Chrome headlessly.  AyeSpy, which is a tool that was actually created by one of the teams here at News UK, is another visual testing tool, which hooks into your Selenium Grid to run your visual tests on different browsers. But still, it’s a bit limited. If you are using the Selenium Docker images, they only have images for Chrome and Firefox. What if you want to run your visual tests on Safari or Internet Explorer?  You can definitely verify this yourself, but again as mentioned, it’s time consuming.

How can we solve these different visual testing issues?


This is where Applitools comes in. Unlike existing visual tools, Applitools uses AI comparison algorithms so images are compared just like a human would. It was founded in 2013 and pretty much integrates with almost all testing frameworks out there. You name it – Selenium, Cypress, Appium, WebdriverIO, Espresso, XCUITest, even Storybook! With Applitools, you can validate visual differences on a wide range of browsers and viewports. By using different comparison algorithms (exact, strict, layout and content), you have different options to compare images and can cater different scenarios such as dynamic data or animations.

Rather than taking a screenshot, Applitools will extract a snapshot of your DOM. This is one of the reasons why visual tests are fast to run in Applitools. Once the DOM snapshots have been uploaded to the Applitools Cloud, the Applitools Ultrafast Grid, which offers users a way to render screens in multiple browsers and viewports simultaneously to generate the screenshots and do the AI powered image comparison.

Getting Started

To get you started, you need to install the following package to your project. This is specific to Cypress so you would need to install the correct package depending on your test framework of choice.

npm i --D @applitools/eyes-cypress

Once this has been installed, you need to configure the plugin and the easiest way to do this is to run the following command on your terminal

npx eyes-setup

This will automatically add the necessary imports needed to get Applitools working in your Cypress project.

Writing our first test with just Cypress

Let’s start doing some coding and add some validations on a sample react image app that I created a while back. It is a simple image gallery which uses unsplash API for the backend. An example github repo which contains the different code examples can be found here.

Our Cypress test can look like the following code snippet. Keep in mind, this only asserts the application to some extent. I can add more code to verify that it has the correct CSS attributes but I don’t want to make the code too lengthy.

Writing our first test with Cypress and Applitools

Now, let’s look at how we can write the test using Cypress and Applitools.

Applitools provides the following commands to Cypress as a minimum setup. `cy.eyesOpen` initiates the Cypress eyes SDK and we pass some arguments such as our app name, batch name and the browser size (defaults to Chrome). The command `cy.eyesCheckWindow` will take a DOM snapshot so every call to this command means a DOM snapshot will be generated. You can call this every time you do an action such as visiting your page under test or clicking buttons, and dropdown menus. Finally, once you are finished, you just call `cy.eyesClose`. To know more about the Cypress eyes SDK, please visit their documentation here to find more information.

In order to run this in Applitools, you need to export an API key which is detailed on this article. Once you have the API key, on your terminal you need to run:

export APPLITOOLS_API_KEY=<your_key>
npx cypress open

Once the test is finished, if you go to the Applitools dashboard, you should see your test being run. The first time you run it, there will be no baseline image then when you reran the test and everything looks good, you should see the following.

Handling Dynamic Data

Since we are using the unsplash API, we don’t have control as to what data gets returned. When we refresh the app, we might get different results. As an example, the request that I am making to unsplash will get the popular photos on a given day. If I reran my test again tomorrow, then the images will be different like the one shown below.

The good thing is we can apply a layout region so the actual data will be ignored or we can also set the match level as Layout in our test which we can preview on the dashboard. If the layout of our image gallery has changed, Applitools will report it as an issue.

Making code changes to our application

Now, let’s create some changes in our application (code references found here) and introduce the following:

  • Update the background colour of the search bar (bug)
  • Add a new footer component (new feature)
  • Remove camera icon on the subtitle (bug)

If we run the test where we only use Cypress, how many of these changes do you think your test will catch? Will it catch that there is a new footer component? How about updating the background colour of the search bar? How about the missing header icon? Probably not because we didn’t write any assertions for it. Now, let’s rerun the test written in Cypress and Applitools.

Looking at the image above, it caught all the changes and we didn’t had to update our test since all the maintenance is done on the Applitools side. Any issues can be raised directly on the dashboard and you can also configure it to integrate to your JIRA projects.

Cross Browser Visual Validation

To run the same test on different browsers, you just need to specify the browser options on your Applitools configuration. I’ve refactored the code a bit and created a file called `applitools.config.js` and moved some of the setup we added initially in our `cy.eyesOpen` in this class.

Just simply reran your test and check the results in the Applitools dashboard.

Final Thoughts

This is just an introductory post on how you can use Applitools so if you want to know more about its other features, check out the following resources:

While open source pixel by pixel comparison tools can help you get started with visual testing, using Applitools can modernize the way you do testing. As always, do a thorough analysis of a tool to see if it will meet your testing needs ?

The post Modern Cross Browser Testing with Cypress and Applitools appeared first on Automated Visual Testing | Applitools.
